Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Broken Princess ❯ Epilogue ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Well, this is it! I hope my story was tolerable enough to finish!
I'd appreciate any comments.

Sailor Moon does not belong to me.


Broken Princess

By Beloved

Rating PG-13


Her bones ached--no, throbbed. She winced internally at her
pain because she did not have the strength or the courage to do so
externally. Everything seemed to hurt.

What had happened to make her feel this badly? She could
almost feel herself pale as she remembered the answer. Could she
have possibly survived? Was she still alive in the dark cavern lying
on top of her dead Love's body? No. No, no one could sustain a wound
like the one she had given herself.

So where was she now? Was she dead? She surely expected death
to be more comfortable than this. And where was Mamoru? Usagi's throat
closed at the thought of his name. Mamoru. God, how she wished he
were here.

Usagi suddenly squinted her closed eyes and was both surprised
and overwhelmed by the irritant--light. And not just any light, but
the distinctive light of the sun.

Usagi forced her left eye open with all of her strength. Her
blurred vision did not help answer any of her concerns. All she could
make out was tones of pink and white, and fuzzy...objects with, with
floppy ears? Bunnies? Was she--could she actually be in her bedroom?
She forced her other eye open and, as her vision cleared, she found
that she was in fact in her room.

"But how..." she whispered to herself.

Had it all been a dream? Her aching body screamed otherwise.
Usagi painfully pushed herself into a sitting position, causing her
to notice her reflection in her bedroom mirror. The entire right
side of her face was black and blue, her hair was stringy and loose
and caked with dirt and blood. Blood. She still wore her once-white
nightgown that was now mostly cover with patches of blood--Mamoru's
blood...and her blood too! She franticly felt underneath the sticky,
stiff garment searching for the gash that the sword would have left.
There was nothing there except the stain of her blood.

She wobbily pushed herself to her feet, trying to collect her
thoughts at the same time. Usagi continued to stare at herself in the
mirror--at the blood that cover her knees and parts of her shins from
when she had knelt next to Mamoru's dying body. Mamoru...Wait a
second...if she was still alive, then-then-maybe...

Usagi rushed down her stairs, despite her body's painful protest.
She ran straight out the front door not giving her mother enough time
to see her bruised and battered daughter. She ran the four blocks to
her destination as fast as her bare feet would carry her. She ran,
ignoring the horrified stares and gasps of the pedestrians and motorists
that littered the streets and sidewalks. Everyone but Mamoru was blocked
out of her mind.

She almost ran right into the slowly sliding doors of the Crown
Game Center, and pulled her self to a halt once she was inside. She
immediately spotted the back of a blacked haired young man who appeared
to be frantically searching for someone.

Everyone stopped when Usagi had entered. Motoki dropped the drinks
he was carrying, the teens playing games stared in terrified shock, and
a raven-haired young women and a tall brunette stared horrified at their

"Dear, God, Usagi!" Rei screamed. "What happened to you?" she asked
on the verge of tears.

At the mention of Usagi's name, Mamoru whipped around at an
impossible speed. He knew she was alive. There she stood before him,
bruised and in nothing but a blood stained nightgown.

Usagi shakily brought her hands over her mouth, overwhelmed and
not believing that God could be this kind. He was alive. THEY were alive,
and they were together.

Her emotions were much too intense to bear. Her chest heaved
roughly and tears welled up in her eyes. She could feel her shoulders
shaking and she knew she was going to collapse.

Mamoru ran to catch her quickly and gathered her in his arms.
Usagi wrapped her weak arms around his neck with a surprising amount of
strength and sobbed into his neck. Mamoru cried also, not able to hold
it in.

Neither noticed nor cared to notice the sight they made--two
ex-rivals covered with cuts and black and blue marks and each other's
dried blood, holding each other desperately; and all anyone could do was
stare. No one made a move to stop them, to help them, to separate them.
They just watched in shock as the two embrace and shared in their
incredibly moving and joyous moment.

Usagi felt lightheaded and happy in Mamoru's arms. She wasn't sure
how she and Mamoru were alive. Was it a miracle...were they saved by
God...did the crystal grant her wishes? She didn't know or care. She
had finally gotten him back, and she had finally earned the right to be
his princess. She truly was a princess, broken no more.

@~}~~~The End~~~{~@


Yeah, yeah. So I gave it a happy ending. Thanks for reading and I hope
to write another!

Peace Out-
