Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Cinderella: A Sailor Moon Story ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Cinderella: A Sailor Moon Story part 2

The next morning, Usagi awoke to screaming voices. She yawned tiredly, climbing out of bed and padding over to her dressed. She opened the top drawer to search for her white dress, but her hand closed aroung a cool, hard object instead. She pulled it out, staring in amazement at the glass slipper in her hand.

"It wasn't a dream," she mumbled, dumbfounded.

As the voices grew nearer, she wuickly stuffed the slipper back into her drawer and slammed it shut.

Her bedroom door flew open as Rei entered, followed by Beryl and Ami.

"I just know it will fit me!" she was saying excitedly.

"I'm sure it will, dear," Beryl agreed.

"What are you talking about?" Usagi asked,

"Prince Endymion's mysterious disappearing date," Ami informed her. "Apparently she ran off and left only a slipper behind, so now he's going from house to house to have all the women try it on. The one it fits is his dream woman."

"That would be me!" Rei cried gleefully, running a comb furiously through her long black hair. "I'm the one, his one."

"Uh, Rei, I saw your shoes yesterday, and they were most definitely not glass slippers."

Rei glared at her sister. "Just because I wasn't the one wearing them, it doesn't mean they won't fit me."

"Honestly, Rei! How can you-"

"Now, now, girls," Beryl interrupted. "There's no time to argue if Prince Endymion is comig today. We must get ready for him." She clapped her hands together. "Rei, Ami, put on your best dressed. Usagi, the entire house needs to be spotless."

"Of course." Usagi used this as her excuse to escape the awkward conversation. Grabbing a broom from the hall closet, she began to swep the kitchen floor. 'He's looking for me!' She stopped sweeping as a realization hit her. 'He's not looking for me. He's looking for the woman at the ball last night, the one in the beautiful gown, the one that doesn't exist.'

Tears pooled in her eyes. 'I could never be that woman. I'll always just be me, plain, simple Usag.'

"Usagi, get in here!" Rei screamed from her room.

Quickly wiping the tears from her eyes, Usagi left the kitchen half-heartedly.

"I see his carriage!" Rei squealed from her spot in front of the window. "He's on his way here!"

"Remember, girls, to be charming and agreeable," Beryl reminded her two daughters.

"Mother, what about Usagi?" Rei asked, panicking.

"I sent Usagi out to pick fresh flowers for every room in the house," she replied, dismissing the thought with a wave of her hand. "She'll be gone for hours."

"Great idea, Mother!"

Ami only frowned at Beryl disapprovingly, who paid no attention to her reaction.

As a knock on the door sounded, Rei and Beryl exchanged nervous smiles. Beryl opened the door. "Why, Prince Endymion, do come in," she stepped aside and curtseyed as he entered, followed by his royal administrator. One last man entered, holding the glass slipper up on a blue velvet pillow.

"Oh, that's mine!" Rei cried, diving for the slipper. The man holding the pillow threw a look of pure fear at Endymion.

"Rei, calm down!" Beryl told her. "Patience, my dear."

"Do you mind trying on the slipper?" Endymion asked Ami, who shyly shook her head. She sat down in the armchair in front of him. He signaled for the slipper to be brought to him.

Picking up the fragile glass gingerly, Endymion slipped it on Ami's foot.

"The slipper is a bit too big for me," Ami murmured, the slipper barely hanging onto her extended foot. She had just enough time to hand it back to Endymion before Rei pulled her off the chair.

"I know it fits me!" She grabbed the slipper from him and shoved it on her foot. "It-doesn't-fit," she said in disbelief. "My feet must be swollen from dancing last night, she rambled, trying to sound convincing. "Hold on, I'll make it fit." Rei grabbed the slipper with both hands and tried desperately to shove her heel into it.

"Onegai, be careful!" Endymion panicked.

"It fits!" she cried in triumph. Somehow she had managed to cram her foot into the delicate shoe.

"It does?" Endymion stood in shock.

"Of course it..." She paused, her face turning red. "Doesn't! Of course it doesn't! I can't feet my foot!" She pulled with every ounce of strength, trying to pry the shoe off. With one final tug she succeeded, the slipper flying into the air.

Everyone watched the slipper fall in slow motion, each of them cringing as it hit the wooden floor and showered the oom with fine glass shards.

"Kami, what have I done?" Rei whispered, her hand over her mouth.

