Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Broken Princess ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
This chapter's a little short, but oh well. I liked writing
this chapter. Feel free to listen to your favorite Looooove
song while you read. Hehehehe!

I don't own Sailor Moon, and I never will (boo-hoo). I
should also note that there are a couple of lines from Leah
Andreone's songs "Mother Tongue" and "You Make Me Remember"
-I will note which ones at the end of the chapters where
they appear.


Broken Princess

By Beloved

Rating PG-13

Chapter 2

Usagi rushed around frantically as she tried to get ready
for Nate's prom. It has been almost two weeks since he asked
her, leaving her not nearly enough time to prepare. It didn't
help that Usagi continued to have more horrible nightmares and
panic attacks either.
Nate would be at her house in a half an hour! She really
wanted to look good tonight. She wanted Nate to be blown away,
and she wanted to show that Akiko-baka that she was no baby.
Maybe she would even make Mamoru drool at her feet!
She continued to apply her make-up, using only soft pinks
and shimmery white. She placed her teardrop diamond earrings on
her lobes and clasped a diamond solitaire around her neck. She
had had her hair done by a professional this afternoon. It was
all up in tightly pinned curls, which made her appear to have
much less hair than she really did, and the hairdresser had placed
small rhinestones throughout the curls, causing her hair to glitter
With all those things taken care of, Usagi prepared to
put on her gown. It was a light, almost icy pink. The top of the
dress was a strapless corset while the bottom flowed out gently to
her feet. The bodice and the very bottom of the skirt were
embroidered with tiny pink beads. To complete the look, Usagi's
mother had bought her a pair of open toed glass slippers.
Usagi inspected herself in the mirror and felt a great
sense of pride. Even she thought she looked good. It may be a
cliche, but she really did look like a princess. While Usagi
was happy with her appearance, she still felt she needed
something. She ran her fingertips across her forehead wishing
that it would appear--it would complete her look so beautifully.

"Usagi! Your date is here," she heard her mother call.

"Well, this is it," Usagi told herself.

Usagi walked carefully downstairs where she saw Nate
speaking to her father. 'Oh great,' Usagi thought, 'Dad's
probably giving him the third degree. I guess I should go
rescue him.'

"Hi, Nate," she said cheerfully, awaiting his reaction to her

Nate turned around to greet his date and dropped the flowers
he was holding as soon as he looked at her. He couldn't speak.
He had never seen her this beautiful. "Wow," was all he
eventually managed and Usagi blushed happily.

"Are you ready to go?" she asked.

Nate nodded and picked up the flowers he had dropped.
"These are for you," he said to Usagi.

"Thank you. They're beautiful."

Nate took Usagi by the hand and led her to his car, and they
then went to the Juuban High Senior Prom.


Mamoru stood by his and Akiko's table with a blank look on his
face. He was positively board. His date was busy socializing
with people he didn't know, and he felt like a piece of arm
candy. At least his date looked beautiful, though. She wore a
tight lavender satin dress that went well with her dark brown
hair and eyes. He, of course, was wearing one of his traditional
tuxedos that he owned as Tuxedo Mask.
Akiko, after feeling she had mingled enough, turned her
attention back to Mamoru. "Are you having a good time?" she asked
and Mamoru nodded. "This is great," she continued, "we're the
best looking couple here."

Mamoru, who had become somewhat used to her narcissism, replied,
"Yeah, you look wonderful."

Akiko smiled and said, "I can't wait to see Nate and that Usapi

"Usagi," Mamoru corrected.

"Whatever. You know, I've never seen her wear a drop of make-up.
She'll probably show up in a sundress and her hair in those
ridiculous pigtails," Akiko snickered. "Nate will be so jealous
of you when he sees me."

Mamoru just rolled his eyes his date. "Well, speak of the devil,"
he said as he saw Nate walk in.

"Where are they?!" Akiko asked.

"Nate is over by the door," he told her. Mamoru watched Nate walk
in and stop when he realized he was missing his date. Nate began
to look around, and he must of spotted Usagi behind him because
he motioned for someone to come with him.

Mamoru watch closely, anticipating to see that Odango-Atama
who insisted on coming with that jerk. Mamoru felt his breath
catch in his throat as she came into view. 'That can't be Usagi,'
he thought dazedly. Mamoru looked at Akiko standing next to him
and saw the shocked look on her face. She looked almost unsure of
herself at seeing Usagi, but then straightened proudly and grabbed
Mamoru's arm. "Come on, Mamoru. We're going over there."

