Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Dumbledore's Niece ❯ One Week ( Chapter 18 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Well, it seems everyone wants the next chapter. >.> I've been a tad…lazy >.< Sorry. At least the chapter was a started a little bit, so I don't have to do a lot. Well here it is. I hope you enjoy it. I tend to keep going in a writer's block a lot. And I get distracted easily >.>

~One Week~

"What do you want mean by connected!" cried McGonagall. "And what's this about the Dark Lord?"
"Calm yourself, Professor!" snapped Setsuna. "There is nothing we can do! We mustn't interfere! The time gates will not allow our interference! Fate will handle this…"

Professor McGonagall stared at Setsuna with a shocked look. She thought the teacher would try and help Harry, but she got quite the opposite. Setsuna was a teacher and a scout, they had recently found out, and it was her job to protect those who were innocent. But here was Setsuna doing nothing whatsoever to help Harry with his pain. Instead, she looked calm and said that Fate would handle it. Now, McGonagall had no belief in Fate.

"Professor Meiou! How dare you say such things!?" shouted McGonagall. "Harry is in pain! Can you not see! Fate will do nothing for Fate isn't real! If you won't help, then I will!"

Setsuna turned to the professor with a stern look. "Fate does exist, Professor McGonagall. Look," she said and nodded towards Harry. In her anger, McGonagall had not seen the cries of Harry had died. A bright light shined and everyone but Setsuna looked away. The light was warm and soothing to her and to look away was to deny complete warmth and comfort.

Serena, her hime, had turned into Princess Serenity in her alertness and wanting to sooth Harry and take his pain away. The Silver Crystal shined and relieved the pain, but Harry could still hear his voice. The voice of evil. The voice he hated to hear in his head. She would sooth and help him. She just loved him so much…


Uni was in her room with papers all around her of different battle plans. She didn't know how much time they had until they had to face the wizarding world's greatest and most fearful enemy. But, she could feel it was near. Even she didn't want to fight them. Though she may have never voiced it, she cared about them.

She sighed and closed her eyes. "Maybe if we beat him first, we'll get them back," she murmured.

"I doubt it," a male voice said. Uni jumped from her seat on the floor and stood in an attacking stance. "Who's there!?" she shouted angrily. "How dare you come in here with no permission from me!"

"Oh, so I need permission?" he said. "Should have said so first. Too late now."

Uni growled. "Don't play with me and show yourself! On the other hand, I'll be happy to do it for you. Silver Phoenix!"

She heard a thud and noticed a shadow on the ground not far from her. Uni carefully walked over to the bump of shadow and created a small fire in her hands for light. Her eyes burnt with anger when she saw whom it was and that he was still conscious and grinning.

"That hurt," he stated, getting up and holding his shoulder. She noticed her attack had hit him on the shoulder and had successfully made him bleed.

She glared at him and replied in a menacing tone, "It was suppose to hurt. That's what attacks does." She clasped her hand into a fist, making the fire disappear, before stomping back to her papers. "Why must you bother me so! Leave me alone!"

"As much as I would, but I can't," he hissed, "I can't help but be near you! Haven't you realized by now! I like you!"

"I don't wish to be liked! Or loved! I don't want anyone to care for me! Love is nothing!" she yelled angrily. "You've seen who my father is, yet many steps away from me, but there are others who keep coming closer! I don't understand this!"

Malfoy had stepped closer as she yelled and grabbed her into a hug. "I don't understand either, but we're only humans," he said softly. "I'm supposed to be cold hearted like all other Malfoys, yet I don't feel it."

She stiffened under his touch. "In every family, there is always someone different, a black sheep. But at least you understand how it is to be cold hearted," she replied. "I feel nothing. I am but an empty voice of nothingness. I am alone, always to be, never to have. Now, unhand me."

Malfoy looked at her at arms length and shouted angrily, "I'm trying to make you feel better! Me! A Malfoy!"

"I don't need anyone!" she retorted, her eyes flashing. "Now UNHAND me!" A burst of dark energy released itself from her and pushes Malfoy onto the floor feet from her. He groaned and looked up to see a star insignia flashing on Uni's head. "Get out of my head!" she heard her groaned as she fell to the floor on her knees and holding her head.


