Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Dear Seiya ❯ The Letter ( Prologue )

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Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon. The great Goddess Naoko Takeuchi does.

Author's Notes: While writing a sappy part in my Fushigi Yuugi story, I randomly thought about Usagi's feelings towards Seiya and Mamoru. It's really sappy. But, this is my take on her feelings. Please read and review!

Dear Seiya,

How are you? I hope everything is alright with your planet. Has Galaxia returned everyone's starseeds? If you ever need help, feel free to ask. Everything is good here, we're beginning to rebuild Tokyo. It's scary you know, having to face this destiny set before me. I almost wish I never knew. I envy you for that. You're free to choose your destiny, even if no one really can.

Ami and Minako want you to say hi to Taiki and Yaten for them. Luna says hello to you all too. Do you remember Chibi-Chibi? I miss her a lot. I know that in a few months, I'll be married and then I'll have a child, perhaps I won't be lonely then.

Ne, Seiya, sometime, can you tell me more about your life? I wish I could call you or talk to you face to face. I know I write very poorly, but I needed to find a way to talk to you. Even if you never read this. I'm so lonely. I miss you terribly. I put on a brave face for everyone, being a ditz and hyper. But you always saw beyond that, didn't you? I wish Mamo-chan would. I love him, but we act more like close siblings then eternal lovers.

Could it be that the fiery passionate love died last millennium? I wish you could tell me Seiya. Of course, I know what you'd say anyway. But, it would be nice to hear it. Maybe in our next life things could be different, ne? I hope so. Mamoru Mamo-chan would probably be happier with someone else. I care so much for his happiness, and both of us are dying in this gold gilded prison of fate. I wouldn't dare break free, with so much on my shoulders.

Your song is on the radio, Seiya, the one you sang to me that night. I feel so lonely; I've always been alone. Seiya, can I see your world someday? Can I go leave this world for just a little while, and be a normal girl for a little while? Can I be with you, and choose to love someone for a little while? If only for a day.

Seiya, you were always so wonderful, I had to push you away. It hurt each time. I still long to be with you. Someday Seiya, please promise me, I'll be free. Free to say what I really feel.

With love always,

Tsukino Usagi

Usagi folded the letter, sealed it in an envelope, and put it in her secret box under her bed. She slowly wiped away her tears, and looked out her window. She sighed and wished on a falling star.

"Aishiteru, my dear friend," she whispered. "Please come rescue me someday."

Far away, Seiya wiped away tears. "Odango… Aishiteru, please be happy with Mamoru…"