Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Path of Discovery ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"Do you realize the trouble you put me through?" said Usagi, in front of the bathroom door. "I mean, you just can't do things like that!"

"Relax, Usagi-chan..." said the voice coming from the other side. "All has been taken care of and I have already enrolled myself at Jyuuban College..."

"Yah! That's what I was afraid of..." mumbled Usagi.

"Now, girls!" yelled Ikkuko, "Hurry up or you'll both be late. Redi-chan, you really don't want to pick up Usagi-chan's bad habits..."

"WHAT? That is, like, so unfair to me..." said Usagi and added under her breath. "I swear that little brat is going to be the death of me, yet!" She started to squirm before the door. "Hurry up... I have to goooooo!" On the other side of the door there was a small giggle.

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Taiki was driving Seiya and Kurama back to class. They had just finished their first song practice. Everything went fine. Akane was pleased that Kurama had taken the role. Seiya was trying to reach Yaten on his cell phone.

"I get the recording. I guess Yaten is still asleep..." said Seiya.

"I'm afraid Yaten is going to be like that for a few weeks..." replied Kurama, going over his school papers and projects he had to hand in that day.

"That's what Ami-chan told me..." added Taiki. He frowned. "Say... Isn't that Mako-chan walking to school?" Seiya nodded. Taiki smiled and pulled over next to her. Kurama opened the door.

"Say, Mako-chan... Going our way?" smirked Seiya.

"Oh! Ohayo, guys... How's Yaten?" asked the brown haired girl as she got into the van. Kurama gasped. Behind her he was sure he saw a dark form jump from a nearby tree. Hiei? he thought.

"As well as can be expected, considering..." said Seiya. "Oh! I hope you girls didn't forget that we need you tonight... We are starting to really put this show on the road and we need everybody present tonight..."

"By the way, Kurama, do you know how we can get a hold of Hiei? We were wondering how to contact HIII..." Taiki applied the brakes. Hiei's upside down head had just popped up in front of him.

"HIEI!!!???" yelled Taiki. "You scared the crap out of me!"

"Humpt!" replied the koorime as he disappeared from view.

"Is he on the roof?" asked Seiya. Just then Hiei's upside down head reappeared at Taiki's open window, scaring Taiki once again. Makoto couldn't help but chuckle. Hiei looked at her with a very faint smile, but returned his attention to Taiki.

"You wanted to see me?" Hiei asked matter of factly.

"Ha, yes." replied Taiki, after he regained his composure. "Hiei, we're asking everyone we know if they want to join us in the play..."

Hiei looked at Taiki suspiciously. Kurama had a sly smile.

"That's right, Hiei. All the girls they know have been asked. Even Mako-chan will be in that play." said Kurama.

"Hum..." mumbled Hiei. "I don't know..."

"Well, think about it Hiei..." said Seiya. "Oh! And if you see Yuusuke and Kuwabara, could you ask them to come with you tonight around six? I know it's early but we'll have dinner for everyone who will attend."

"And I even baked a cake..." chimed Makoto, smiling. Hiei's mouth started to water. Maybe he would attend, just out of curiosity.

"I'll tell them..." said Hiei. He disappeared from view and jumped from the car to a tree.

"Wait!" said Taiki. "Will you be there?" But it was too late Hiei was already far away. Taiki sighed, "I wished he'd told us if he would have come or not..."

"Oh... I have a hunch he will come..." smiled Kurama. "Indeed I do..."

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After dropping off Kurama, they headed for Jyuuban College after they parked the van. Taiki. Makoto and Seiya got out and started to walk toward the school. That's when Seiya first saw her.

Seiya stopped dead in his tracks and blinked. He let go of his school bag and rubbed his eyes. Both Taiki and Makoto stopped and looked at him strangely. Taiki looked in the direction that Seiya was looking and gasped. Makoto turned herself to look at what was so extraordinary.

