Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Path of Discovery ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"Finally we are in our new home!" Hikoku said, happily. She gave a look to her roommate and long-time friend Yuukana. "You still have that headache, ne?"

"Hai..." Yuukana said. "It's one of my worst migraine attacks to date..." She slumped on the small sofa. Luckily, she thought, the apartment was furnished.

"We have some groceries to do..." started Hikoku. "But you look so terrible. I'll go and you go lie down for a while..." She half expected her friend to tell her that no, she was okay and that she would go with her. But she didn't. Wow, she must really feel bad, thought Hikoku, I better let her rest. "Well I'm off!..." She said simply as she left.

Yuukana stayed about ten minutes looking down on the floor hoping the lack of movement would stop the throbbing pain of her head. It didn't. She felt bad. She got up. Bad move, she thought, and she rushed to the bathroom, where she had nausea. After been sick, she slowly made her way to her bed.

Oh! This is getting worse, she thought. I started to have these migraines about two years ago. The doctors never found the cause of this sudden ailment and they were at a loss to find out what caused her sudden attacks. There wasn't much she could do but wait for the wave to pass. It eventually did.

"I'm so tired..." she said in a weak voice before falling into a deep slumber.

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"WHAT THE?????!!! YOU'RE A WOMAN?" yelled Keiko, looking at Sailor Star Healer.

"Makoto-san... You're a Sailor Senshi also..." said Yukina.

"Listen," said Healer. "I know there is much to discuss but now isn't the time for it. Kurama and the others need our help and we must warn them of the danger."

"I agree. We promise to tell you once we get the boys out of trouble..." said Jupiter.

Yukina and Keiko nodded and they resumed their run. Keiko was more puzzled than before. Then it hit her.


"Okay..." mumbled Healer. "I won't..."

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Tiakko attacked Kurama and Kuwabara by clawing at them. Kurama easily evaded the attack. Kuwabara scrambled away. Tiakko went for the red haired boy, leaving the orange haired one. Huh? puzzled Kuwabara, I thought that guy would have a beef against me. I'm more responsible for Biakko's death than Kurama. He shrugged, no matter.

Meanwhile on the ledge, the woman Makoto knocked unconscious was coming to. "Shimatta!" she cursed. "She actually managed to get to me. I won't be this careless again." Kooriryu jumped down after materializing a scythe and shield. She helped Muraku who had his hands full with the Ningen called Urameshi and the Koorime, Hiei.

"DIE!" she yelled as she plunged her scythe into the Koorime. Hiei managed to twist away, even though he was surprised by her attack. She still managed to slash at his ample black coat, the ice blade almost etching his skin. "KISAMA! FALL DAMN YOU!" She screamed when she realized she only slashed clothes.

Hiei is a man of few words, that is true also in battle. He usually speaks beforehand or when he is separated from his opponent. He gave a few taunts to lure his adversary into attacking him. But when he is under a barrage of slashing weapons, he doesn't shoot his mouth off. Unlike a certain orange haired baka, he thought.

Kooriryu wanted her revenge by killing the person Hiei cared for. That girl was the only person they had found. He even lived with her. She made a face, a Youkai with a Ningen. "You've been corrupted by the Ningen Hiei, but that's to be expected from a Bastard half-breed like yourself.

Hiei bit down a reply and concentrating in making her regret her words with his swordplay. But something was wrong. Hiei could feel himself getting winded with each pass. What the hell was going on?

Kurama reached for the rose hidden in his hair as Tiakko ran to him. "ROSE WHIP!!!" he yelled as he flicked his wrist to slash at the beast rushing him. But the rose stayed as it was. "Nani? ROSE WHIP!" In horror, Kurama realized he no longer had not Youki enough to call upon his whip. Tiakko lunged at him and slapped him roughly against the face. Kurama was catapulted by the violence of the blow.

Kurama shakily got back up. Something is draining our ki, he thought. Is that why they don't attack using their magic, only by weapons alone? He saw Kuwabara attacking Tiakko. Kurama gasped when he saw the Reiken. Already it was losing it's glow. Kuwabara hadn't realized yet.

"KUWABARA! YUUSUKE! HIEI! IT'S A TRAP!!!! WE MUST <ugh>..." Kurama tried to move away but his feet were stuck to the ground. He looked down to the ground and he saw that it was shimmering in a golden lake that went around him in a five foot radius. Kurama paled, he knew all too well what this was... a ReiWyrms.

Yuusuke was too busy battling with Muraku. He was half expecting Muraku to use the same techniques his brother had used. No, he was only attacking him in hand to hand combat, which suited Yuusuke just fine. They were landing each very good punches that would have fallen normal opponents. But Yuusuke felt his strength waning. He couldn't believe it. "It's almost as though I used up my ki, but that's impossible. I haven't done a single Reigun yet!" he grumbled between his teeth. Something wasn't right. He was puzzling when he heard Kurama cry out.

