Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Pearls of Experience ❯ The Youma and the Ginzuishou ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Trigun or Sailor Moon

Sharem: Hi everyone…^_^ I know, I have other stories that I need to finish but this one just wouldn't leave my mind. This is my first story in the Sailor Moon Crossovers section and the story takes place after the end of both anime.

IMPORTANT! I have a group for my stories…If anyone is interested in getting updates of my stories and discuss them at length, please join my group…^_^ The link is in my profile…^_^

Pearls of Experience

Chapter Ten - The Youma and the Ginzuishou

Chibiusa hugged Ami fiercely, not wanting to let go of the Mercurian. Her crimson eyes were shining with joy and she was smiling from ear to ear. "Oh Ami-chan, I'm so glad that you're awake now," she murmured shakily. "I don't wanna lose you too."

Ami smiled gently down at the little princess and returned the embrace weakly. "Small Lady, you won't ever lose me," she responded gently, giving one of the girl's pink pigtails a playful tug, "and that won't be anytime soon."

Knives had moved aside after the pink spore shoved him away when she held the blue haired doctor tightly. His icy cerulean eyes narrowed for a moment as a thousand ways to torture the little annoying girl went through his mind. He was a little angry that the little girl had interrupted something that felt important to the Plant. His body was not under his control when he was closing in to kiss the former senshi. He really could not understand why he wanted to kiss the woman or even why her little caresses were quite pleasant. That was when he realized that the girl somehow came into the room when he had locked it before.

"Spore, how did you come in here?" he asked nastily. "That door was locked."

Chibiusa glared at the Plant and stuck her tongue out at him childishly. "So what if it was locked? I can open any door that I want with Luna P," she answered airily as if it was nothing. Suddenly, a black ball with the face of a cat, cat ears, an antenna between the ears and a crescent moon on its forehead came floating into the room. It went over to the small princess and hovered above the girl.

As the blonde man and the pink haired girl began to argue about locked doors and how people shouldn't just open them, Ami chuckled to herself as she watched the two. It was amusing to see them interact with one another and would have let it continue for a few minutes more if the doctor knew that her patient wasn't going to react on his violent tendencies. She gently placed a hand on Chibiusa's shoulder and the other hand went to hold Knives' hand.

"Knives, Chibiusa is not a spore," Ami began, ignoring the roll of the Plant's eyes and then glanced warningly at the little princess, "and Small Lady, Knives did not do anything bad to me. In fact, he was the one who brought me out of my coma. He is right, little one, that you shouldn't open locked doors. If they are locked, it is for a good reason."

"But Ami-chan…" Chibiusa tried to explain but was cut off by an icy look on her adoptive mother's face. It was one she had seen before back at Crystal Tokyo when she would goof off in her lessons with the Mercurian. "I understand, Ami-chan, but you know I worry about ya. Oh! I know it's late, but can I go over to Chad's house? He wanted to show me this creature called a Thompson."

The blue haired woman stifled a small giggle before answering. "Of course you can, Chibiusa. Just make sure that you leave some donuts behind for the Lowerys. You're just like Vash when it comes to sweets."

The small princess made a face at Ami and stuck her tongue out again at Knives before leaving the room, Luna P following the girl. She slammed the door behind her, making the woman wince for a moment before looking at the man beside her bed. A few minutes earlier, it looked like he was going to kiss her and the thought that he might do it again make her body shiver with some unnamed emotion.

"You are too soft with that spore," Knives remarked maliciously. He received a frown for his comment but just shrugged it off. "If she isn't a spider, but is a creature like you, you should be stricter with that girl. This world is not safe because of the dangerous outlaws that roam freely. Not to mention, all spiders should be exterminated."

Ami coughed for a moment and shook her head. 'He still thinks about killing all humans,' she thought sadly as she gave a shy glance at the tall man. She knew that despite the things that happened while she was unconscious and when she appeared as Lady Mercury in front of the man, Knives was still in emotional pain over the woman called Rem.

"Her name is Chibiusa, not Spore. And using your definition for humans, she is not a spider," Ami remarked in a huff. She really was beginning to tire of insults directed at her young charge. "When she grows older, she will only grow stronger."

"I highly doubt that, Ami," Knives responded, chuckling to himself. He then nearly smacked himself as he realized that he used the doctor's given name again. "But…so I will have a useful arm, I shall TRY to use the spore's real name."

