Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Return of the Black Moon Family ❯ Chapter 24 ( Chapter 24 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 24

Chapter 24

"You haven't defeated the Outers!!" The voice shouted. Out of nowhere, four woman appeared.

"We are the Outer Scouts!!" They shouted.

"Sailor Neptune!!" She struck a pose.

"Sailor Uranus!!" She struck a pose.

"Sailor Pluto!!" She struck a pose.

"Sailor Saturn!!" She struck a pose.

"We won't let you get away with what you did to our friends!!" Uranus shouted. "World Shaking!!" She yelled, sending the powerful attack at Sapphire.

"Take that!!" Sapphire shouted, sending blast after blast at Uranus. She dodged most of them, but was hit by a few. She slumped to the ground, holding her shoulder where a blast had hit her.

"You can't beat the Outers!!" Saturn cried. "We're much stronger than any of the Inners, except for Sailor Cosmos!!"

"Is that right little girl?" Sapphire asked, giving the girl a smirk. She was younger than any of the other scouts. A teenager or a little older.

"That's right!!" She cried.

"Deep Submerge!!" A voice cried out. A wave of water poured over Sapphire, making him loose the energy he was about to throw at Saturn.

"Let go!!" They heard a voice cry. They looked over to see a man with spiky hair, wearing an orange suit, struggling to get a man with red hair let go of his arms.

"I thought the great Goku would be a lot stronger!!" Rubeus said. He had Goku's arms twisted behind his back and was taking pleasure in hearing his cries for help.

"I'll show you how strong I am!!" He shouted. He started yelling at the top of his lungs. Rubeus felt something strange in the air. Goku was becoming a little harder to hold still. He watched as the Saiyans hair went from black to blond. The muscles in his arms bulged and a great power sent Rubeus flying into a wall.

"That's a little more like it." He said, rubbing his back where he had crashed into the wall.

"Kame-hame-ha!!" Goku shouted. cupping his hands. A blue beam shot from his hands and headed straight at Rubeus. Rubeus sent a beam of dark energy as well, meeting Goku's in the middle. "Kaioken times ten!!" Goku shouted.

"What?!?! This can't be happening!!" Rubeus shouted as Goku's beam became much stronger than his. "I'll get you!!" He shouted, strengthening his beam as well. It pushed Goku's back and back even further.

"I... can't give up!!" Goku shouted, trying to steady himself. He couldn't put anymore energy into the beam. It was too much. "How can he be so strong?!?!" Goku demanded before the beam hit his chest, sending him into the wall. He slumped to the floor, unable to hold the power he needed to be a Super Saiyan. His hair turned black and he returned to the original Goku he had been before.

"Ready to give up?" Rubeus asked, floating up to Goku. "Want me to go a little easier on you?"

"I won't let you win!!" Goku shouted, rushing at Rubeus. Rubeus saw this as the perfect time to get him as well. He opened a portal in front of Goku seconds before Goku would have hit him. Goku was going too fast and flew right into the portal. It closed behind him and left only the Outer Scouts.

"Now, all we have to do is get rid of those pesky Sailor Scouts." Rubeus said, turning in their direction. Three were already down on the ground.

"You are more pathetic than those pesky Inner Scouts." Sapphire said, sending Saturn flying into the wall. "I think it's time to join you with the rest of your friends!" Sapphire said, getting ready to send a blast at the four remaining scouts.

"Wait," A voice said calmly. "Let me have to honors of defeating the Sailor Scouts."

"Of course, brother." Sapphire said, seeing his brother Prince Diamond come up behind him.

"Good-bye scouts," Diamond said calmly. He sent a blast of energy at the four girls who struggled to get to their feet. The four girls were sent up in the air as the blast hit them. They fell to the ground and didn't move. Diamond opened the portal and sucked the four girls through it. "That's the last of the Sailor Scouts."

"King Mamoru will be pleased." Rubeus said, the four sister appeared next to him.

"I didn't even break a sweat," Sapphire said. "That Sailor Mars did give me a few cuts and she tore my favorite jacket."