Usagi stood nervously gripping Nate's arm. She had lost all
her confidence once they had arrived here. She didn't know any
of these people! They were all upper classmen. Usagi continued
to look around the crowd of people until she heard a sickeningly
sweet and familiar voice. It was Akiko.

"Hi, Nate. Don't I look fabulous?"

Usagi looked at Akiko insecurely. She did look great.

"Yes, Akiko. You look very nice," Nate replied.

It was a compliment, but Akiko was disappointed with his response.

"Where is your date?" Nate asked.

"Right here," Mamoru informed him.

Usagi turned toward Mamoru's voice. When she spotted him, she tried
to hide the drool that was beginning to form at her mouth. 'God,
has Mamoru always been this gorgeous?' Usagi asked herself.

"Hi, Usagi," Mamoru said softly.

"Hi, Mamoru," she responded, her voice equally soft.

Usagi looked Mamoru in the eye and lost herself in his gaze.
Mamoru stared back, trapped in the gaze of a girl that he had
never seen look so beautiful. In fact, he'd never seen any girl
look that beautiful.

Mamoru cleared his throat nervously. "Usagi, you look--you look
incredible," he told her, Nate and Akiko forgotten.

"Thanks, Mamoru. So do you." Usagi found herself walking closer
to Mamoru, and he was doing the same toward her. Both stopped,
only a foot between them.

"I never knew you could look--like this," Mamoru said as he ran
his fingers over the silky skin of her left shoulder. Usagi
blushed, but she could not remove her gaze from his.

The two stood like that until Nate grabbed Usagi's arm and pulled
her close to him. "Usagi, what are you doing?" he asked her.

Usagi shook her head out of the daze that had overtaken her.
"Uh, nothing. I was just talking to Mamoru."

Nate looked at Mamoru suspiciously, but said nothing. "Well, why
don't we find a table?" he said to Usagi.

"You can sit at our table," Akiko put in.

Nate was about to say 'no' when Usagi smiled and said 'okay.' Usagi
had barely placed her purse on the table when Akiko took Nate's
arm and said, "Let's dance!" leaving only Usagi and Mamoru at the
table. When Nate and Akiko had entered the dance floored a fast
paced song was playing, but the music soon changed to a slow love

Usagi watched Akiko dance with HER date, and Mamoru eyed her
nervously. Clearing his throat once again, he said, "Usagi, dance
with me." His tone of voice was strange. It had almost sounded
like an order, like she could not refuse him even if she wanted to.

Usagi turned toward Mamoru with a look of surprise on her face.
"You want to dance with me? But what if I step on your feet!"

Mamoru laughed. "Usagi, I have never wanted to dance with anyone
more." He took Usagi's hand and walked to the dance floor. Usagi
held her breath as Mamoru faced her. He placed a hand on her hip
and pulled her body impossibly close to his, while she responded
by snaking an arm around his neck. With his free hand, Mamoru took
her free hand and pulled it close to his chest, lacing his fingers
with hers. He began to lead the dance, but soon found he didn't
need to as they fell into a smooth rhythm. Usagi craned her neck
to look up at the man she was dancing with. She couldn't believe
it was Mamoru. Mamoru looked back at Usagi, his face inches from
hers and he felt Usagi's fingers slip into his hair, causing his
head to lower even more. His hand moved to the small of her back,
pressing her as close to him as possible. Mamoru felt strangely
comfortable with the girl in his arms, and he lowered his head
to rest just between her neck and shoulder. Usagi closed her eyes
as she felt Mamoru's warm breath against her skin. Her knees felt
weak, and she may have collapsed were it not for Mamoru's strong
hold. They were holding each other so closely that, to anyone
watching, the two looked like lovers. And they were positively the
most beautiful couple anyone had ever seen.

Usagi took her hand from his hair and brought it to his face,
causing Mamoru to look her in the eye. At that moment, something
had triggered inside them. They both stopped, their bodies becoming
incredibly still. They continued to simply stare at each other,
recognition coming to both their eyes. This feeling-it was so familiar,
and-and intimate. Mamoru ached to close the small space between
them, to taste her lips with his, but something held him back.
Something in her gaze was begging him to kiss her, but something else
was telling him he couldn't. Mamoru took the hand that was entwined
with hers and placed it at the base of her neck. Damn what ever it
was that was holding him back because he was going to do it, he
was going to kiss her. His lips moved closer to hers and-

"Usagi!" Nate's voice called.

Usagi's eye's widened and she pulled herself from Mamoru's embrace.