The doctor sighed for a moment and then settled herself on the bed. Even though she just woke up from a coma, she was still very tired. "If I'm feeling up to it, I'll remove your cast tomorrow," she said tiredly and pulled the covers back over her figure. She was glad to do that because someone, probably either Chibiusa or Millie, put her in what she would call a revealing nightgown.

Taking that statement as a dismissal, Knives stood up from his seat and slowly walked over to the door. He put his hand on the doorknob to open the door when he heard the woman speak up one more time.

"Thank you, Knives, for bringing me out of that coma," Ami said softly, a small smile gracing her delicate features.

Knives held his breath for a moment when he saw the smile. It was a genuine one that came from her soul and it showed her kindness and her pure heart. It was also the kind of smile that lit up the eyes, making her eyes appear like sparkling sapphires that were just hewn from the rough stone. The feelings that were rushing through his tall frame were foreign to the tall Plant and he pushed them back into nothingness. He did not want to feel like that…in his mind, it made him weak. So, he just nodded curtly at the Mercurian and silently left the room.

Ami woke up the next morning feeling much better and refreshed. She did not have any disturbing dreams and felt like she could take on just about anything Fate could possibly throw her way. Slowly, she pushed herself to a sitting position and noticed that someone had been in her room sometime during the night. There was a tray of cut up fruit and a glass of milk on the night stand next to the bed and her regular clothing was laid out on a chair.

Smiling, she knew that her adopted daughter, Chibiusa, was probably the one to do something so thoughtful. The doctor slowly got out of the bed and wobbled on her feet for a moment before regaining her balance. 'I should be more careful today,' she thought to herself as she dressed in jeans, a blue linen shirt and black boots. 'I probably am not at full strength yet.' She quickly ate the fruit on the tray and drank the milk quickly as she left her room.

Gradually, she walked through the hallway and smiled as she listened to the sleeping sounds of most of her houseguests. She guessed that Chibiusa and Millie were probably the only ones to be awake at the moment. Heading for the bathroom, she decided that she will wake up Knives and remove his cast as soon as she was done. She was about to open the bathroom door when it opened and collided with someone. She was about to fall down when she felt someone's arms go around her tightly.

"You should watch where you walk, woman," a sardonic voice replied, the tone reaching Ami's ears. She looked up to see the tall blonde Plant holding her. He was smirking about something and she did not like how that smirk looked. "Once you are finished with your…business…in the bathroom, I want you to take this damned cast off of my arm."

The former senshi struggled in his embrace and glared mildly at him as he let her go. She sighed for a moment and then went into the bathroom. She wasn't expecting Knives to be awake this early in the morning, but he was surprising her with his attitude. She brushed her teeth and looked at her appearance in the mirror before leaving the bathroom. Her sapphire eyes seemed to be more tired looking than usual and her dark blue hair had grown. Instead of the normal short pixie-like style, her hair had grown to be just at her shoulders.

Shrugging slightly, Ami left the bathroom and went to her patient's bedroom. She knocked on the door lightly before entering. She noticed that he was sitting on his bed and was not wearing his shirt. His body was toned and muscular and the former senshi felt drawn to the Plant. She blushed slightly at the thoughts going through her head as she went over to a cabinet and unlocked it. She took out a pair of scissors, tweezers, and a small saw.

Knives had to smirk to himself when he saw the blue haired doctor blush. He purposely wasn't wearing his pajama shirt because he wanted to see if he could get any reaction out of the woman. He was rewarded when he saw her blush and chuckled inwardly. He stopped when he saw her get the scissors, tweezers, and the small saw.

"What is that saw for?" he asked, already knowing the answer but had to ask anyway.

"It is needed to take that cast off," Ami answered, not even looking into the man's eyes. She wished she knew why she always blushed whenever she saw any of Knives' skin showing. "If you would just hold out your right arm, I'll take the cast off."

The blonde Plant just nodded as he did as Ami asked. She gently took the arm in her hand and with the saw started cutting the cast off. It took a few minutes to do so and he just watched as the bits and pieces of plaster fell onto the floor and some on the bed. Once all of the pieces were off of his arm, the doctor cut off some of the remaining bits of plaster with the scissors and then wiped it free from the plaster dust. She quickly left the room and came back a few minutes later with a basin of warm water and some wash cloths. The former senshi dipped one of the wash cloths into the water and began to wash away the cast remnants.

