Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Simple Missuderstanding ❯ Suicide ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"But Greg…he-he!" Ami's eyes grew glassy with unshed tears. Pluto wrapped her arms around the princess of Mercury and comforted the girl as she cried into Pluto's shoulder, remembering the harsh realities of everday life.

~flashback-Ami's POV~

It was 8pm and I was walking through the neighberhoods to Greg's apartment. He had called me and asked me to come over, saying he wanted me to meet someone. I finally came to his apartment and heard voices through the door.

"I love you so much… of course I'll marry you!" said a female voice

"Oh Susy That's wonderful!" Greg was cut off as I suddenly opened the door.

I was socked and hurt, did Greg invite me here just to meet his fiance? When I opened the door I saw my boyfriend, Greg holding up a beautiful young aqua-haired up by the waist, twirling her around, both laughing with joy. "Is this why you wanted me to come over Greg?" I whispered, my head down cast. Suddenly my head shot up and I walked up to him and #SMACK# "I can't believe you'd do this to me… hope your happy…jerk…" I sobbed out then ran away, tears streaming from my eyes…

~end flashback~

"You never gave him a chance to explain.. and you never though about exactly how much your mother actually loves you…" said Pluto, still trying to comfort the girl.

~With Greg- his POV~

It's been 2 days since my beloved Ami ran away. 2 days since our misunderstanding..

~flashback, still his POV~

"Oh little brother! You'll never guess what's happened!!" said my aqua-haired big sister.

"What's the news sis?" I curiously asked her.

"Mike finally asked me to marry him, and we want you to be the best man!" she gleefully squeled

"That's wonderful? Tell me how did he propose?" I was curious about how to aproach the subject of marriage with my girlfriend ; Ami. It was her 20th birthday and I was planning to pop the question when she arrived.

"Well, we were eating dinner when he asked, "Susy, how would you like to start a family?" I of course was shocked then he asked me, "will you marry me?"" She said in a deep masculine type voice, then in normal tone.."\ :I love you so much… of course I'll marry you!"

I picked my sister up by the waist and twirled her sround, both of us laughing with glee. "Oh Susy! That's wonderful!" but then Ami came in…

~end flashback, still his POV~

`I-I guess she thought that I had proposed to Susy. I had never told her I had a sister… She's never coming back, and all because of a simple missunderstanding. I can't live with out her…' I went into the kitchen and grabbed a sharp knife..

~back with Ami~

Ami stiffend in Pluto's arms. `She-She's right! Oh, kami-san, what have I done? Mother… Greg.. how could I have not seen it? If mother sent all those loving letters and gifts.. then she really does care for me and trys to protect me… But what about Greg?'

"Th-thank you Pluto, I understand that now that my mother truelly loves me.. But I'm still not convinced about Greg" She saud as she wiped away tears.

"Touch my garnet orb and al will be explained…" Pluto lifted her staff and pointed the orb at Ami, as she touched it, visions about what really happened flashed through her mind.

~With Greg- his POV~

I took the knife with me to the table and began writing a letter…

Dear Ami,

I know that you probably won't get this letter but if you do happen to be reading this, it most likely means you've returned.

I want you to know that I love you and would never betray you. What happened the day you ran away was just asimple missunderstanding. Susy is my big siter. She as the one I wanted you to meet. Enclosed with this letter is a ring, along with all my love. I realize that when you get this, you've probably already found someone else in your life. But the ring is a token of my ever lasting Love for YOU… Ami, farewell, by the time you finish reading this, I'll be gone forever, my soul, set to rest.

Forever Loveing,


After finishing the letter, I placed it inside an envolope, along with a diamond engagment ring. I then sealed the envolope and placed it on the table. I slowly lifted the knife above my head, clutching it with both hands, then swiftly brought it down into my heart. Within a minute all went black, but I went happy…a smile on my face.. for within that minute I knew that somewhere, someday I would meet my beloved again. Memories flashed before my eyes, all of which were with my Tenshi, Ami Mizono… Then all was dark… a bright light, yet my eyes were closed , I just know it… it was time.. to head to the light… `I will be waiting my love..'

~With Ami~

She ran through the streets of Juban, Pluto ahd sent her back, once she had received all the visions. Ami ran to Gregs apartment andentered his room, hoping to apolagize. She didn't realise it was to late, until she saw Gregs, lifeless body. Teary eyed, she spotted the letter on the table that was adressed to her. Quickly she opened it.. reading the letter and spotting the ring. Before she even started, she was sobbing…

~A few hours later~

With the ring on her finger, Ami abled home and opened the door to find her mother on the couch sobbing. "Ma-Mama?" whispered Ami. Dr Mizono's head shot up, surprised eyes hope-filled and joyish. Sje ran to her daughter and embraced her in a hug only a who missed her child could provide. This was what cuased Ami to break down again… heart broken.

The mother slowly led her daughter to the couch and they sta down. The mother cradeling and rocking the young woman, like a child, the "child" clining and sobbing to her mother. Ami finally realizing she was loved by mother and soulmate… yet realizing to late.

~years later~

Ami stood at the podium. She was graduating Valadictorian and was about to ger her degree, and was going to become a doctor, after all those years of studying. But first she had to make a speech.

"Well Everyone, it's time to venture out into a whole new world, full of jobs and new experiances. Time to start a new life, different yet still the same. But I want everyone to hear me now and never forget the advice I give now… Never, Ever doubt the love of your family and friends. All you couples and future couples never doubt your love for one another, because you never know how one singe, simple missunderstanding can rin a person's life…forever.."


Love it? Hate it? Tell me! I know this was a very short story, but it just kinda came to me one night. I honestly would like your opinions on if you enjoyed it or not. But please no flames, just because of the way thing turned out. I did warn you that it wasn't going to be a they lived happily ever after kinda story! Tell me if I should right a sequal (If I do, it wont end like this, it will actually end right!)
