Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ BSSM: Star Kingdom (Arch I: DeathSong) ❯ The Dream ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4

After talking a while, Mitaiyoko excuses herself to go home for dinner with Apollo on her heels.

Meanwhile, Usagi and Minako go into Usagi's room with Luna and Artemis and get settled…

"*All right! What was wrong with you two?*" Minako and Usagi ask in unison.

"*That girl is strange...*" Luna answers.

"*Her cat too!*" Artemis answers, finishing Luna's sentence.

"*I like the way she dresses. Did you see the killer shoes and dress she was wearing yesterday?*" Usagi asks.

"*Sometimes I worry about you, Usagi!*" Luna whispers.

"*Me too!*" Artemis agrees vehemently.

"*What?! What did I say?*" Usagi cries. "*Oh! That reminds me! I saw a girl today with a WAY COOL fuku. It was like my Super Sailor but with different colors for the bows and ribbons… She had killer shoes too!*" Usagi comments mostly to herself.

"*Usagi! Stick to the subject!*" Luna demands.

"*I am sticking to the subject…of shoes! I don't think Mitaiyoko dresses strange!*" Usagi's voice rises to defend her new friend.

"*Oh bother!*" Luna complains. "*I wasn't saying she dressed strange but that she is strange…as in a feeling of power.*"

"*Is she our new enemy? Or is she another senshi to help us?*" Minako asks.

"*The girl I saw this afternoon called herself 'the new senshi of the stars, Sailorsun'. She had fire-red hair and she had it in a do like yours Minako, only a little shorter,*" Usagi adds. "*I can't remember much else. I was kind of busy,*" Usagi says grimacing.

"*I'll keep an eye on Mitaiyoko.*" Minako volunteers. "*You just watch for that other senshi if something else happens.*"

Luna mutters "*That cat… I remember him vaguely but I think he was from the Star Kingdom. Now if only I could remember the princess' name… That might give us a clue as to who the Sailorsun character is.*"

"*Names? You've always been bad with names, Luna, of course… so am I. Her name was Princess Dawn something. Weird court. Having last names and all…*" Artemis says to Luna.

"*Well, let's look at this like Ami-chan would. What do we have so far?*" Minako suggests. "*One; Mitaiyoko Helio, a new student, shows up. She makes friends with our group. Two; a new senshi appears, calling herself 'Sailorsun', looks similar to us but still different. Hmmm…*" Minako ponders. "*What are other names for the sun, Luna?*" Artemis queries.

Luna settles herself to lecture, "*Well…let's see, Star, Sol, Solaris, Solar, Soleil, Helios…*"

"*WAIT!!!*" Minako and Artemis scream.

"*Helios?! Helio!!!! That's IT!!*" Minako paces. "*We can't go wrong! That has to be it!*" Minako says with a giddy tone in her voice.

"*Uh, you want to share Minako-chan,*" Usagi says, "* because I think I just lost you."

"*If it's like you told me in the beginning, Artemis, Mitaiyoko is probably looking for the 'Star Princess', but she doesn't know who to trust. She probably doesn't know who we are or her cat would have spoken to you two.*" Minako points out to Luna and Artemis.

"*And there is a real chance that she is the 'Princess Dawn Helios' she is looking for.*" Usagi concludes. "*But…*"

"*But what?*" Luna asks.

"*If Mitaiyoko is a senshi, then who's youma did I defeat?*" Usagi asks, confused.

"*Let's go over all the details of the battle so we have a clue on what we're up against.*" Artemis suggests.

Girls and cats settle on the bed to get down to a thorough debriefing of the afternoon's battle.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"*All right. Here's what we have.*" Minako says.

"*We're pretty sure that Mitaiyoko is Sailorsun and might possibly be Princess Dawn Helios. We know that Sailorsun is very powerful. We also know that our new enemy's name is Meiseiou and his yoma are also very powerful. Powerful enough that Usagi couldn't defeat it with out help from Sailorsun. Is that all?*" Minako asks Usagi.

"*Yeah, I guess so.*" Usagi replies.

"*We need to call a meeting for tomorrow after school.*" Minako says. "*I'll get the other inner senshi notified. You talk with Hotaru, Michiru, Haruka and Setsuna, Usagi-chan.*"

"*How come I always notify the outers of a meeting?*" Usagi whines.

"*You don't always, but you do handle them better than Minako-chan does.*" Luna scolds.

"*Fine.*" Usagi reluctantly agrees.

"*Mitaiyoko should get to know all of us. Usagi-chan, take Mitaiyoko to the arcade Tuesday and tell the outers to meet you there. You can tell them that at the meeting.*" Artemis says suggestively.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Back at Mitaiyoko's apartment… Dream sequence

"Andrew, darling, go away. I don't want you here when the inevitable happens." I say affectionately.

"No. I'm not leaving this palace. Let alone you." Prince Andrew said, scolding me affectionately as he takes me in his arms.