Knives watched the entire process, quite fascinated with the process despite he threatened her life once again. When Ami put the small towel down and reached for the tweezers, he realized that he still had some stitches that were on his arm and under the cast. He winced as the doctor pulled the sutures out quickly and well before he could protest or complain. He had to admire the single-minded way she was going about the removal, not even letting him bother her with complaints or death threats.

Just as Ami was cleaning up the mess she had made, she heard a scream inside her mind. 'Chibiusa?!' she thought frantically. She quickly probed for the girl's aura and felt the fear coming from the little princess. She immediately dropped the tools she was using and was about to run to the door when Knives grabbed her arm.

"What is the problem?" he asked, something flickering in his cerulean eyes. The former senshi ignored his look and managed to wrench free from his grasp.

"Chibiusa is in trouble," Ami gasped out as she suddenly felt pain come from the girl. "There…there are some clothes for you in the closet…please, I need to help my daughter!" She took one look at the Plant and then ran out of his room.

The Mercurian flew down the stairs and nearly barreled into both Millie and Wolfwood. She muttered an apology as she bolted from the couple and ran out the door in a hurry. This caused the two to have confused looks on their faces and decided to follow the blue haired doctor. Vash then came running down the stairs because of the commotion he heard. He was pulling on his red trench coat as he called out to Wolfwood to slow down.

"What the hell…" Meryl exclaimed softly as she heard the racket that the others had made and watched Ami run down the street with Millie, Wolfwood and Vash following far behind her. She moved away from her window and dressed swiftly in her usual outfit and grabbed her derringers and put them in her cloak as she dashed out of her room and down the stairs. She left the house with the front door slamming in her wake. This left Knives to his own devices in the house.

Knives was confused as to why everyone would follow that infernal woman. (AN: Yes, despite the fact that he felt compelled to kiss Ami, he still thinks of her as an infernal woman and an annoyance…for now…^_~) Deciding that he should at least keep his idiot brother out of trouble, he decided to dress in the clothing that Ami said was in his closet. He raised an eyebrow at what was inside the closet. There was a pair of black jeans and a black button-up shirt that was trimmed on the edges with stitching that was blood red. There was also a trench coat that was black as well and black boots. He somehow knew that Ami picked out the clothing (AN: She went out shopping some time ago…^_^) and hoped that she had the good sense to get them in his size.

He quickly put on the new clothes and was actually surprised that they fit quite snugly and felt good on his body. The blonde Plant would have admired his appearance in the small mirror that was in the room when he suddenly had to lean on the wall for support. PAIN…intense pain. He felt the pain impact his mind like a Sand Steamer going full blast through the desert. That was when he just knew something was going horribly wrong and had to follow the pain to its source…

Ami followed the source of Chibiusa's painful mental cry and was dimly aware of the others following behind her. The only thought going through her mind was that her adoptive daughter was in trouble and she needed to save her little princess. She felt the feelings of fear were outside the town limits and did not care if anyone was in her way. Once she was sure that no one was around, she pulled out a blue pen from her jeans pocket and shouted out a phrase that she hadn't used in centuries.

"Mercury Crystal Power, Make-up!" she screamed out in desperation. Bright lights surrounded her and blue energy ribbons surrounded her petite body as she felt her power envelop her like a long lost lover. When the energy dissipated, the doctor was no longer there, but was now Sailor Mercury, the senshi of Wisdom and Ice. She was wearing her sailor fuku (AN: It's the one at the end of the series…^_^ I just don't want to describe it in detail.) and instead of the heart-shaped button on the front bow, a silvery locket was in its place instead.

Using her senshi abilities, Mercury ran to the source of her small charge's location and gasped as she finally reached her destination. There, before her, were two youma. They appeared to be grotesque forms of dragons and one was a sickly green in color and the other one was a bright orange. The green one was holding a dead Thompson in its grasp while the other youma had Chibiusa and Chad Lowery pinned to a boulder.

"Let them go!" the Ice Senshi shouted, anger starting to fill her vision. She was not about to let someone she cared about to get hurt.

The green youma just laughed at the sailor senshi and threw the dead Thompson at her. Mercury dodged the creature but was caught unawares by a blast from the orange youma. "Massster wantsss to know your ssstrengthsss," the orange one hissed out slowly, its tongue flicking out every now and then.

The blast from the evil creature sent waves of intense pain throughout the senshi's body. It had been so long since she was attacked by one that she forgot how much pain they can inflict. She could see in the thing's eyes that it was going to attack her again and she braced herself for the onslaught by closing her eyes.

