Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A new School; a deadly decision ❯ Fight at the park ( Chapter 3 )

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~~~~~~ Two Weeks later ~~~~~~

Dani was working at the fast food restaurant called Point Breaker and she worked full shifts.

"Hi can I take your order?" she asked the rather large lady at the counter and she looked rather rich.

"I want three cheeseburgers, two chocolate thinkshakes, three French fires and two chocolate ice-creams." She ordered.

"Err okay" she said as she pressed the buttons on the counter. Then she walked off. "Hey Connor help me out with this order okay" she called to her best friend.

"Right," said the blond haired blue eyed Irish teenager.

"Here you go madam," she said handing over to food.

"You took your time," she said angrily grabbing the food.

"Shut up Tubby, I haven't slept in three days and I don't need any shit from you alright so back the hell off" said Dani angrily.

"Bitch" said the lady before walking off.

"Well at least I'm not Fat arse cow like you" she called after the lady.

"Dani" said Connor in his Irish accent hitting her in the shoulder. Dani glared at him.

"Come on its time for our break" she said grabbing his tie and pulling him outside.

It was nighttime at the moment and it was about nine o'clock.

"I'm so tired," said Dani as she sat in the gutter outside the shop.

"I know how you fell, living with you and your sister isn't easy"

"Hey, you're not the one who gets fricking stabbed by their bother" she said

"Good point, I think I'll shut up now," he said putting up a mock surrender. Dani giggled.

"Why hello little Miss Tsukino" said one of the five people walking towards her.

"What do you want?" she spat.

"Just some food" said Duo.

"Well its inside, so bugger off"

"Isn't it a bit late for you to be working on a school night? What about your homework?" asked Duo scarasiticly.

"For your information Duo, I don't have homework, because I don't go to school" she said angrily trying to hide the sadness in her voice. Then she got up and walked back inside.

"How come she doesn't go to school?" asked Quatre.

"We can't afford it so only MJ goes to school, we work here, but I feel sorry for Dani she's got longer shifts then me then she has to say with her brother to calm him down and keep her mother happy"

"What do you mean, we?" asked Heero.

"Well I'm Dani's best friend and I live with her and MJ, they needed someone to help out with the rent so me being her best friend moved in with them about three months ago"

"How come she doesn't live with her Mum and Dad?" asked Duo.

"She can't, her father's dead, he0 committed suicide and her mother lives at the hospital she paralysed and her little brother he's in the phyciratric ward, how do you know Dani?" he asked.

"We went to school with her" answered Trowa.

"She should never have gone to that school, all it did was make her upset, she used to come home in the afternoons and cry, but she would never tell me why, but I guess things have changed since the accidents poor girl she's never been the same since"

"What accidents?" asked Wufie.

"Well first there was the car crash which all her best friends were in, they all died except for Mary and herself. And the other one is the one where her parents and brother were rammed off a cliff, I swear the girl never gets a break now she can't sleep because she has to work" he said.

The five guys stood there in shock. "We umm have to go" said Quatre. They all nodded.

"Alright, well I'll see you later," he said as he walked beck inside.

"I feel horrible," said Duo as they walked home.

"I know she was already going through hell and we just made it worse," said Quatre. Quatre Winner wasn't really as mean as he made out to be he had to the kindest out of the whole group but they ad dared him to become friends with the next female student that came to their school. On the inside it killed him what he did to Dani. To know that he had made her life worse then it already was.

Dani decided to leave work early that night and saying to Connor that she'll see him when he got home. When she was walking home she decided to go through the park, knowing that it was a stupid idea because everyone knows who hangs in the park after dark, but she really didn't care.

Dani walked past a group of about twenty guys who whistled at her and some ran over to her. "Hey babe, do you wanna come home with us?" asked the brown haired guy.

"I don think so dick," she said disgusted walking around him.

"What did you call me bitch?" he demanded grabbing her wrist and spinning her around to face him.

"I called you a dick, dick" she said pulling her hand away.

"Looks like we've got a tough one boys do you wanna teach her a lesson" said one of the boys. They all laughed and walked over to her. One of them punched her in the stomach and began kicking and punching her.

After a while Dani to her knees, it wasn't that she couldn't defend herself she just didn't want to she was hoping that she would die tonight, just before she fell unconcious she saw some people kick the other guys.

Her eye lids slowly dropped and she fell forward but a boy a few months older then her with dark brown hair and blue eyes caught her, it was Heero Yuy.