"I'm seeing double..." said Seiya, unbelieving. Walking towards them, next to Mamoru and Ami, were two Usagi's. Well, they weren't exactly alike. The girl on the right had pink hair and red eyes. She wore her hair in the same manner as Usagi but her Odango were more pointed. It was as though she was a reflection in a mirror. Seiya felt his heart skip a beat and his mouth go dry. She was just as beautiful as Usagi.

"If you're seeing double Seiya,... so am I!" said Taiki completely baffled. Makoto beamed and ran to the girl.

"Chibi-Usa???!!! Is that you?" she hugged the pink haired girl.

"Hai!" giggled the girl. Just like Usagi, thought Seiya as he looked at her reaction. "I'm back! Mama gave me permission and I'm no longer Chibi... I liked to be called Redi... Redi-chan if you'd like."

"Makoto-sama!" piped in a voice that came from Redi's handbag. "Ohayo gozaimasu!" Makoto giggled as she saw a gray cat poke her head out.

"Di-Diana! My! You have grown too!" The gray cat giggled.

"That's what Artemis-papa said when he saw me..."

Seiya hadn't moved. He was transfixed by the twin vision of loveliness. His jaw hung open and Taiki eyed him suspiciously. He put his hand under his brother's mouth and closed it. Seiya's teeth made a click sound as the mouth closed.

"Huh... Seiya... Yoo hoo! Come back to Earth, Seiya..." said Taiki, waving his hand in front of Seiya's eyes. Seiya blinked. "HA! There you are..." added Taiki. "I'm sorry you had a skirt in your eye." Seiya glared at him.

"Oh! Are those the Three Lights?" gleefully said Redi. She looked at Usagi. "Well? Aren't you going to introduce me?" Usagi glared at Redi.

"And what am I supposed to say?" Usagi mumbled. "Oh! Ohayo! Here's Small Redi Serenity Usagi Tsukino, my future daughter from the 30th Century..."

"Why not? You always told me to say the truth..." replied her future daughter. "Aaa? I see Seiya and Taiki... Where's Yaten?"

"Yaten is sick with mononucleosis," said Ami. She beamed and ran to Taiki. She quickly kissed him telling him she missed him the evening before.

Redi marched right up to Seiya. "Ohayo!" she chimed. "You must be Seiya, my name is Redi Tsukino. I am Usagi-chan's daughter from the future..." Usagi and Mamoru sweatdropped. They couldn't believed she just said that.

"Nanni?" said Taiki. He looked at Ami as she nodded, and told him it was true. Seiya smiled as if he had only heard her name.

"Hajimemashite, Redi-san. Seiya Kou desu, dozo yorishiku." said Seiya completely smitten by her. Redi noticed and so did Mamoru who was beginning to show some reticence at this budding flirt.

"Dozo... Seiya-kun. You don't mind if I call you Seiya-kun, ne? And please call me Redi-chan. That's what all my good friends call me." She told Seiya.

"R-Redi-chan... I am very pleased to meet you..." replied Seiya his blue eyes locked with her red ones.

"Likewise..." she replied with a smile.

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Noon was almost there. Hiei was in a tree in the Jyuuban College school yard. He waited for the two brothers to come out for lunch. Yes, he waited for them and nobody else, he told himself. I will tell them I will be there tonight as well as Yuusuke, Kuwabara and a couple of guys they knew. Then, he would be off. Yes, that's it. No more. He would vamoose. He'd be gone, no reason to stay. None whatsoever, he would tell them, then be off. That was the plan.

The lunch clocked chimed and students came out of the school. He saw a group coming toward his tree. It was them. Good, I won't have to look for them.

"Here! Why don't we go there?" said Makoto, pointing the tree where Hiei was hidden. Did she see me, wondered Hiei. She sat down and opened her bento box. Hiei had a good view of her lunch and it looked downright delicious. He caught himself as he was about to step down of the tree. Baka! He snapped at himself, what do you think you're doing? He sat back down as the others sat next to Makoto.

Hiei looked at the scene below. Seiya was acting like a fool. Just like Kuwabara when he would be speaking to Hiei's sister, Yukina. Yes, he looked like a fool, smiling, laughing, embarrassing himself, just like that fool Kuwabara. Humpt! he thought, no one will get him acting that foolishly. Hiei was about to go when he heard something in the conversation.