"That was my only link to her," Endymion said sadly. "I'll never find her now. Come, now we must go." He turned to leave with his two men,

"Gomen nasai, your highness," Rei apologized thickly.

Endymion paused. "I know you did not break it purposefully. Demo... Now I have no leads, no way of finding her." He left, the door quietly closing behind his men.

"Really, Rei, how could you be that clumsy!" Beryl scolded. "The prince will never forget this!"

"I didn't mean to!" Rei ran out of the room in tears.

"I better go check on her." Ami followed her sister.

Beryl just watched them leave, an angry scowl on her face.

Usagi sat on the bench at the top of the hill, her elbows propped up on her knees, he chin resting on her hands. A large basket of flowers sat at her feet.

She had been sitting there for an hour, staring at the wishing well with a blank look on her face. Still tired form last night's events, Usagi found it surprising she was awake at all.

'Why didn't I just tell him it was me?' she tormented herself with the question over and over.

Sighing, she closed her eyes. She had a chance to shine, to be with Endymion. Then again, who's to say that the revelation would have ended in happiness? They barely knew each other, as she pointed out to him the other day.

"Why am I thinking about this?" she wondered aloud. "It's all over and done with. I can't change it now."

"I know how you feel."

Usagi's heart stopped, a tiny, hopeful smile forming on her lips. She looked up. "It's kind of frustrating."

"I agree." Endymion replied, sinking onto the bench next to her. "This has not been my day."

"Did something bad happen?"

"Only something that could potentially affect my future. But don't worry, I won't bore you with the details."

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't care." Usagi touched his shoulder briefly.

He turned to her. "I was so close, Usagi, I could feel it!" he relayed. "I was nearing the end of the list, but somehow it all just fell apart, both literally and figuratively."

"What do you mean?"

"The woman I met at the ball... We were connecting on every level, but she ran off at midnight. All that was left was a glass slipper on the stairs."

Usagi gasped. So that's what happened to the other slipper!

"I decided to find her by finding the woman whose foot fit in the slipper. Unfortunately, the last house I went to saw the last of the only clue I had. The slipper fell and shattered on the floor."

"It did?" Usagi had a troubled looked on her face.

Noticing this, Endymion told her quickly, "I knew you didn't want to be burdened by my trouble."

"Iie, it's all right." She grabbed his hand when he started to get up. He sat back down.

"I just can't believe this is happening," he moaned.

"Was she really that special?" Usagi asked hesitantly.

"Hai, she was. She was sweet, beautiful, caring... And I'll never see her again."

"You don't know that."

"I think I do." He closed his eyes, leaning back against the bench.

"Oh, but you don't."

When Endymion opened his eyes, he thought he was hallucinating.

Usagi held the tiny glass slipper out to him, watching his face intently.

"Am- am I dreaming? Where did you find that?" he wanted to know.

Taking a deep breath she answered, "It's mine."

"Iie, it belongs to..." Endymion stopped. "It was you?" he whispered.

"It was," she confessed, looking down.

He lifted her chin and kissed her unexpectedly. Pulling back, he searched her wide eyes.

"I don't... understand," she murmured.

"Then let me clarify. I knew there was something familiar about you at the ball. I just don't know why I didn't realize that it was you, the only person who understands me, who listens to me, who likes me for me and not my title. You are so wonderful. Iie, I mean it," he knelt down in front of her when she turned away.

"I didn't tell you who I was," she choked out, on the verge of tears.

"I think a part of me knew." He glanced over at the wishing well. "Can I tell you something?" When she didn't answer he continued. "I wanted it to be you."


He laughed. "Is that so hard to believe? I've been wishing all my life for someone, a person to talk to, laugh with, basically someone to love. And then I met you. You were everything I needed and more."

"If you keep talking like that, I might just fall in love with you," Usagi joked.

"That's what I'm hoping for." Endymion scooped Usagi into his arms and showered her with kisses.

"Ungrateful little wretch!" Rei fumed, stomping around the kitchen. She was helping Ami make dinner. "Four days! For four days she's been gone! When she shows up finally, she'll wish she had stayed away."

"You never did like her much," Ami pointed out, buttering the french bread expertly. "And it doesn't kill you to do work either."

"Oh, who asked you?" Rei grumbled.

The girls were startled out of their argument by a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" Rei ran to the entranceway, followed by a curious Ami. Flinging the door open, Rei's eyes narrowed.

"Usagi, you're back!" Ami clapped her hands together in delight.

"Where the hell have you been?" Rei demanded.