"You must!" I say, pushing him away.

"I said it before and do I have to say it again? I will not leave your side." the prince of Saturn said assertively as he reached to embrace me again.

"Andrew, are you sticking it out here with us? Or are you going to go to the moon with your sister as you were ordered?" Queen Dawn asked Andrew.

"He's leaving." and "I'm staying." were the simultaneous answers that Queen Dawn received from the young couple.

"You know daughter, Clair has the Star Archer staying. I don't see why he should go if your sister has her champion." the queen murmured to me. As my mother turns from me I barely hear her say beneath her breath, "Enjoy the moments you have left together. If you manage to find each other again, it may not be for thousands of years."

"Very well. I just don't want him to get hurt." I told my mother while I returned Prince Andrew's sweet embrace.

"I won't get hurt, queen of my heart. You should know that." Prince Andrew kissed the words into my ear.

With that, Queen Dawn left us alone in the room.

"I still wish I knew you were going to be safe. Something's different from the first attacks. Lately they don't seem like Queen Metallia's or Queen Beryl's style. They have a more masculine touch." I muttered.

"I am staying here with you." my Love asserts. "And I don't care if I die," Prince Andrew paused to emphasize the remark, "so long as I'm with you, Queen of my heart and Light of my life." He rains kisses on my lips, cheeks and neck.

"And I will be able to endure what comes with you by my side, Knight of my honor and Well of my spirit!" I breathed into his hair. "My prince charming." I assured Prince Andrew with passionate kisses of my own.

Suddenly, the floor shook violently, causing many of the Court to fall to the ground. This happened occasionally when a solar flare went off nearby, but this tremendous shaking was far too strong to be anything a flare could kick up even if it were right on top of us.

I run to the communicator wall and try to contact Princess Serenity. All I can get is static. I can still get readouts from Earth so I know it is not the equipment. Prince Andrew is right at my side and I turn to him with tears running down my cheeks. This could mean only one thing… the Moon Kingdom was no more.

We embrace each other as we cry out our sorrows. Prince Andrew whispers his brave sister's name, and I cry for all my fellow princesses now dead and gone. The most painful name I recall is Princess Mytira; she and I had been friends since either of us could remember.

"All court members, report to the council room." comes over the palace speaker system. I grab Prince Andrew's hand and pull him toward the council room. I notice the remaining six Zodiac Senshi running into the room as I came up behind them. Sailor Leo, my best friend of my guard, tosses her brown hair like she was a model.

Sailors Capricorn, Libra, Pisces, Aquarius, Scorpio and Sagittarius had gone to the ball to meet with their families, the royalties of Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto. Sailor Capricorn was one of Andrew's sisters, Sagittarius is Jessica's older sister, Aquarius was Ursella's older sister, Pieces was Narissa's older sister and Scorpio was related to Pandora in a one way or another.

We file in and take our places in our customary chairs; six remain unclaimed as testament to the Moon's downfall. Prince Andrew pulls a chair from the closet and puts it to the right of me.

Then my mother and her court come in more regally and take their places behind their equals in my court, or the empty seats of their equals as the case may be. My mother takes her place behind me with gracefully fluid motion that I would need years of practice to attain I think irrationally. I unconsciously grab Andrew's hand and hold it tight. I was having a bad feeling, and it wasn't because my best friend had just died.

Again, the floor shakes, even more violently than before. Just as the shaking subsided enough for everyone to sit upright, an image appears on the communicator. It is of a dark-skinned man with black hair and dark eyes. He also has an insignia on his forehead. It resembles my eight-point star in shape but it was black as the space between stars itself.

Then he speaks. " The Moon Kingdom is dead and I, Meiseiou, will make sure that there will be no trace of the Star Kingdom when I'm done. Say 'fare well' to the Star Kingdom." Meiseiou voice booms darkly, and my feelings are confirmed…

… Mitaiyoko wakes up suddenly in the dark room that she has trouble recognizing as her own. She notices that she's drenched in a cold sweat. Apollo grumbles then wakes up completely at the sight of Mitaiyoko sitting bolt upright in bed.

"*Uh, what's wrong?" Apollo asks, still half asleep.

"*I don't know." Mitaiyoko answers. "I guess it was a dream. Have you heard of a Meiseiou?" Mitaiyoko asked her guardian.

"*No, I haven't. Why?*" he replies guardedly.

"*It's probably nothing. Let's get back to sleep.*" Mitaiyoko says dismissively. And so they did.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Later that morning, Mitaiyoko wakes up refreshed but still 'off' because of her disturbing dream. In French class later on, she's so out of it, the teacher had called on her three times with no response!
Most of the class thoughts it was funny to see the top student in French class acting like Usagi. The teacher and Mitaiyoko didn't think it was very funny but who ever really would take their opinions to heart?

