Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Hero ❯ 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Firebird Phoenix
Chapter VIII

Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Gaia were making there home when Jupiter spoke up.

"I can't leave Duo like this I have to make sure he's ok."

"Ok you go; I'll see you back home." Jupiter went back to the store where they left the boys luckily they were still at the store.

"Someone stole our car!" exclaimed Duo, "That is a pain." Said Duo; they started to walk back to there home which was a good mile from there. Jupiter transformed back to her normal self jumped down into an ally.

/Ryuu I need you to go home and get the BMW ok?/

/Fine, I'll go but I'm not happy about it./ Lita giggled at Ryuu's actions he didn't like anybody aside from the scouts and few others like Luna and Artamis. A few minuets later Ryuu appeared on the street with the car.

"Thanks Ryuu."

"Yea, yea," Said Ryuu shrinking his size to a gardener snake, Lita started up the car and was off to find her brother and his friends.

Duo and the guys were slowly making there way home on the abandoned street, that's why Hiero chose the street to go down, because no one ever comes down, so there wasn't any need to worry of someone stopping and ask questions. But it just so happens that a car started to drive down the road, they ducked into an ally, watching the car drive down the street wondering who might be in it and if they'll stop. Duo kept his eyes on the driver door the person's arm was hanging out of the window, laying against the door, Duo watched as a Ryuu started to move its way down the person's arm, Duo stepped out the ally into the light.

"Lita?!" the car came to a screeching stop; Lita moved her face into the light and said.

"You called?" smiling sweetly. Duo limped his way over to the car placed his arm on the roof resting his tired body.

"Are you a sight for sore eyes," He said smiling.

"Hop in; I'll give you a lift home."

"And my friends?"
"Yes them too, you should all fit." Duo looked behind him and the others were already coming up to the car.

"I got us a lift home," said Duo relieved he didn't have to walk anymore. Hiero and Trowa hung back unsure about the woman she looked identical to the ghost that had been haunting there home during Duo's depression, but she was dead wasn't she?

"Why should we trust this weak onna?" Said Wufei in his normal hate women routine,

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL HER?!" roared a powerful voice form the car, Ryuu flew out of the car window growing fast, in no time Ryuu was his normal size hovering above the boys blowing lightning bolts into the air. Ryuu focused all his attention and anger on the human foolish enough to bad mouths his Princess. Ryuu was planning a little Wufei for supper.

"You had better apologize to my Lady or I shall pick you meat from my teeth with your bones." Said Ryuu flashing his pearly white sharp teeth, Wufei gulped and swallowed his pride.

"Sorry." Wufei crossed his arms and pouted. The boys starred at Ryuu all their beliefs of dragons went out the window

"If any of you get any bright idea's about doing anything to harm and or wrong doings to my Lady then they shall be your last." Threatened Ryuu, he would back up his threat to the boys. Ryuu shrunk back to his original size before the problem with Wufei and parked himself on the dashboard of the car.

"Well… that was new, hey Lita that ride still good?" asked Duo trying to forget the vicious Dragon on the dashboard.

"Of course," Hiero and Duo sat up front and Trowa, Wufei, and Quatre. Duo was in the middle and having a staring contest with Ryuu.

"I never got your names?" said Lita trying to break the ice and have them forget about the real flesh and blood dragon that threatened them just a few moments ago.

"Oh how rude of us. I'm Quatre Winner, next to me is Wufei Chang and next to him is Trowa Barton, and lastly Hiero Yui next to Duo." said Quatre in his sweet and kind voice.

"Tell me Miss Maxwell, what do you do for a living?" asked Quatre hoping to get some kind of information about her.

"Miss Maxwell? My name is not Maxwell its Kino. What have you been up to Tyrus?" said Lita acting like she didn't know why he changed his name; he wanted to keep the memory if the Maxwell Church alive in his heart.

"Umm...... You see." Said Duo trying to come up with a way to explain his reason for his name change with out opening the painful old wounds of the Maxwell Massacre, Lita just smiled understandingly.

"Don't worry about it." Duo smiled at her, she still was the same understanding sister he knew and loved, she never changed but still there was something about her that was different almost too old. The rest of the trip back to the boy's place was quite; Hiero was especially quite he just stared out the window never glancing at Lita he was confused, how could she be alive if he's seen her ghost at there house? That can't be possible.

'This is such a headache.' Hiero was jolted out of his thoughts when the car came to a stop; all the boys exited the car but Duo.

"I want to see you again Lita." Said Duo not wanting to let his sister leave his sight for fear she might never come back.

"Lily and I are going ice skating tomorrow, why don't you and your friends come with us?" Lita hoped most of all that Hiero would come; she wanted to learn more about him and maybe just maybe melt his frozen heart.