"Get away from Doctor Lady!" a male voice cried out and gunshots were heard. Mercury opened her eyes to see Vash the Stampede firing round after round into the green dragon-like youma but the bullets were having no effect on the creature. She tried to call out to the gunman but something was restricting the use of her voice. She struggled against the pain but every move she made seemed to make the pain more intense. That was when silence seemed to roam the desert and then incredible amounts of energy washed over her, freeing the Mercury senshi from her bonds of pain.

Mercury managed to stand up to see Vash's right arm turn into something strange, yet it pulsated with extremely strong power. Realizing that the Humanoid Typhoon was about to unleash something dangerous, she ran to Chibiusa and Chad. She grabbed the two children in her arms and ran, thanking whatever gods there be that both youma had their attention on the gunman. She suddenly saw Wolfwood, Millie and Meryl hiding behind some large boulders and ran to them with the children.

Once she was in front of her friends, she held up a hand to keep them from asking any questions. "Watch Small Lady and young Chad," she stated in a no-nonsense tone that tolerated no argument. "I have to help Vash defeat those youma." With that said, Mercury ran towards Vash so she could help the golden haired man.

Just as she was about to be at the outlaw's side, something grabbed a hold of Sailor Mercury. She almost screamed when she realized that it was Knives. He looked angry at something and she did not want to know what the Plant was thinking at the moment. He looked like he was ready to kill anything that got in his way.

"You and I shall talk when this is over," Knives seethed, as he directed his anger at the senshi and then turned his attention to the two youma. "But first…those t hings need to be dealt with…"

He lifted up his right arm and Mercury noticed that the Plant was holding a large black gun in his hand…the same arm that was in a cast just a few minutes earlier. She sense power coming from him and recognized that it was similar to the energy that was being emitted by Vash. Her mouth dropped open as she saw his own arm changing to be almost the same as his twin's.

They were Angel Arms…how Mercury knew what the arms were called, she did not know. She stepped away from both men and watched in horrified fascination as she watched both men's arms glow brighter than the suns and fire at the two youma. When the energy emissions from the Angel arms hit the intended targets, the area became so bright that the Ice Senshi had to cover her eyes so she wouldn't be blinded from the light.

When the brightness finally faded away, it appeared that both dragon-like youma were gone. But then Vash screamed out in pain as something pushed him down and made him lose his concentration and his Angel arm disappeared, leaving his right arm bloody and his trench coat tattered and torn. The same then happened to Knives as he was knocked off his feet as well. His black gun was ripped his grasp and his arm returned to normal. Before Mercury could do anything about it, she was knocked off her feet as well.

When all three people looked up, they saw one very angry green youma. "You killed my brother!" it screamed in anger, its eyes glowing bright red. "Massster be damned…I will kill you all!"

"No you won't!" a female voice called out. "Jupiter Oak Evolution!"

The youma didn't have time to dodge the attack as the 'leaves' from Sailor Jupiter sawed into the creature. It howled in pain as purple blood oozed from the numerous cuts on its skin. Jupiter then cried out another attack and lightning seemed to flow from the green-clad senshi and strike the enemy. She jumped out of the way when it fired back with black energy bolts. She did that for a couple of minutes when one of the black bolts struck her ankle. The brunette fell to the ground hard and glared angrily at her attacker.

"You are the other sssenssshi massster talked about," the youma hissed loudly, its tongue raking over Jupiter's injured leg. Vash and Knives struggled to stand back up but found that they were tied to the ground by some sort of energy manacles. Mercury then noticed that she was in the same position as the two Plants. She struggled anyway and caught the attention of the evil creature. It hissed menacingly at the Ice Senshi.

"Massster Jedite will be pleassssed," the youma declared, its eyes trained on the blue haired senshi. "But I will sssstill kill you!"

Mercury struggled some more and her eyes widened as she saw the creature spy the small forms of Chibiusa and Chad. It fired black energy bolts at the children and Meryl and Millie. The women pushed the children out of the way and they just barely escaped being singed by the creature. The dragon-like being flew towards the four and pounced on them, causing the pink haired girl to fall on her face. Chad fell down as well, but he covered his friend's body with his own, intending on protecting the little princess. Just as the youma raised its claws to strike the final blow, something amazing happened.

The blue haired senshi screamed. Just as she screamed, a silvery blue glow surrounded her and Sailor Mercury was no longer standing. In her place was a woman in a light blue princess dress, holding a staff with the symbol of Mercury on the top. Her sapphire eyes were as cold as ice and the anger radiating from her was palpable.