"Hum..." said Taiki. "What is this Mako-chan? It sure looks delicious..."

"Oh, that! It's nothing" she blushed. "Would you like some?"

"Oh! I know what that is!" said Ami. "And you should really have a taste Taiki. It's really good."

"Well, how can I refuse? When even Ami-chan tells me to taste it, Mako-chan." Taiki said happily. "If you can spare some then, sure. I would like to have a taste." Taiki reached with his chopsticks and Hiei glared at him as he saw the delicious tasting morsel enter his mouth. He wondered what it tasted like. He resisted the urge to scoop down and take his own portion.

"I wonder, if Hiei got a hold of Kuwabara and Yuusuke..." wondered out loud Taiki when he swallowed his morsel.

"They'll be there, and so will I," came the reply from the tree. Everyone looked up, startled.

"HIEI!??" They all gasped. Hiei poked his head from the foliage. He looked at them. His gaze stopped at Makoto who smiled to him.

"W-well, now you know..." Hiei said. He didn't know why. But part of him told him to go away, to leave. He trusted his instincts and took off. Makoto saw him quickly jump from tree to tree.

"What a strange boy..." she whispered to herself.

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Hiei fumed. He was on his way to the musical practice. Why was he going there? It was stupid. To make matters worse, Yuusuke brought Keiko and Kuwabara had asked his sister to come along.

"Hey! She studies to be a hairstylist and open her own shop... she could help!" said Kuwabara.

Hiei couldn't believe him. He couldn't believe Kurama either. He was walking alongside them his nose in one of his books. He was revising the last of his lessons. Since they had started to walk together towards the practice, Kurama had almost twice knocked himself silly walking into a lamppost.

"Hey, Kurama, lay off the studies will ya? You should do like me and learn to relax a little..." said Yuusuke.

"Hum... that's nice..." said Kurama, his eyes unwavering from his book.

"You haven't heard a single word I said, didn't you?" grumbled Yuusuke.

"Hum... that's nice..." repeated Kurama, while Kuwabara laughed his head off and Yuusuke glared at him. They were arriving to the gymnasium where they would practice. Yuusuke took the book away for Kurama.

"Hey!" shouted Kurama, annoyed.

"We're here... I just thought you wanted to know..." said Yuusuke sarcastically.

"You didn't need to do that... You could have just told me..." said Kurama as he took his book back. Yuusuke fell to the ground, a huge sweatdrop on the side of his head. Kuwabara's thundering laughter was heard as he tried to blink away the tears in his eyes.

"What's HIS problem?" Kurama asked Hiei.

"He's breathing... That's the problem..." grumbled Hiei, that stopped Kuwabara's laughter short as he started to growl at the small koorime who was unimpressed. Kurama sighed and made a small prayer. "Please don't make them embarrass me in front of the others..." he whispered.

Kurama turned around and blinked. "Yukina?" At the front of the gymnasium was the pale green haired girl smiling at them. But Hiei and Kuwabara stopped their arguments.

"Yukina!!!" said Kuwabara smiling to her. "You decided to come..." He forgot all about Hiei and rushed to her side.

"What?" said Hiei coldly. That fool Kuwabara had asked for his sister to be a part of this... He fumed, but as always said nothing.

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Seiya was beaming when he saw Kurama's gang come in. He excused himself to Redi and went to greet the new arrivals. Redi looked at him, he was so much more handsome in person than he was in the picture she had of him back in the 30th Century. She was still musing when she heard a cough. She saw Mamoru looking down at her with a slightly annoyed look.

"Yes, Mamo-chan?" she asked teasingly.

"Redi-chan..." Mamoru's baritone voice uttered. "It's nice that you came back to visit us but must you throw yourself at a guy...? Seiya of all people..."

"I do not throw myself as you say..." pouted Redi. "But! He is rather interesting..."

