Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ BowSong: The diary of the Star Archer ❯ A Good Old-fashioned School Hall Brawl ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
BowSong: Diary of the Star Archer part 8

Another night gone, wasted away to nothing during my wakefulness. That damned Wolf-man... that Rift, whoever he is... is going to haunt me eternally, I know it. Oh well. I shook off the thought and prepared for another zombie day at school.

After downing a few cups... sorry a few pots of coffee, I finally was awake enough to walk out the door and get to school. No sooner had I gotten there, then my earlier premonition was proven true. That laughing again! Always with the laughing! 'When will he ever stop,' I silently think to myself. Then do I realize my mistake when the answer comes.


And with that, I was punched hard. On my right, were lockers. They were now in front and behind me, as I was lodged in one. I peeled out, and took a fighting stance, only to realize I couldn't see what had hit me. He was invisible! Cursing silently in Romanian, I also notice a bit of a crowd has been gathering around me, to watch and see if 'I'll Throw myself into the lockers again.'

If that's the way he wanted to play, then so be it, I thought. I braced, and swung. He connected with my gut mid-swing. 'There's no way I can fight this,' I thought to myself. I start to gather myself, to brace for another assault like the sledgehammer blow to my gut.

It didn't come right away. Instead, I heard the same mocking voice in my head. "What's the matter, Gary? Afraid of a little competition? Don't feel like fighting back? I know you've been trained to fight blind. Now, prove it to me!"

One of the punks at school stepped forward, and started giving me crap. As I said, started. All the more that got out of his mouth was "Hey look, the American idiot's beating the shit out of himself. Let's help him..." And with that, he was punched into a wall. He hit with a sickening sounding 'crunch', and landed.

The other thing I noticed, other than that kid getting his ribcage pulped, was that Rift had revealed himself. This would make the fight much easier. Picking up a pole that was by the lockers, I charged forward, only to hear the words "Dark MoonBeam... SLASH!"

Rift had swung his hammer. All I saw was a black arc of force coming straight towards me. I tried to block, but it didn't work quite right. I was picked up and thrown. I later found out that that was the sucessful way to block that, but I didn't know that then. All I knew was that really hurt. I was pissed now, so I pressed the attack.

Rift swayed and danced, more graceful than these people have ever seen in their lives. He moved almost like a fluid, and unstoppable. He stopped my advantage cold with a single hammer-swing. My weapon was reduced from a quarterstaff to sword size. Two swords. So, knowing not to look a gift horse in the mouth, I used my new armament and tried again. I was lucky I did that.

I heard the words "Anti-Matter... BOMB!" Suddenly, where I was standing about a second ago wasn't there. Instead, there was about a 5-foot hole leading into the basement of the school. The Archery range is the only thing down there. 'The Archery Range!' That did it. I had a plan.

Pressing my attack again, I realized I had no hope to defeat Rift unless I became the Star Archer. But also in my attack, I managed to knock Rift's mask clear from his face. I caught it with ease, having sacrificed a weapon to it anyways, since the psuedo-sword in my left hand shattered on contact with the mask, I held it to him in a mock-salute and jumped down the hole.

In midair on the way down the dark, shadowy hole, I transformed. Rift walked over the hole, and was just hovering there. Thinking to myself, 'I have GOT to learn some of this guy's tricks some day,' I begin to fire a volley of arrows at him. A few hit, but he didn't seem fazed at all. So, I resorted to Plan B.

I called forth my sword, and swung it in a great upward arc, while calling "StarFlare... SLASH!" The flare swung upward, connecting with Rift who simply knocked it away. He laughed, and looked at me.
"Star Archer, I would like the mask that the student down there took, if you don't mind." I tossed it at him, and he laughed, while putting it back on. At this point is when the scouts showed up, but it was too late. As soon as they showed up, Rift jumped out the window, though there was still a good six feet to the ground below.

I came up and watched out the window as Rift landed. There were policemen all over the place, including one in particular. He identified himself just then.

"Alright, whoever the fuck you are, freeze! This is Alpha Squadron team leader Akasa. We have the place surrounded. Give up, there's no... WHAT THE FUCK?!" The last part as rift did his infamous disappearing trick, with a final call left behind him. 'Akasa, eh? You've got balls. I like you. We'll meet again sometime.'

'So much for a normal day,' I thought, as I finished up the rest of the day and went home. I finally slept, then.

A/N and disclaimer: None of this, save for Gary, and my own twisted ideas are mine. Rift, technically isn't mine either. He's my brother's. The Zodiacs (not featured in this chapter) Belong to Queen Tessandry de Sanyochisei. Part 9 will be up... sometime... Ciao.