Art class sees her a little more attentive to instructions but she didn't need to follow them because she came in the middle of that project. So instead she wanders about the classroom looking at other student's projects.

When Mitaiyoko happens upon a particularly beautiful piece, she stops to admire it until the owner comes back. Something about the piece struck Mitaiyoko's soul deeply. She never heard a green-haired girl walk up and sit down by it and begin to reach around Mitaiyoko to work on it.

"*Sorry.*" Mitaiyoko apologizes to the green-haired girl as she moves to get out of her way. "*That's really…beautiful.*"

"*Don't worry about it. I'm used to it.*" Green-hair replies.

"*My name's Helio Mitaiyoko. I just came here from America. What's your name, if I may inquire?*" Mitaiyoko asks her.

"*Yes, you may. Pleasure to meet you Helio-san. My name is Kai'ou Michiru.*" Michiru makes a small head bob as she replies.

"*Hello girls.* The art instructor says he walked up to the two girls, "*I see my two most promising students are getting to know each other.*"

"Me? Promising? What's he talking about? Did he hit his head?" Mitaiyoko asks in her head.

"*I have a proposition for you two.*" he says. "*Since you have nothing better to do Helio-san and you're way ahead of the class Kai'ou-san, I thought that maybe we could have a little side challenge going on between the two of you.*"

Mitaiyoko and Michiru are both thoroughly intrigued by this. They look at each other, shrug, turn back to the instructor and pay closer attention to what he is saying.

"*I propose that you each do a painting of something that means something to you. I will not know who's painting is who's for I will not come near either of you until you're both finished. And then I will judge which is better. Then you can tell me who's is who's.*" he offered.

"*I'll do it!*" Michiru and Mitaiyoko yell enthusiastically in unison. They both immediately cover their mouths and giggle over their unexpected volume.

"*Very well! I'll get the canvas for the both of you. Follow me.*" the instructor says as he leads the two artistic girls to the supply room.

"*I suggest that you bring them home with you so no one in class that's biased to one of you will interfere with the other's painting.*"

"*Sure thing.*" Mitaiyoko replied. Michiru agrees to that as well. Both girls are excited about a competition.

While the Art teacher was setting up the girls with their supplies, we move to Usagi and Makoto in World Geography.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"*Well, Minako says she is going to watch her.*" Usagi explains to Makoto. "*I've got my hands full keeping an eye out for these new youma.*"

"*Are you all sure she's from the Star Court?*" Makoto whispered behind her desktop as she reached for her textbook.

The teacher interrupted them at this point and world safety was put on hold for world geography.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

At lunch, Ami meets up with Usagi and Makoto. Usagi, watching Ami walk up to them, is stretching from side to side to see around Ami.

"*What on earth are you doing, Usagi?*" Ami asks as she placed her lunch bag on grass beside the spot she picks for herself.

"*Didn't you invite Mitaiyoko to come to lunch with us?*" Makoto asks.

"*I really didn't have much of a chance,*" Ami replies. "*She looked awful when she came in to Geometry and she just barely made it to the end of Chemistry. She said she was going to see the nurse. I hope she is all right.*" Ami adds.

"*Maybe I should go check on her when we are done.*" Usagi suggests.

"*NO!*" both girls reply adamantly. "You can't afford to be late to Phys Ed anymore, can you?*" Ami quizzes.

"*No, I guess you're both right, but I need to talk with her.*" Usagi pouts.

"*Now why is that, Usagi?*" Ami asks calmly.

Usagi looks at Makoto questioningly.

"*You're going to have to tell her this afternoon anyway.*" Makoto tells Usagi in a matter-of-fact voice.

"*Okay. Ami, Mitaiyoko is a new senshi.*" Usagi informs Ami calmly.

Announcer's voice> What could that dream mean? What will the other senshi say about the new Sailorsun? Find out ne- *Queen Tessandry shoots the Announcer through the head*

Disclaimer &Authoress's Note: *clears her throat* Thank you. We don't need this to become another Evil-thing episode. Evil-things are Pokemon. *shudders* If you couldn't guess, I hate that electric rat, the TV show, the games and anything else related to the stupid series. Anyways, I don't own any of the characters that appeared in this chapter except for Princess Dawn Helios/Mitaiyoko Helio/Sailorsun, Prince Andrew of Saturn (although he could almost be not mine because I just made it so that Motoki was originally from the Silver Star Millennium. Yeah, so I altered that SM's name slightly. I only added 'star' though.), and Apollo. Star Archer belongs to my B/F, Gryffindor Archer and he's been kind enough to let me use the character. (HE SHOULD! ESPECIALLY IF HE WANTS TO MERGE THE STORIES LIKE WE WANT!!!) New character shows up next chapter. Don't bother sending flames because I roast hot dogs, marshmallows and my brother on them. ^_^ Tah-tah 'til next chapter!

~Queen Tessandry de Sanyochisei~