Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: Do I Know You? ❯ Chapter 18 ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Usagi's friends fought bravely against the Ginyu force, but the Ginyu force was much stronger. Even Vegeta couldn't beat them, except for the short green one, with lots of eyes. Poor Gohan could barely move, he was hurt really bad.

Captain Ginyu was having tryouts for the Ginyu force, but there was no open positions. He wound up, getting rid of most of them. Freiza had gone to get the password for the Dragon Balls from the Eldest Namic, and Usagi was stuck in the ship still. She was afraid. She could feel her friends power levels get lower and lower.

She cried silently into her hands when she felt that even Vegeta was no match for them.

On the Battle Field...

Goku had finally arrived with a bag of Senzu beans. He laid his sons head in his lap and popped one of them into his mouth. He stood up, his wounds were healed and his strength returned. They walked over to Krillin and it was the same. He jumped up and was one hundred percent better.

"What happened? Why are you teamed up with Vegeta?" Goku asked Krillin.

"Well, it's kind of a long story, a lots happened since you've been gone." Krillin said.

"This will be a lot faster, than for you to tell me the whole thing." Goku said placing his hand on Krillin's head. Goku concentrated really hard and read Krillin's memories of everything that had happened.

"I can see now, why you teamed up with Vegeta." Goku said.

"How'd you do that?" Krillin asked, shocked at what he had seen.

"I just kind of learned it. I guess training at 100 times normal gravity had that effect." Goku said.

Goku looked at Vegeta, who stood up, hurt pretty bad. Goku took the last Senzu bean from the bag.

"Hey Vegeta!" He called throwing the Senzu bean to him. He looked at it strangely. "Eat it!"

Vegeta ate it and he too, was restored to his best. "Wow! I feel great!" He said.

Goku jumped into the fight and easily beat two members of the Ginyu force. The small one, with red skin and white hair, ran away scared for his life.

Vegeta walked up to the two that Goku had defeated. They were still alive. He blasted one and jumped on the throat of the other, killing them both.

"What'd you do that for!" Goku demanded.

"You're feelings make you weak, Kakarrot." Vegeta said.

Goku sent Gohan and Krillin to go find the Dragon Balls. Goku and Vegeta stayed and waited for the Ginyu force to come back.

The Eldest Namic...

Freiza had arrived at the Eldest Namics. He demanded to know the password, but the Eldest Namic refused to tell him. Three Namic warriors attacked Freiza and were easily defeated by him. Nayo had to get Freiza to fight him, so that Dande could get the password to the 'earthlings'. Nayo and Freiza headed away from everyone until Freiza finally said that they had gone far enough.

They landed and the fight began. Freiza was a lot stronger than Nayo and Nayo took quite a beating. He attacked Freiza, but Freiza didn't even seem to notice. Freiza grabbed Nayo's arm, his fingers punching Nayo's skin. Nayo screamed in pain as Freiza twisted his arm off. Purple blood dripped from where he arm had once been. Nayo concentrated and managed to regenerate his lost arm.

"You have more fight in you than I thought." Freiza said calmly.