"Usagi! Oh, there you are!" Nate smiled. "I was wondering where you
had gone."

"I was just dancing with Mamoru," she said nervously.

"How unfortunate," Nate said throwing Mamoru a cocky look. "Why
don't I show you how to dance, Usagi? I would like to have you
in my arms."

Usagi smiled and followed Nate, but not before giving
Mamoru one last longing look. Mamoru felt his heart stop as she
looked at him, and he desired her then more than he had ever
desired anything.

Nate brought Usagi close to him as they began to dance. As
Usagi danced with him, she yearned to be somewhere else-specifically
Mamoru's arms. She liked Nate very much, but the feeling of being
in his arms doesn't even compare to those of Mamoru. Usagi looked
over Nate's shoulder, searching for the man who was supposed to
be her mortal enemy, but she did not see him. She assumed he was
with Akiko, and she felt jealousy overtake her senses. She imagined
Mamoru holding Akiko as he had just held her, and she felt her
heart sink into her chest.

"Nate, if you don't mind, I need to get some air," Usagi told him.

"Of course I don't mind. Do you want me to come with you?" he asked.

"No, that's alright. I'll only be a few minutes."

Usagi went out onto the balcony that was connected to the
room she was just in. She walked to the railing and inhaled deeply.
She stared up at the sky, and at the moon in particular, and tried
to sort out her feelings. She shivered slightly from a cool breeze
and was going to return inside, when she felt two warm hands on her
Usagi turned around slowly, facing the person behind her.
"Mamoru," she breathed.

"Hey," was all he said.

"Hey," she said back just before he leaned down and kissed her.

For some reason, Usagi had been expecting that kiss, and
she accepted Mamoru's lips immediately. He kissed her softly, his
hands resting at her waist, but then Usagi wrapped her arms around
Mamoru's neck, pulling him closer, and the kiss turned more passionate.
Mamoru wrapped his arms tighter around her and the pressure from
his kiss had bent her backward slightly over the balcony railing.

Without either of them realizing it, the kissed turned almost
desperate. They were kissing as if they would never kiss again.
Mamoru gripped at Usagi as if she would disappear, and Usagi's hands
were wound so tightly into Mamoru's hair that he should have cried
out in pain-but neither of them noticed. They just kissed deeper.

All of a sudden, Usagi received a vision. It was a vision
of a Prince and Princess holding each other as desperately as they
were. From the couple in her vision Usagi could sense a great deal
of fear-fear of getting caught. And that's when Usagi remembered
Nate. She abruptly pulled away from Mamoru's grasp as guilt washed
over her.

"I'm sorry Mamoru...I just can't. I'm supposed to be here with Nate."

"Oh right. Him," Mamoru drawled, disappointed. "Listen, Usagi, I'm
sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen. I had no right."

"It's okay, Mamoru. Really. I-I better go find Nate now," Usagi said
just before running back inside.

Mamoru watched her go, and an empty feeling came over him. It
was funny; after the kiss they just shared, his desire for Usagi
should have been satisfied, but now he only longed for her more.

After Usagi had returned to Nate, they danced some more, talked
some more, and flirted some more. Now, Nate was dropping Usagi at her
house. As they approached to her home, Nate gazed at Usagi.

"You looked wonderful tonight," he said to her.

"Thank you. I had a wonderful time," Usagi replied nervously,
knowing what was going to happen next.

Nate leaned close to Usagi and, lifting her chin with his hand,
he kissed her fully on the mouth. Usagi responded slightly; though
she did not want respond at all.

Usagi broke the kiss shortly after it began. "Goodnight, Nate," she
said softly and went into her house.

Nate watched her go in, and after she had disappeared from his
view, he softly whispered, "Goodnight...Serenity."


Usag i took off her gown and carefully hung it up. She then
sat at her dresser and began taking the bobby pins out of her
hair. Usagi stared through her reflection that just stared distantly
back thinking of how torn apart she felt. It was unusual and
ironic that she would find herself falling for Mamoru, while an
amazing guy just happened to be falling for her at the same time.

Well at least SHE thought he was amazing--Mamoru had other
ideas about Nate, however. Mamoru. What was it about him that was
suddenly appealing to her? Since she's known him he's done nothing
but drive her crazy! He still drives her crazy--just in a different
way now...

Usagi tucked herself into her covers and hoped that sleep
would settle her restless heart, but when morning comes, she will
be dreadfully disappointed. For the next day will bring her nothing
but further grief...


Dun dun dunnnnnn! Short and cheesy-just the way I like it. Chapter 3's next.