Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Brave Little Girls ❯ Brave Little Girls ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: Sailor Moon and characters within said story are the possession of Takeuchi Naoko and not myself. This is just a harmless fic, please, nobody sue me or break my legs. ^_^
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Brave Little Girl
By Monikku

My senses ceased, it felt as if the entire universe collapsed into my chest. Breathing was near impossible, and my eyes were perfect circles. Jupiter's body, once strong and virile, hung lifeless from a spike of ice.

'Mako-chan...' her name sighed in my mind, and floated there like a rain cloud ready to burst, flooding the world with its tears.

When we first stepped onto the ice laden ground of this foreign place, I had an inkling. Staring at Makoto this way, it was an overwhelming force of reality. This cold, desolate continent... would be the land of our graves. - 'I had always wanted to be buried in my homeland.'

Seeing Usagi's tear stained, sorrow ridden face as she clawed her way up the wall of shattered ice... I longed to do the same. I longed to lift my dear friend's speared body, and bury it properly. I yearned to fall to my knees and sob a thousand shuddering tears. Tears for my dead friend, for our lost youth.

My resolve hardened as I saw Usagi-chan act out all of my desires. She was giving up! Jupiter, no, Mako-chan, had courageously given herself to protect Usagi, to protect the planet... and Usagi-chan was speaking non-sense, purging her fears and weaknesses to our enemy.

As Venus and Mars grabbed the hysterical Usagi, a million thoughts ran through my mind fueling my anger: 'Do not disgrace Makoto's sacrifice!' 'Stop being so weak!' 'You are the only one that can save this world!'

I slapped her. Hard.

She was stunned by my actions. I am normally a soft spoken, light hearted girl. These were times for neither sweet tones nor feather hearts.

Immediately, I was filled with regret.

"I'm sorry, Usagi-chan," I said, "but we must go on. Do not waste Jupiter's sacrifice."

Just then, my hand computer alerted me to the on-coming youma. I inhaled the deepest breath I had ever taken in my life. I knew what had to be done. I knew the others could not afford to die there. They, with their immense power, had to struggle on.

With an exhale, I told them of my plans and bade them farewell.

I am the weakest of the senshi. So I thought it best, in my position as the Senshi of wisdom, to send them on their way. I would be a decoy. I would die there, fighting the coming youma, to protect the planet. I summoned all of my courage to take those few steps away from my friends. Those steps that would lead me to a grim destination.

Glancing at Jupiter's limp body, I knew what would become of me. I knew I had no choice. I knew such a death might come to pass one day. The moment I accepted the henshin pen, I knew. The first time I transformed into Sailor Mercury, the whimpering of my heart spoke such a destiny.

And without resignation, but a ferocity I was unaware I had within me... I stood taller, stepped more firmly. I would die a righteous soldier, protecting the earth and the princess I loved so dearly.