"We'd better report in with King Mamoru." Prince Diamond said to his brother and the other five people that were there (Rubeus and the four sisters).


"Where are you Mamoru!!!" Usagi screamed, heading for the throne room. "Come out now!!" She was the Princess of the Saiyans now. Her fighting instincts had kicked in. "Are you afraid of me?!?!" She demanded, searching the palace.

"There you are," A voice said. "You'll never find me that way. Go through this portal."

"No thanks. I don't trust you." Usagi said, seeing his face in front of her eyes.

"You're smarter than you look, my dear," He said. "If only I'd attacked a few years earlier, you would have fallen for it and jumped into the portal."

"Where's ChibiUsa!?!?!" She demanded, her eyes narrowed into slits.

"She's no more. The only girl now is Wicked Lady," He said. "Oh yeah, one more thing, you're Prince Vegeta wants to see you."

"Huh?" Usagi said. "Where is he?!?!" She demanded. "Let him go!!!"

"As you wish, my darling." Mamoru said. A portal opened and Vegeta stepped out of it.

"Vegeta!!" Usagi yelled, seeing her Saiyan Prince. She ran towards him but was thrown back by a powerful blast. She flew into the wall and looked at Vegeta, with tears in her eyes. She looked at him and saw the black crescent moon on his forehead. "No, not you... Vegeta... please... don't hurt me... I love you..."

"That's a lie." Vegeta said, his eyes narrowed on her. He pulled out his sword and held it at Usagi's throat.

"Vegeta, you're not thinking straight. That monster Mamoru did this to you didn't he?!?!" She demanded.

"He opened my eyes to the way you really are," Vegeta said. "In the Moon Kingdom, when I died, you were with Mamoru the whole time I was gone."

"That's a lie!!" Usagi cried. "I've never loved Mamoru!! I only said I did because I was destined to marry him!!!"

"Liar!!" Vegeta shouted, pulling his sword back, he swung it and met her sword.

"I would never lie to you Vegeta!!" She cried, trying to get through to him. "I swear to you, I would never lie to you!!!"

"Stop lying to me!! You can't fool me!!" Vegeta yelled. "I'm the Prince of the Saiyans, I don't like being lied to by little girls!!!"

"Stop this!!" Usagi screamed. "I don't want to hurt you!!" He pulled back his sword and prepared to swing it again. "Don't!!" He brought the sword down, hitting Usagi's. She pushed him back away with her sword.

"Stubborn girl!! I'll kill you!!" Vegeta screamed, pulling the sword back, he plunged it into Usagi's side. He watched as she slumped to the ground, the sword still in her.

"Vegeta... please... I beg you... for our daughters sake... stop this madness..." Usagi said, tears in her eyes.

"S... Usagi?!?!" He asked, apparently confused. The moon on his forehead began to fade as he realized what he had done. "Usagi!!!" He cried, dropping to her side. "What have I done?!?!"

"I... I'm fine..." She choked out, trying to hide the wound as much as possible. Her blood soaked her white gloves, turning them a deep red color.

"What have I done?!?!" Vegeta said again, taking his cape off. He tied it around the wound, trying to stop the bleeding. The blood soaked through almost as soon as the cloth touched the wound. He helped her to her feet and helped her walk as she limped towards the throne room.

"That's the door to the throne room." Usagi said, pulling away from Vegeta. She walked with a slight limp, but seemed to be all right for the time being.


"King Mamoru." Rubeus said. "All of the Sailor Scouts have been defeated, as well as the Warriors that were with them."

"Very good," Mamoru said. "I hope it wasn't too much of a challenge."

"It was nothing," Rubeus said. "I barely broke a sweat."

"Good," Mamoru said. "Is Serenity on her way?"

"Yes, we sent Vegeta to attack her, sire," Rubeus said. "He won't be able to finish her off, though. She's much stronger than him."

"Good," Mamoru said. "Leave me now. I have to fight alone."

"Yes sire." Rubeus said bowing. He turned and threw open the doors, disappearing through a portal to where the rest of his 'family' was waiting.
