Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Return of the Black Moon Family ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 5

Chapter 5

"Now, this isn't any way to settle…" Bulma started.

"SHUTTUP!!" Vegeta and Serenity shouted in unison, looking at Bulma. This argument continued.

"He's so arrogant, he always has to start a fight." ChiChi mumbled to Bulma.

"You stupid…" Vegeta yelled.

"I know what you mean." Bulma whispered back.

"Don't tell me to…" Serenity screamed back.

"Will this ever stop?" Gohan asked ChibiUsa.

"My mom won't let him win." ChibiUsa whispered back. "She's too stubborn.

All of the sudden there was a knock on the door.

"Hey, open up!" A voice shouted. "It's the Royal Body Guards of the Queen!"

"Serenity! You have to hide right now!" Bulma shouted.

"I know what I can do!!" Serenity shouted, pulling a pen out of her pocket. "Come here ChibiUsa."

"Okay, Mommy." She said stepping close to her mother.

"Disguise POWER!" She shouted. "Turn us into nurses!"

The two of them, reappeared in front of everyone wearing white coats and a white hat with a red plus on it. Both of them had their hair tucked up into the hat so you couldn't really recognize them by hair color. Serenity looked a lot younger and ChibiUsa looked much older. They both had masks over their faces as well.

"ChiChi! Take Gohan and go to your house! If anyone comes by, act like you don't know who I am okay?" Serenity asked.

"Of course." ChiChi said, grabbing Gohan and dragging him out the door.

"Goku! Lay down on one of the beds in the back!" Serenity ordered. He did as he was told and the two of them followed him back. He laid down in bed and acted sick. Serenity and ChibiUsa went into the bathroom and got a bowl of water. They sprinkled a little water on Goku's face to look like sweat, put a thermometer in his mouth, and an ice pack on his head. "Now, act sick."

"Umm… okay." He said, pretending to have a cough. The Royal Body Guards of the Queen searched the place and finally came to the room Goku was in. They peeked through the window and saw a man and two woman. The man was laying in bed and looked really sick and the two woman looked like nurses.

"Mind if we take a look?" One of the Guards asked.

"No, of course not." Bulma said, walking over to the door. "But I don't know if you would want to go in there."

"Why not?" He asked.

"That man in there is really sick. He's highly contagious. If you go in there for a few minutes, you can come out as sick as he is." Bulma continued. "I should know, I'm a genius. I studied a little medicine, but it was just enough to know stuff like this."

"If he's so contagious, why are those two woman in there?" He asked, giving her a suspicious look.

"Well duh! Those two are testing a vaccine for the illness!" Bulma said, like they were stupid to not know. Goku leaned over the side of the bed and pretended to puke in a trash can. "If you went in there, you'd mess up the experiment."

"Keep it up Goku!" Serenity said as all the people and the Royal Guards looked through the window. "You're doing great."

"I guess there's nothing we can do. We don't want to get in the way of Science." They said, heading for the front door. They walked to the door and climbed into their vehicles. Bulma watched as they drove off, heading for ChiChi's house. Bulma walked back into the house, closing the door behind her. Leaning on the door, she let out, in one big breath, the air she had been holding since she opened the door to let the men inside.

"We did it!" ChibiUsa cried, running to Bulma. She jumped up in Bulma's arms which surprised her not a little.

"I guess we did." Bulma said, a smile forming on her lips. Serenity walked into the room, along with Vegeta and Goku. She walked to the window and looked out.

"They'll be back." Serenity said, her voice not changing. "I have to get away from here."

"Away?!?!" Bulma asked, extremely surprised. "What do you mean away?!?!"

"I have to leave the planet." Serenity said, staring out the window after the Guards.

"What? Where will you go?" Bulma demanded.

"I don't know, but I can't stay here. I have to find the rest of the scouts. I have to visit every planet in this Solar System." Serenity said, looking up at the sky. "I have to tell my friends what happened."

"I'll take you." A voice said calmly. Everyone looked to see Vegeta standing behind them. He was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He had his usual smirk on his face. "I need a vacation."

"Why would you take me?" Serenity asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

"To get away from these goody-goodies." He said.

"I'm more of a goody-goody than anyone here." Serenity said, looking at the short man strangely. "What's in this for you?"

"Nothing, I'm just sick of being stuck here on this planet." Vegeta said, an arrogant tone in his voice. "I'm getting weaker by the day from sitting around this planet."

"Hmm…" Serenity was considering his offer. "Prepare the ship."

"All right, if you really want to do this." Bulma said. "I guess I can't really stop you."

Vegeta turned and walked in the direction of his room. "Call me before we take off." Before anyone answered, he had turned the corner.

"Am I going, Mommy?" ChibiUsa asked, grabbing the bottom of Serenity's long, white dress. "Can I go too?"

"Of course you can go, my darling." Serenity said. "You'll get to see my best friends again. You remember them don't you?"

"How could I forget them? They're like aunts or older sisters." ChibiUsa said, a huge smile on her face. "I get to see the scouts again, yippee!" She cried, jumping up and down. Serenity couldn't help but smile at the sight of her daughter's happiness.

"Well, why don't you go get Luna and Artemis. They're still in our room." Serenity said, forcing herself to smile.

"Okay, I'll be right back." ChibiUsa said, running towards the room. When ChibiUsa rounded the corner, Serenity let out a sigh and forced herself to be strong. This would all be over soon.