Kuwabara rushed Tiakko, "Look alive, Kurama!" Man! That's weird, Kurama wasn't able to get his Rose whip out, he thought. What gives? He was slashing with his Reiken at Tiakko. He started to feel winded. "What the hell is wrong with me?" he said to himself. "I just started to fight and already I feel tired..." His Reiken was blocked by Tiakko when he heard Kurama cry out.

Hiei wasn't faring much better; he was already sweating. His enemy was still barring down on him so he didn't have time to puzzle upon it much. But he felt his Youki going down at an alarming rate. He heard Kurama yell something. He was about to jump away when he felt stuck. He looked down to see himself surrounded by a golden disk. His opponent jumped away.

"Oh well, at least I get half my revenge..." she gloated and rejoined Muraku that still battled Urameshi Yuusuke.

Hiei tried to escape but he felt even weaker and to his horror, he saw his right arm glowing. The dragon left his arm, sucked away to whatever was in that. Ever slowly Hiei felt himself sink into the golden disk. He looked toward Kurama, the same thing was happening to him.

"HIEI!!!" screamed Jupiter as she got into the large battlefield. She heard Keiko and Yukina voicing their concern to Yuusuke and Kuwabara. Jupiter dashed forward to Hiei as Healer also got out, her scream pierced the battleground.

"KU-CHAAAAAAAAAN!" she cried horrified and she, too, rushed to him.

"MATTE!" yelled Keiko, but it was too late. She managed to hold on to Yukina. "Yukina-chan... You can't go there, remember!"

Yukina gasped. "But what about Makoto-san and Yaten-san?"

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"Mo!" said Michiru surprised, at the news and the fact that Yaten and Kurama's future children were before her, in the present. Well part of the children, if she took into account what Redi had just told them.

Hotaru couldn't help but blush when she saw Shiro. He was as bishonen as his father and his mother (when Yaten was a guy) was. Her heart started to beat a little faster when he looked at her and smiled. She felt her legs start to tremble as though they were now made of Jell-O. He resembled mostly his father and his sister was almost a spitting image of Yaten. But the silver hair gave Shiro a even softer look than his father. I bet, Hotaru thought as she saw him, that girls must be beating a path to him each time he goes out.

"Why are you here?" asked Haruka eyeing the twins suspiciously. Shiroi seemed a little embarrassed by Haruka's gaze, but Haruka shrugged it off.

Shiroi, tossing her red mane, shyly replied. "Kaasan sent us to get our little brother..."

"Before you go, though, there is still the small matter of the rings he's stolen..." said Haruka, the twins looked down at Kiku.

"Kiku-chan! You took some poor peoples' rings..." said Shiro.

"I did not!" spat Kiku back at him. "Those rings belong to Kaasan and Tousan, see?" Kiku opened his hands and showed the rings. There was no questions about it. They were indeed their parents' rings.

"Kiku-chan! You came into the past to steal Kaasan and Tousan's rings? But why?" asked Shiroi. Haruka stepped closer and Kiku cowered into his older sister's arms.

"Because... because..." he started to cry. "Ilostthemandnow KaasanandTousanaremadandit'sallmyfault!"

"Woah! Kiku-chan... Slow down... What did you say?" asked gently Shiro, trying to soothe his younger brother.

"He said..." started Setsuna. "That he lost your parents' ring, that happened while he went into their room. He took the rings and he went to his room, played and forgot about them..." She looked down at Kiku. "Isn't that right Kiku-chan?"

Kiku nodded. "Hai, Setsuna-obansan." he wiped his tears with his sleeves. "And now, Tousan and Kaasan are mad at each other... It's my fault, so I had to fix it..."

Shiroi and Shiro blinked. "Kiku-chan..." started softly Shiro. "If you take the rings into the past... they won't exist in the future."

Kiku blinked. He hadn't thought of that. "But why do Ya-chan and Ku-chan have Kaasan and Tousan's rings?"

"That's because, Kiku-chan..." said Shiroi. "They are Kaasan and Tousan. Ya-chan, it's short for Yaten. That's Kaasan's name and Ku-chan that's short for..."

"Kurama!" beamed Kiku. "That's Tousan's name... But why does he look like that... Tousan looks like me..."

"That's because Tousan still has his Ningen form here. But Tousan was always a Youko. You remember the tales he used to tell us?" Shiro paused until Kiku nodded that he remembered. "His human body passed away before Kassan had you four. This is what he looks like now. Look at me, don't you think I look like Tousan?"