"I know I've been gone for a while, but I have a good reason," Usagi began as Rei pulled her into the house.

"I don't want to hear your excuses!"

"But it's not-"

"What is going on?" Beryl asked in irritation, walking up to the group. "Usagi, you finally bless us with your presence."

"Hai, Stepmother," she answered. "I have some news-"

"Nonsense!" Rei interrupted. "She's just trying to get herself out of trouble!"

"Must you always think the worst of everyone?" Ami accused her sister. "I'm sure her reason is plausible-"

"Sure, take her side over your own blood relative, your real sister."

"That's not what-"

"Girls, stop arguing!" Beryl commanded, being ignored by both daughters.

"I have something to say," Usagi began. She wasn't heard over their arguing. "I have something to-" she soke louder. Growling in frustration she screamed, "Shut up!"

Everyone stopped talking and looked at her.

"Much better. Now, I have something to say."

"Later, tell us later," Beryl clipped impatiently. "Right now you can go fix us some tea."

"And I need my new dress altered," Rei added.

"Iie," Usagi murmured.

"What was that?" Beryl wanted to know.

"I said, I'm not going to do those things."

"Nani?" they stared at her in disbelief.

"I am moving out," she announced in a tone of finality.

"Demo... You can't!" Rei sputtered. "Who's going to do all the chores?"

"You got along fine without me for four days. I think you'll manage," Usagi answered wryly.

"Why are you moving out?" Ami asked.

"I got married."

"Married?" Beryl and Rei screeched together.

"That's wonderful!" Ami enveloped her stepsister in a hug.

"That's preposterous!" Rei exploded. "Who would want to marry her?"

"Rei, you're so rude!"

"My husband is outside waiting for me," Usagi told them. "I told him I just had to pack my belongings really fast-"

Before she could finish her sentence, they rushed out the door to see her
husband. All three gasped at the man before them.

"Nani? Oh, I get it. It's a joke," Rei chuckled uneasily.

"It's no joke," Usagi corrected from behind. She stepped around them and over to her husband, who took her hand in his.

"Usagi?" Ami wondered, confused.

"Ladies, I would like to introduce you to my wife, my princess, your future queen," Endymion announced grandly, kissing Usagi's hand tenderly.

"Iie, you can't be married," Rei refused to believe. "I was supposed to be queen!"

"Gomen for bursting your bubble, ear, but t will never happen," Usagi smiled sweetly.

"Now wait a minute..." Rei growled.

"I am so happy for both of you!" Ami put in quickly.

"I knew you would be, Ami. That is why we invite you to visit us at the caste whenever your heart desires."

"Arigato for the invitation! I'll visit often."

"What about us?" Beryl gestured to Rei and herself.

"Oh, both of you can have a lovely view of the castle when you pass by in your carriage. We must be on our way now," she turned away from a stupefied Beryl and Rei and a giggling Ami. "I'll send a servant for my things."

She climbed into the silver carriage, followed by Endymion. He paused on the step. Turning back, he bowed to them. He climbed into the carriage, and it drove away.

That night as the couple prepared for bed, Usagi sat deep in thought, absently brushing her golden mane.

"There's my beautiful wife," Endymion smiled as he entered the room.

"I like that word," she murmured as he came up and kissed her cheek.

"You'll have an entire lifetime to get used to it." He noticed her distance. "Doushita no?"

"Nani? Oh, I'm just thinking... Was I too hard on my family?"

"They treated you like a slave," he pointed out. "They deserve no kindness from you."

"But they're still family," Usagi argued. She sighed. "I want to make everyone happy."

"I know you do. You have such a big heart. It's not your fault they can't see it."

"I guess you're right." She climbed into bed. "It's been such a trying day."

Endymion climbed in next to her. "That it was," he agreed. "But it's over."

"Thank Kami." Settling into his arms she mumbled tiredly, "How did I get so lucky finding you?"

"It wasn't luck. I wished for you."


"I'd seen you a few times at the wishing well," he confessed. "You were so content by yourself that I didn't want to disturb you. But after seeing you that often, I
decided that I had to meet you. Best decision I ever made."

"What about proposing?" Usagi asked, her eyes shining.

"That was also a good decision."

"I agree." Usagi pulled him closer and clasped his hands in hers. "Aishiteru, my prince," she murmured sleepily as her eyes slowly closed.

"Aishiteru, my Usa-ko," he returned softly, his lips brushing across her forehead. "Sleep well, fair princess."