Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Matchmaking Scheme ❯ The 'Coincidence' ( Chapter 1 )

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A Matchmaking Scheme

By: Serena

Date started: Saturday, November 25, 2000
Genre: Comedy/Romance
Note: The characters used in this story are not mine. They belong to Naoko Takeuchi and other companies that own Sailor Moon.

Chapter 1-The 'Coincidence'

It was a bright a sunny day when Serena, a fourteen year old girl with the most amazing hairstyle, two long pigtails which reached her ankles flowing out of two buns on the top of her head, skipped happily down the sidewalks of Tokyo, Japan. She was on her way to the temple, where her friends, Ami, Mina, Lita and Raye were waiting. They were supposed to go on a shopping spree for the whole day. I'm so happy, thought Serena. For once, maybe I'll be on time! Serena Tsukino has a reputation for being late to everything, getting bad grades, and not to mention 'klutzing' out over anything. But in reality, even though she didn't seem perfect, everyone loved her. She was always, happy, vibrant, and full of life. But most of all she was so loving and caring. Always putting others before her.
She was just rounding a corner when, THUNK! "Oh I'm so sorry, guess I wasn't looking…." She started to say.

"It's OK meatball head, I'm used to you 'klutzing' out by now," interrupted a male voice.

"Oh it's you Darien, and can you PLEASE for once get my name right?! It's Serena! Got that? S-E-R-E-N-A! Not meatball head!"

"Sheesh meatball head, lower the decibels will ya? Some people don't want to get hearing aids when they're only 20 years old," replied Darien.

"Gosh Darien, my life was perfectly fine until you had to barge in!" Serena yelled at him, then regretting what she said. Darien stood there for a second with hurt evident on his face, but the look went as quick as it came. Serena didn't pay much attention. She picked up Darien's wrist and yelled

"Oh no! I am so late!! Raye's going to fry me!! Bye Darien." And she sped down the street towards the temple. Darien just sighed and went on his way.
I'm such an idiot, thought Serena. Now he probably hates me even more. Oof! He's so annoying! He just thinks that I'm a dumb little Junior High girl who can't walk two feet without tripping over herself! Wait a second, since when do I care what he thinks about me? This is Darien after all; we're supposed to be enemies! We have a reputation of fighting each other whenever we meet it like a tradition. I bump into him, he insults me and calls me meatball head, I insult him back, yada yada yada, and then I get mad and stomp off. This never bothered me before. In fact I'm so used to it now, that it cant be a normal day when we don't bump into each other and start yelling our heads off. It's sort of funny actually. Neither of us know what we say to each other during our little arguments, its like everything happens on instinct. Uh oh thought Serena……….

There was Raye waiting for her, you could practically sea the steam coming out of her ears! "Uh hi guys," Serena said,

"Sorry I'm late, hehe, ran into Darien on my way here."

"Jeez Serena can't you ever be on time?" Raye said.

"Well it's not like you could do any better pyro!" Serena snapped back. And they both stuck their tongues out at each other, beginning one of their infamous tongue wars.

"Guys, try not to fight today, OK?" Their tall friend Lita interrupted in.

"I know, you two fight like children," said Ami. Ami was the smart one of the group, always had her nose in a book. She had short blue hair, with clear blue eyes. Lita, had shoulder length brown hair and jungle green eyes. Mina and Raye both had hair down to their knees, though Raye's was pitch black and Mina's a pale blond. Raye had fiery black eyes and Mina had pale yellow eyes. Though it may not seem like it, Serena and Raye were best friends. "So what about this shopping spree guys?" asked Mina.

"Lets go!" They all screeched in unison.

Meanwhile, Darien was on his way to the Crown Center Arcade. Where his friend Andrew worked. He too thought that Serena hated him and that there was nothing he could do to change that. They were meant to be 'enemies' he thought. His friend Andrew waved him over as he entered the arcade. "Hi Andrew," Darien said as he sat down on a stool. Andrew, who had started wiping the counter, said "Hey, what's up? "Nothing really," replied Darien. "Oh listen, me and the guys are getting together for lunch at the mall, you want to come?" Andrew asked. "Sure why not," Said Darien. After all he didn't have anything better to do. "Great," replied Andrew. "And maybe you could buy something to replace that 'yucky green jacket' as Serena would say," Andrew added. "I like my jacket, thank you very much," Darien said with good humor. "Anyway, when are we meeting up?" asked Darien. "Well I get my lunch brake at 12:45, so be there by 1:00 p.m.," Andrew replied. "OK, well I better go, I have to do an essay on this book about the moon for English Lit, see ya!" Darien said as he left the arcade. "Bye!"
"Hey guys, when can we eat? I'm starved!" Serena complained to her friends about 30 minutes after they had arrived at the mall.

"Gosh Serena it's only 11 o'clock! Didn't you have breakfast?" Raye asked her friend. Serena smiled sheepishly and said, "Uh well, I sort of woke up a little late, he he…"

"Should've figured," replied Raye.

"Serena we'll eat at 1'o clock. OK? Why don't you just buy a pretzel for now?" Mina interrupted before they started another tongue war. "Fine," replied Serena.

Mina's thoughts- Hehe, I know Andrew and his friends are coming here for lunch, we'll just coincidently find a table next to them ::evil laughs inside her head::

The End
So what'da guys think? good, bad, great, terrible? Well feedback ppplllleeeaaaassseeee!!! If I get enough then I'll write the next the chapter, and so on and forth ;)