"Yeah, but you got hair the same color as Kaasan..." remarked the little kit.

"And I got Tousan's hair color, when he had still a Ningen body," added Shiroi.

Kiku looked to the ground thinking. It all started to make sense now. Why he felt protected by Ya-chan and always wanted to be with him. Why he smelled like Kaasan so much. Why Ku-chan's scent smelled weird but at the same time familiar. Why he felt so safe sleeping next to him. They were his mother and his father, whom he loved very much. When realization struck him, he started to cry. His sister and brother were there to comfort him.

"Now, Kiku-chan... You have to give back the ring to Setsuna. She will give them back to Kaasan and Tousan." said Shiro, Kiku nodded but he still felt bad.

"But what about their rings?" asked Kiku.

"What? You mean those?" asked Shiro and from one of his pockets he produced the two missing rings. Kiku looked at him wondering where he could have found them. "I found them under your bed. They must have rolled there..." Kiku was so happy, he leaped from Shiroi's to jump at Shiro's throat.

"You could have told me you had those..." said Shiroi, a little annoyed.

"What I don't understand is why Yaten and Kurama sent you to get Kiku-chan? They could have gotten him themselves..." asked Michiru as she took back the rings.

"I'm afraid Kaasan and Tousan were rather occupied..." started Shiro. Kiku's face brightened.

"Is the baby coming out?" asked Kiku.

"Hai, Kiku-chan. Kaasan's baby is coming..." Shiroi turned to the others. "Kaasan was going into labor when she asked us to bring Kiku-chan back..."

Haruka counted how many children Yaten and Kurama now had. "What are they? Rabbits?"

Shiroi chuckled. "That's exactly what Hiei-ojisan said, when Kaasan announced her pregnancy.

"Right! Like he should talk!" said Shiro.

"Oh? I thought you were glad about that fact?" Shiroi counterattacked. Setsuna coughed, signaling to the twins that they were saying too much.

"Well..." blushed Shiro. "I think we better go back..."

"Matte..." said Setsuna. "There is a reason why Yaten asked you to come..." The twins, the rest of the Outers and Kiku looked at her puzzled as she transformed into Sailor Pluto. "It's time for us to go..."

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There was a lone figure watching them battle the Reikai Tantei into a pool of murky water. It studied the surface and in the shadows it gloated. His plan was working as he expected it would. Even now, he saw Healer running to her precious Kurama. Oh, how he would enjoy seeing this. How ironic, they thwarted his plans together and now, they would die together.

He continued to look into his divining pool and chuckled about his clever plan. Controlling those twits into thinking they had enough brains to come up with a plan as brilliant as his. And when the time would could, he, himself, would come and finish things off, slowly, and he would enjoy the agony of his prey. The dark figure started a diabolical laugh that rumbled into the bowels of the Makai where he plotted and watched.

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"HIEI!" yelled Makoto as she saw the Koorime she loved, slowly sinking into that pool. He looked at her shaking his head.

"Mako!..." he said feebly. "Don't come any closer..." But he watched helpless as Jupiter arrived at the edge, extending her hand to him.

"HIEI! GRAB MY HAND!" yelled Jupiter. Behind her, the battle raged on Kuwabara with his Reiken almost the size of a butter knife was fairing badly. Yuusuke sent a Reigun to Kooriryu who deflected it easily.

"HIEI! I'LL PULL YOU OUT!" pleased Jupiter, when he saw her eyes he knew that if he didn't extend his hand that she would come in with him. He couldn't let her get trapped. His hand flew to her. She grabbed him and started to yank. Hiei's face contorted when the conflicting forces where equally tugging at him.

"HIEI! YOUR OTHER HAND, ONEGAI, GIVE ME YOUR OTHER HAND!!!" Hiei tried to twist his body to give her his other hand, he was already waist deep and still sinking. On his arm the Dragon tattoo had almost completely faded away.

"KU-CHAN! NOOO!" yelled Healer, like Jupiter she tried to reach for her love.

"Yaten! No! You'll get stuck too!" Kurama said with such a weak voice that Healer didn't hesitate. She stretched her body to the maximum she could. But her short body didn't help her. She was too far away. She took a step forward into the pool of light.

There was a flash of light as Healer screamed. Her fuku was dissolving into ribbons. Her energy was been sucked away by the ReiWyrm faster than Kurama's energy.

"YATEN! NOOOOO!" Kurama yelled trying to make her release the vise like grip she had on him. But she held on to him with all the strength she had left, trying to find the strength in her love she bore him.

"YATEN LET GO!!!" Kurama pleaded.

"I can't... I won't... Ku-chan... I won't loose you also!!!" she said. Tears started to flow from her eyes. "I won't LOSE YOU!" She prayed, Mama, Papa, Shanna, Loutus, onegai, give me the strength to hold on to him and save him... I love him, I'll die if he does.

