Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ BowSong: The diary of the Star Archer ❯ Visions of the past, frights of the future. ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
BowSong: Diary of the Star Archer part 7
After that sleepless night, I felt almost more... alive than I have in awhile. Possibly from the fact that I still had the adrenalin from my practice running through my blood, possibly because I simply wanted to put the past behind me. Either way, I felt awake enough to go to school. So, after a shower and a quick costume change, I left.
I was hoping to avoid all interaction with any of the scouts today, in the hopes that I might have a day to think, to clear my head. As always, what I had hoped for wasn't going to happen, and in a bad way.
I was walking down the hallway, heading to homeroom early, and suddenly, I was grabbed by the collar and dragged into one of the unused classrooms. I seriously wanted to know what was going on here, but instinct also kicked in. I spun around, catching the wrist and hand that was on my collar. Putting it in a hold that almost broke it, I start cursing my attacker out in Romanian. Much to my surprise and dismay, the so-called 'attacker' was Mitaiyoko.
"Mitaiyoko! What the hell do you think you're doing? If you would have startled me, I could have, and would have broken your wrist! What do you want," I snapped at her. I do not like her. I really do not like her.
"Well, Archer, I want to know who that was, how he betrayed the Star court, how he knew Clair, but, above all else, I want an explanation. What is going on here?" She seemed just as thrilled to see me as I was her.
"Well, since you are on the team, I think I will be nice and actually tell you. That... creature's name was edward. At one point I thought he was my cousin. This _is_ true, however, he is my cousin from the Star Court," I try to explain. This doesn't seem to click, though.
"So you mean he was reborn, too? Why would the betrayer have been reborn? You'd better have a good explanation for this, because it's all too fishy that you show up, then he shows up."
"Honestly, I don't think he was reborn. I mean, I don't think he ever died in the first place, even after I sacrificed myself to kill him. He killed Clair, the princess of Gemini, and your sister, I believe. I was sworn to protect her. I failed. You have no idea how much that hurts me."
"What do you mean, he never died in the first place? Is he undead, or something?"
"Maybe. Perhaps. I don't know. I honestly don't know..." And with that, I turned and left. As I left the room, I heard a mocking voice in my head. It sounded like it was mocking me. But, it was more a howling than a voice. It said, "I'm back, Gary. Perhaps we'll play again, just like old times..."
Later that day, at lunch, the scouts and I were sitting at lunch, as usual. I figured that if Mitaiyoko was going to drag me into the thick of it, regardless, I was going to hang out with the ones i'm friendly with. And suddenly, I saw something that made me pale. A gigantic wolf, bigger than me, it's head thrown back in a howl of bloodlust, the Negamoon symbol emblazoned on his forehead. In it's hands (hands?!) was a giantine black warhammer, the head of it the size of the wolf's head, and shaped like a wolf's head, but with a wicked spike at the end. I blanched.
Usagi, being her usual overly high-strung self, asked what was wrong. I just told her I thought I saw a dog, but I was mistaken. I heard a mocking laugh, the same voice in almost a howl, call back, "A dog? You mock me. I am a wolf. Indeed, a wolf from hell, and the Cancer of the Cosmos. We shall meet soon, Gary."
At this awkward moment, who should show up but the queen of the bitches herself, Mitaiyoko. "So, I see that Gary is with you all today. I wondered where the little worm went off to. Oh well."
I was not happy. Hell, I was flat-out pissed off. "Mitaiyoko, for being such a bitch, I must hope for the sake of the world that you don't have a sister like yourself." Her smirking at this did not reassure me.
"Gary wa baka, I do have a sister. Her name is Hikari. Haven't you seen her around here? Wait, with your observation skills, you probably haven't even noticed that my hair is red."
A voice came from the side. "Did I hear my name?" And then, I saw it. I knew it. It was Clair, or as her new name is, Hikari. I just hoped she wasn't like her sister.
"Erm, hello. My name's Gary. And you are?"
"Tachiseiko Hikari. Nice to meet you."
"And to yourself. I can see you're nothing like your sister. I hope that stays with you."
"Mitaiyoko! What have you been doing to this poor boy?"
"Nothing, nothing at all. Only what he deserves, nothing more."
I just stifled the urge to laugh, sat back, and watched the two of them go at it. Hikari was the split image of Mitaiyoko, only with a hairstyle like Ami's. She also seemed to actually posess a heart, unlike her sister.
The rest of the school day was uneventful, although I swear I never stopped hearing that haunting laugh, echoing like a howl. I got home, went upstairs to my lair, and locked the door behind me. Something did not seem right.
"So Gary, we meet again. You haven't changed... much." With that, a cloaked figure stepped into the light of the room. All I could see of him was his cloak, which looked like you were staring into the night sky. Only... it was surreal. The stars were twinkling, the meteorites streaked across it on occasion. And I saw his face. And it truly frightened me. My hands went to the first blade they could, and I swung. I swung at that black, fanged, grinning death's head figure that stood in the center of the room, that stepped out from nowhere. The blade absolutrely splintered.
"You should know that you can't stop death. It will come as it will. Always remember that. My name is Rift Moondrake. You will yet remember me, old friend. But I am not who I was before. I am now the Cancer of the Cosmos."
With that, Exor came into the room, and saw rift, as Rift raises his mask towards Exor, who fainted with a scream of terror. Replacing the mask and turning towards me, he laughed, the haunting laugh from earlier, grinned into his death's head mask, and simply... vanished. I mean, litewrally vanished. Now you see it, now you don't? Well, that's what happened.
Exor woke up, and uttered only a small question before fainting away again. "Prince... Moondrake... returned?!" He wasn't going to be of help. I stayed awake all night again that night. It looked like there were going to be a lot of sleepless nights, from now on...

A/N and disclaimer: I don't own anything here save for Gary, Exor, Edward, and the storyline, kinda-sorta. The zodiac scouts belong to Tes-sama, and Rift is my brother's character. You'll learn more of him later, like when I get part 8 up. Ciao!

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