Mamoru face vaulted. Last time he saw her, she was a sweet little 10 year old looking girl. Now she looked as old as Usagi and she has the same teasing eyes as her mother. Mamoru could only shudder when he thought what consequence this might have. Redi smiled innocently. Just like her mom, thought Mamoru, that's what's scaring me. He knew he couldn't resist Usagi when she had some playful designs in the back of her head. He was really scared that Seiya wouldn't be able to resist himself. Yes, he thought, I better have a talk with HIM, the sooner, the better.

"Don't worry, Mamo-chan." She winked. "Mama told me all about the facts of life." Mamoru's knees gave way as she walked again towards Seiya and his friends.

"You worry too much, Usako, you said..." mumbled Usagi next to him. "You always think of the worse with her, you said."

"Did you hear what your daughter just said to me?" hiccuped Mamoru.

"MY daughter?" glared Usagi. Mamoru bit his lips. He could tell Usagi wasn't to keen on Redi flirting with Seiya herself. When she saw Mamoru's apologizing puppy face of his, she remembered why she couldn't stay mad at him long. She sighed. "Gomen ne, Mamo-chan. I'm just worried about her and Seiya..."

"If Seiya so much as touches one strand of hair, I'll..." started Mamoru growling.

"Do just what my father once dreamt of doing to you?" kidded Usagi. Mamoru blushed. He was beginning to act just like Usagi's father. Usagi turned and looked towards Seiya as Redi hung to his arm. Poor Seiya, she thought. He really doesn't know what he's getting into.

Meanwhile, Seiya was talking to Kurama and his friends.

"Glad you guys made it!" he beamed. He gratefully accepted the help of Kuwabara's sister and told Keiko and Yukina he would be happy to have them on the show for the ballroom scene and if they could play a couple of extras. The two girls giggled and thanked him. When Kurama asked where Taiki was, Seiya winked and told him he was getting a surprise. Kurama was about to ask him what it was when Redi interrupted them.

"Konnichi wa! Kurama-san..." she said as she took Seiya's arm.

"Konnichi wa..." replied Kurama. "Uh... Do I know you?" Seiya introduced Redi to Kurama but she smiled and added.

"Of course, you do!" She giggled. "Especially since there are five little k..."

"Small Lady!" Setsuna interrupted. She rushed to hug Redi and took her away from a puzzled Seiya and Kurama.

"I'm happy to see you too, Puu!" Redi hugged back.

"Me, too" she smiled, but her face darkened slightly. "Small Lady, you know you can't tell people of their future... now promise you won't say a word."

"Awww..." pouted Redi. "Okay, I understand, but they are so happy..."

"If you say something about their future you might end up destroying it. I know it's hard but it would be for the best if you kept it to yourself. Especially..." Setsuna's eyes darted to another person. Redi nodded, a little sad. "They must learn for themselves, Small Lady, do you understand?"

Redi nodded. She promised she would be very careful about what she said. Setsuna nodded and let her go to Hotaru who had just arrived. She sighed looking at the two girls hug. That was her curse. She knew what would happen. She also knew how it would finish. Small Lady would just have to learn by herself. She couldn't interfere.

Kurama was wondering what Seiya had meant by that when he saw Taiki and Yaten walking towards him. Kurama smiled at Yaten, who looked so tired still. He went to them. There was a gasp then a small cry as Hotaru ran up to Yaten as she wanted to give him a HUGE hug. Kurama had barely time to scoop up the little girl in his arms preventing her from tackling Yaten.

"HOTARU!" scolded Haruka, "We told you that Yaten was really sick..."

"No harm done..." assured Kurama.

"But I wanted to give him a BIG hug to make him feel better!" pouted Hotaru.

"Yeah, maybe, but you didn't have to tackle him to the ground. In his state, it could have been dangerous..." Haruka fumed. Hotaru apologized.

"It's okay." said Yaten softly. "You can give me a hug." Yaten opened his arms and Hotaru beamed she very carefully hugged him.

"Aww... and me without my camera." teased Haruka.

Yaten smiled. "You know if I had hugs like that everyday, I'm sure I'd feel better real fast." Yaten facevaulted as Hotaru squeezed him tighter. "Hotaru-chan... I can't breathe..."