"I can't speak for the others, but I will definitely come." Lita smiled at him, Duo use to dream of hearing her voice, see her smile again, it was almost was to good to be true, if this was a dream Duo never wanted to wake up.

"I have to get going Duo." Duo jolted out of his thoughts he noticed he was still sitting in Lita's car, his face turned ten shades of red.

"He, he, he, he, he, I meant to do that." Duo said, Duo walked in to the house after waving good bye to Lita and started looking threw the closets for ice skates while looking threw the hall closet Hiero came out of his room. He couldn't explain his feelings when he was around Lita, his heart began to pound when he saw her face or heard her name, when he was around her he couldn't think of anything to say to her it was like all the knowledge he learned evaporated. Relena never made him feel this way, just thinking of her sent shivers down Hiero's spine.

"What are you doing Duo?" asked Quatre coming out to investigate the racket Duo was making.

"Oh, hey Q-man Lita invited us ice skating with her and Lily." Said Duo with his face bared in the closet.

"Well I can't go I have a business meeting tomorrow, and Trowa is going to see Catherine, so you only have Wufei and Hiero to go with you." said the compassionate pilot.

"I am not going ice skating with that weak onna and her insane Dragon!" Bellowed Wufei from the kitchen,

"No sense asking Hiero he wouldn't go unless it's a mission, Oh well I have my sister all to myself." Said Duo finding a pair of skates,

"I will go with you Duo." said Hiero from the top of the stares catching Duo and Quatre off guard. It hurt Hiero what Duo had said, but sadly it was true he didn't know how to have fun, all his life he spent training, learning to be the perfect soldier. He often envied the children that could go to the park and play in the puddle's that was the one thing he always wanted to do.

"Cool." Said Duo his eyes glittering like a child on Christmas morning,


"Lily, are you here?" called Lita into the empty hallway shutting the front door behind her.

"In the kitchen Lita," Called Lily, Lita walked threw the swinging door leading to the kitchen, it was a large kitchen the counters were made of marble and an island with a marble top, and there was a stainless steal fridge with an oak table and chairs.

"I can't go skating with you; I have to go settle a fight between a Wood fairy and an Ice fairy." Said Lily putting her cup of tea down,

"Ok, I hope it doesn't keep you to long," Said Lita giggling, though inside she was happy she wanted Duo and Hiero to herself

"And besides Duo said he would come. I'm hoping he brings his friend Hiero with him." said Lita blushing.

"Like him do you." said Lily, she had known Lita for so long even in the Silver Millennium before she went to the Moon Kingdom. Lita was never truly happy on the Moon or on Jupiter; she had defeated her father two months before she went to the Moon because she was too young to ascend to the throne so she left for the Moon. Queen Serenity offered to educate Lita on how to rule a planet, normally the parents would do that but with her father banished and mother passed on she needed another to do that.

"Oh my yes, he's cute but he is very cold and I want to warm him up bring life back to his cold heart." Lily smiled at Lita, she did deserve love true love, and perhaps this Hiero can give it to her.


Later that evening Hiero could do nothing but toss and turn he decided to go get a snack maybe he could sleep then. Upon entering the kitchen he found Duo sitting over a hot cup of cocoa.

"Duo what are you doing up?" said Hiero getting a glass of milk and sitting down next to him.

"I doubt I could sleep, I'm too excited." Said Duo smiling into his cup, Hiero gave him a She's a spy sent to kill us look. He couldn't help it was like his mind was forced to think that way, no matter how mush he didn't want it too.

"I know what you're thinking Hiero and I don't care if by some chance Lita was sent to kill us. Then I will die happy because I finely have my sister back, I have dreamt for the past eight years she would come back someday and now that I finely have my wish I will never give it up." Said Duo fighting not to cry he had been so lonely these past years only the thought of his sister one-day returning gave him the strength to go on, Hiero sighed deeply and didn't something he had never done before.

"I don't blame you Duo; in this life of death we lead we made many sacrifices that we regret. One of which was giving up our lives so we may become heartless demons of the night, but you have the chance to gain back your life before all this nightmare started, many of us would give our lives for that chance." Said Hiero actually opening up to someone and expressing his feelings something he had never done.

"Your right Hiero, my sister once told me in a dream after she left, 'You may give up everything even yourself for some reason someday, but know that you could always find your self again if you look hard enough.' It's almost as if she knew what I would become when I got older." Said Duo remembering the night Duo had finely gone to sleep after sister left, Duo couldn't close his eyes with out imagining the deaths of his friends and father Maxwell and Sister Helen. His body forced him to sleep at first he had nightmares of them dying of them calling to him in the darkness but every time just as he was going to reach them they would be killed and he would fall into the abyss.

"That's impossible Duo." said Hiero his practical mind could never believe in magic or anything of the sorts; then again he did see a real life dragon earlier that evening.

End Chapter: