Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Simple Missuderstanding ❯ short poem ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Just a short poem I wrote that I htought would go good with the story!

Disclaimer- I own this poem!! I did not steal it

A Simple Missunderstanding

Falling, falling in that endless pit

That void of darkness they call night

Drowning in sorrow is how she sits

No light, just darkness is all within sight

Crying, weeping, sobbing, desperation calls

Lonlyness her most feared emotion yet only friend

No noise for comfort, silence's walls

A single wish, to control time, to mold . to bend

A wish to correct a simple mistake

To forgive, forget, live, to save

A simplemistake, A life it can take

A need for light, to leave the misery cave

A flicker, a growing, glowing flame

A true friend, standing with her

Someone alike, knows, who always came

True friend, light, gentle, comforting like fur