Kurama and Haruka chuckled as the little girl said she was sorry again. Yaten winked to her and petted her hair. She blushed and ran off returning to Redi. Haruka shook her head.

"It's a wonder, how you can be so nice to her..." said Haruka.

Yaten sighed, looking at Hotaru. "Simple, she reminds me of my little sister Shanna..." he whispered. Haruka felt embarrassed. She knew too well now that Yaten's sister had died a most horrible death. Yaten smiled at her. "Don't worry, I don't feel sad but happy. It makes me feel like she didn't really die..." Haruka nodded and told him that maybe he and his brothers could come visit the mansion more often. Yaten told her he would tell Seiya and Taiki of her invitation.

Kurama then helped Yaten to a chair. "I wasn't kidding, you know... I'd really like a hug to make me feel better..." Kurama smiled. He was about to hug Yaten when they both remembered they weren't alone.

"Can I give you a rain check on that particular item?" asked Kurama. "And maybe I could add an extra later on this evening..." Yaten blushed slightly, knowing all too well that extra meant a kiss. Yaten nodded, smiling.

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Kurama stretched. He was getting tired. The practice was almost at an end, since the girl that did Sarah wasn't there he couldn't practice the dance alone. So while everyone was busy, he checked on Yaten. He shook his head. Yaten was sleeping his head hunched forward. Kurama, eyeing some gymnasium mats, thought Yaten would be much better in a reclining position than all crumpled up like he was. He arranged a makeshift bed for Yaten. Using his jacket, he formed a pillow.

He was taking Yaten in his arms when Keiko and Yukina arrived. They made no sound. They didn't want to wake Yaten. Keiko watched, intrigued at Kurama's tenderness and the complete trust she could read on Yaten's face as he rested his head against the redhead's chest. If I didn't know better... she started to think as she watched Kurama very gently and with outmost care place the silver haired boy on the mat. Both girls watched transfixed as the two of them exchanged a few whispered words.

Keiko eyes grew wide when she saw Kurama brush away a stray hair from Yaten's brow. The gesture seemed like he cared for the Idol Singer, a lover's touch. She let out a small cry when she saw Kurama bend to Yaten's brow and give him a sweet kiss.

"OMIGOD!" She put her hand before her mouth realizing she had spoken out loud. Kurama froze and turned to look at her and Yukina. Yaten sensing that something was wrong, called out.

"What's wrong, Ku-chan?"

"KU...KU-CHAN????!!!!" Keiko repeated, she couldn't believe it. "You mean, you and Yaten Kou... are... are..." She couldn't even finish the sentence.

"Oh my!" said Yukina, blushing. Just then Kuwabara's sister: Shizuru came in, she just heard everything. Kurama was mortified, as if it wasn't enough that Keiko and Yukina looked at him with such eyes.

But Shizuru just took her cigarette out of her mouth and simply said. "Yeah, so?... If they're happy, what's YOUR problem?" She put her arms around the two girls and turned them around, leading them away. "Don't worry you two, they'll get over it..."

"You... You already knew?" asked Kurama. She didn't reply and just winked.

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"WHAT!!???" said a voice. "You idiots failed?"

"We beg your forgiveness, oh great one. The one you seeked was helped. We could not foresee it..." said one of the demons that attacked Hiei.

"As well you didn't foresee... THIS!" The figure in darkness uttered a few words and the one kneeling before it was now encased in a solid block of ice. There was the sound of a sword being taken out of a scabbard then the demon was neatly cut in two from top to bottom. The other demons gasped in awe. Their employer's sword had already returned to it's scabbard as though it had never left.

"I won't tolerate another goof off... Have I made myself clear?" The creature glared at the demons who nodded and scurried away. Three other figures appeared on the darkness.

"Those are just hum drums..." the figure continued for the benefit of the new arrivals. "The one I seek to exert my revenge upon has gained new powerful allies." The figure uttered a few cabalistic words and a disk appeared before them, showing them the demons that were just sent away. "Study them... and then, bring me Hiei. His head still attached to his body so I can make him pay for my brother's death..."