Yaten grasped. She felt arms around her waist. She turned her head around. It was Keiko. She was trying to pull her out along with Kurama. "Keiko-chan..." said softly Yaten.

"I'm getting you two out of this... even if it's the last thing I do!" said Keiko, pulling on Yaten who was sinking slowly in herself, the circle grew to grab both of Yaten's legs.

Yuusuke was knocked back by the blows of Muraku and Kooriryu. He landed in a heap next to Kuwabara who was as badly beaten as he was.

"Man..." kidded Yuusuke, trying to keep his friend's morale up. "This is going to hurt come morning..."

"If you think you'll get out of this alive... hehehehe" said Tiakko. "You have another thing coming... Lunch!"

Tiakko grabbed Kuwabara and lifted him up like a rag doll. "Hum, looks like you're tenderized enough... You look good enough to eat!" Tiakko opened wide his maw.

"I never thought I'd finish as cat food..." Cringed Kuwabara. "What a crappy way to go..."


Kuwabara felt a beam of energy pass just over his head and go directly into Tiakko's opened mouth. The giant monster let him go as the beam shot out of its head, killing him.

At the top of the natural ridge that enclosed the battlefield, eight figures stood. Six of them wore a fuku of the order of the Sailor Senshi, the soldier of light.

"You dared to kidnap our friend's loved one for your evil design. You wished to fight dishonorably to get at honorable warriors of the Right!" started Sailor Moon. She then went into the motion of her: "In the name of the Moon..." and each senshi called upon her planet, as did Endymion.

"uh... Do we have time for this?" asked Kuronue, sweatdropping.

"WE'LL PUNISH YOU!!!!" They all said at the same time.

"WILL YOU CAN THE CORNY SPEECHES? I NEED HELP HERE!!!" yelled Keiko at the top of her lungs.

Fighter and Maker gasped "YATEN!" They both sprang to their sibling's aid.

"JUPITER!" Mars and Venus rushed to her, while the others took care of rest.

Yaten, Kurama and Hiei were chest deep now. Both Keiko and Jupiter were having problems holding on to them.

"Yaten-k...chan... Give me your hand... I can't hold on to you!" screamed Keiko.

"K..." said weakly Kurama. "Please... take Kei... ko's hand.... Let... me go..."

"Never! Ku-chan! I'll never let go... I couldn't bare life without you, my love..." Yaten said, tears flowing from her eyes. "I have and will always love you... I want to be with you... forever..."

"Yaten..." choked by emotions Kurama's own eyes started to tear up. "Ai shiteru... That is why you must live..."

"And that is why... Wherever you go... I will follow..." she replied to him.

Meanwhile, Jupiter groaned. Something was tugging at Hiei. She tried to put all her strength in to get him out. But whatever was pulling him down was exerting the same strength at it as she was.

"Mako... Mako, go while you still can..." said Hiei calmly as though resigned to his fate.

"I can't... I can't Hiei... I love you..." She replied. Looking at his blood red eyes, she felt the love he bore her. He didn't even need to say it. "Hiei, you might as well ask me to rip out my own heart..."

Mars and Venus gasped. They had just heard Jupiter confess that she loved Hiei. They froze for a second, that second was enough for tragedy to unfurl.

Something yanked at Hiei strongly. Jupiter, not wanting to let him go, was dragged into the circle with him. Not caring for herself, she pulled with all her might, successfully raising Hiei higher as she herself sank. There was a flash of light and Makoto cried out as her transformation melted. Hiei looked on horrified as he felt Makoto grow weak. They both started to sink faster.

Horrified, Mars and Venus tried to reach Makoto. Hiei tried to push Makoto towards her friends. Mars had almost Makoto's hand that Hiei was helping to give her. When there was another great pull and they both went under.

"MAKO-CHAAAAAN!" Mars and Venus cried.

"HIEI!!!" sobbed Yukina, rushing to the two senshi.

Fighter and Maker were almost there, when Keiko lost her grip on Yaten, something had tugged at them. Yaten, no longer held up by Keiko, was propelled into Kurama's arm. She kissed him fiercely. Kurama cried as he felt her touch his mind.

<I will be always be with you, my once and only forever love.>

<My love, always and forever> came his own reply as he closed his eyes and surrendered to her kiss.

Fighter was reaching for them, when they both were pulled under. "YAAAATEEEEEEN!!!!! KURAAAMAAAAAAAAA!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

On the ridge were they had just appeared Shiro and Shiroi's anguished cries were stuck in their throats. "No..." they whispered horrified as they saw their future parents swallowed into the earth.