"You will not harm the princess," she stated in a voice so cold that it seemed to drain anyone close to her of heat. "She is the heir to Crystal Tokyo and my charge and adopted daughter. I, Lady Mercury, will not allow her death to happen, Dragon Youma. Ginzuishou, please help me and give those who need the strength the power to defeat my enemy!"

A warm silvery light appeared in front of the royal Mercurian and the Silver Crystal emerged in front of her chest. It flew away from her and suddenly split into five pieces. One went into Chibiusa; that much was obvious to anyone who knew of the Silver Millennium. Another shard went into Lady Mercury. But for some unknown reason, two of the shards were drawn into the twin Plants. Both Vash and Knives screamed in pain as the crystal pieces went deep into their bodies. The fifth piece, however, shot up into the sky and headed into an unknown place on the planet.

Lady Mercury stared in shock as she watched Knives and Vash stand up and Chibiusa approached the two men. She grabbed their hands and the power of the crystal surged between them and herself and the silver energy poured out of them and into the enraged youma. It screamed so loud that everyone that did not have any crystal in them had to cover their ears. Suddenly, the youma exploded in a sparkle of silver lights that scattered over the desert sands.

When they knew that the danger was gone, Meryl and Millie came out of their hiding spot with Wolfwood not far behind and went over to the people who fought the evil creatures. Jupiter had already reverted back to Lita Lowery and her little brother was at her side. Vash stared at his hands and at the pink haired girl who had collapsed at his feet. He gently picked up the little girl and gave Meryl a look of confusion and sadness. Meryl went up to the outlaw and placed a hand on his arm in sympathy. What came next shocked the two Insurance Girls and Wolfwood.

Knives crawled over to Lady Mercury who had just reverted back to Ami Mizuno. She was in a fetal position on the ground but conscious. He caressed her hair for a moment before picking her up gently and rose to a standing position. He glared at everyone who was staring at him and started walking back to New Pueblo.

"Stop staring at me," he growled loudly as he noticed Lita being helped up by her little brother and Millie was helping the brunette as well. "If you do not wish to be covered in sand, I suggest that we leave. Now. A sandstorm in brewing and I don't think that you pathetic spiders can handle that. Come along, brother." At that, he turned his back to the group of people and left them behind, not caring if they followed him or not. His primary concern was that of the woman in his arms. He wanted her to be well enough so she could explain why that silver crystal thing split up and why one of the pieces went inside his body.


"DAMN IT ALL TO HELL!" Jedite cried out in anger. He had managed to get the view screen in his office to show scenes from Gunsmoke and he witnessed the entire fight between the youma, the senshi and the two strange men. "TIDUS!"

The dark haired second in command did not hesitate to make her presence known to her commanding officer. "Yes, my General?"

"Those youma of yours...they tried to kill the senshi and the two strange beings," Jedite growled, his eyes narrowing at the woman. "And they were supposed to be your best ones? They were a joke!"

"I'm…I'm sorry, milord. I did not know that they would do such a thing," Tidus tried to explain.

Jedite stood from his desk and went over to the woman. He backhanded her in the face, causing the commander to fall to the floor. "Remember, Tidus, I do not tolerate failures. Because of your incompetence, those youma you sent caused the Ginzuishou to split into five pieces. Two of the shards implanted themselves into those two strange men. They both exhibited great power…power that I might have been able to attain if not for your moronic minions. One of them had a red aura tinged in black while the other was red tinged with white. Now…I have a new mission for you."

Tidus, eager to please, stood up from the floor and wiped blood from her mouth. "I'll do anything to redeem myself, milord," she exclaimed, her head bowed before her general.

"Use the ruby transporter and go to Gunsmoke. I know that it will be a one way excursion, but I have need of you to do something. I want you to learn about those two men…and why they appear to have so much power."

Tidus paled at the prospect of leaving the safety of the confines of the ship. But knowing that refusing the mission would mean her death, the commander saluted the blonde general. "Yes sir. I shall endeavor to make you proud of me."

"And remember…do not let the senshi know that you are present. You may send weak youma to keep the senshi and the strangers off balance."

"Yes sir!"


AN: Woo! Another chapter finished and I think that it's the longer yet at over 4500 words…^_^ I'm so happy. I hope that people liked the fight scene with the youma…I really didn't know how to describe those creatures…*sweatdrops* Things should really start heating up now, eh? ^_^