Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Queen Takes the Throne ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

"Is that all you've got?" Vegeta asked, the familiar sneer crossed his lips just before he blasted her against the wall. She slumped to the floor, her face twisted in pain. Vegeta thought, seeing her on the floor. He watched as she climbed to her feet. "I see you're finally up." He said, his sneer spread. "Show me what you've got, little girl."

Usagi grew very angry. Why was he doing this? Her face turned red and her tail lashed out behind her. A low growl escaped her throat and the crescent moon on her forehead began to glow. Vegeta thought.

Usagi walked menacingly towards him, her eyes were narrowed to slits, and her breathing came out in short gasps. She walked up to him and was about a foot away when she fell to the ground. She was unconscious. This surprised Vegeta.

"What happened?" He asked himself. "Damn! I guess it was too much for her, but I have to keep pushing her. That's the only way she'll learn to control herself. I don't want any harm to come to her." He said, picking her up. He carried her into the room, holding her close to his body. He set her down on the bed and took off her shoes, placing them on the floor. He pulled the covers up over her and turned away. He walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table, getting something to drink out of the refrigerator. "That girl is too much." He said gulping the cold liquid. He walked back upstairs and began to train once again, forgetting about Usagi for the moment. He trained until he could barely stand. He walked back down the steps after hours of training, his shoulders slumped. After taking a shower, he walked into the bedroom and laid down next to Usagi, pulling her close to him. He held her tight and fell into a peaceful sleep. For the first time ever, he felt content with someone.

Usagi's eyes opened to see her Prince holding her close to him. She sighed and breathed in his clean scent. He looks so peaceful and happy. She thought to herself, climbing out of bed. She walked to the bathroom and took a shower. She wrapped the towel around her body and walked back into the room. She walked over to the closet and pulled out a pair of shorts and a tank top. She was about to walk out of the room and get dressed in the bathroom, when she heard a groan from Vegeta's direction. She looked over at him and saw him sit up, stretching his arms. He yawned and climbed out

of bed, pretending not to have noticed that she was standing in front of him in nothing but a towel. Her wet hair fell down her back almost touching the floor. Usagi saw a sly smile spread across his face and before she knew it, he had grabbed her around the waist and she felt his lips pressing against hers. When they pulled apart, they were both gasping for breath.

"Wow." Usagi said, when he walked out the door and headed up top.

"When you're dressed, come up and join me." He said, giving her another one of his sly smiles, smacking her on the butt as he passed. "We can finish what we started."

She smiled back, understanding what he meant by it. She quickly pulled on her clothes and headed upstairs. He was waiting for her, but the gravity machine wasn't on yet. He walked up to her and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her close to him. He pressed his lips against hers. She kissed him back, her tail wrapping around his waist. She felt something that she had never felt before. She felt his heart going out to her. He would protect her, even if it cost his own life. When they finally broke apart, Usagi laid her head on his chest, listening to his breathing. He was so different when he wasn't trying

to act all macho. He was sweet and he truly loved her with all his heart.

Usagi just laid in his arms, she felt so safe in his arms.

"We should get started." He said, gently pushing her away. He walked over to the gravity machine and punched in a few buttons. Usagi immediately felt the pull on her body increase. He had put the machine on 30 times normal gravity this time, she was starting to get used to it now. She got into a fighting stance and so did Vegeta. Neither of them said a word. They were waiting for the other to make a move. Finally Usagi broke the silence.

"Make a move already." She said, before she could blink, he had disappeared. She followed his power level and ducked out of the way seconds before he threw his punch.

"Good!" He said. "You're using your head!"

He tried the same thing, but Usagi saw him coming and punched him in the stomach hard before he had a chance to throw another punch. She really is strong. He thought, clutching his stomach. Usagi charged at him, but he saw it coming and jumped out of the way, causing her to crash into the wall.

"Is that all you've got?" He demanded, his usual smirk spread across his face. He was trying to get her mad so she'd go Super Saiyan. He had to teach her to control her power or else she could blow at any time. "You can do better than that!"

She clenched her teeth and attacked again. Something in her had changed. She was no longer the cry baby. She didn't cry when he hit her, she just ignored the pain. The Saiyan in her was coming out. She didn't mind the pain, it seemed normal. Goku hadn't been nearly so hard on her, but she knew that this was good for her. Goku always went easy on her, but she needed someone to show her what it was really like. She hadn't been ready to fight Freiza before, or Vegeta on the planet Earth. She didn't know what a real battle was like and that's why she had lost.