'The moon princess will die, as will you Harry Potter' hissed Voldemort inside his head. 'My daughter will rule a world of darkness with no one in her way and I will be there beside her.'

"She'll never side with you! She won't betray her friends!" shouted Harry. "We'll fight with her by our side!"

'That's what you think Potter! She is MY daughter and not anyone else's! She WILL obey me!' roared Voldemort 'If she dares disobey me, another force will take care of her, I'll make sure of it!'

"What great force?" asked Harry, "tell me!"

Voldemort cackled in response. "You'll see, Potter, you'll see. One week is what I give you. One week we will see each other and all will be revealed. In one week, the darkness will finally end the lights control over the cosmos!'


His eyes snapped open and what he saw was bright white light enter his eyes. But, it didn't blind him at all. In fact, it intrigued him. He looked over to the owner of the light and saw the most beautiful thing of all. Serena. Or should he say…Princess Serenity. In her hand she held the crystal his enemy wanted so much. The Silver Crystal.

"Serena…" murmured Harry. She had her eyes closed and opened them slowly when she heard the voice of the boy she'd grown to like, maybe even love.

"Harry…" she replied softly looking down at him. The light from the crystal began to die down and soon; it looked like any ordinary crystal, even though it wasn't. "Are you okay?"

He smiled at her. "Yeah, just a headache," he answered. She gave him a soft smile before fainting. Her clothes turned from her princess gown back to her robes. "Serena!" Harry quickly got up, ignoring the massive headache from getting up too fast and caught her in his arms.

Setsuna ran up to them and checked her princess's pulse. She sighed in relief. "She is all right. As I thought, she is just tired from using the crystal," she said. "With enough rest, she will be up in no time."

Harry nodded and tried to get up while lifting Serena up so he could place her somewhere comfortable, but Setsuna placed a hand on his shoulder. It was a good thing, seeing how he almost did fall and Setsuna helped him regain his balance. Professor McGonagall rushed over to him and placed a hand on his forehead as if wanting to check if he had a temperature.

"Oh my, Harry, are you all right!?" she asked frantically.

"Yes, Professor McGonagall, just a bit dizzy," he answered.

"I want you to march to the infirmary right now, young man," she ordered. She moved to push him towards that direction after Ron had taken Serena from him and with the help of Hermione, placed her on the Gryffindor's couch.

"I'm fine, Professor!" protested Harry as he was pushed towards the entrance of the Common Room. "Right now I just want to see if Serena is all right."

"She's fine, Potter! You heard Professor Meioh. Now shoo! To the infirmary with you!" she said pushing him still. "Move it, Mister Potter!" Harry sighed and gave up trying to fight against the Professor. She was a hothead anyways. You could barely win any arguments with her. He was about to walk out the door when he heard Setsuna speak to him with her back towards him and her facing her Princess, making sure she would be all right.

"How much time did he say, Harry Potter?" she asked softly.

Harry blinked blankly at her. 'How did she know?' he asked himself. 'Oh yeah, that Guardian Time thing.' He came back to his senses and replied, "…One week."

"Hmm…Is that all? I thought it would have been much sooner. It seems Fate gave us mercy," she said softly.

"It seems so, Setsuna," said a voice that held much knowledge. Everyone looked towards where the voice came and found Albus Dumbledore. "Children, back to bed if you will…" He said towards the other Gryffindors. Whispers took over the room and rustles were heard as they made their way upstairs and back to their rooms. Dumbledore looked towards Setsuna with sad eyes. "Though we may have more time than you have expected, one week is still too soon."

"I know, Albus," she said, "We must get them ready. The time is near and it will soon all end. Both wars will." She turned to look at Harry and said, "Harry, off to the infirmary with you. We will need you at full health."

Harry nodded mindlessly and walked out of the Common Room with Professor McGonagall behind him, muttering about something, he wasn't sure what. But what were Professor Meioh and Dumbledore talking about? The end of both wars? What would happen in one week? He needed to know. He had a feeling he knew, but nothing came to him at that time. The headache came back to him full force so he quickly forgot about it and was led towards the infirmary.


She shook like crazy, unable to stop herself. She wanted the shaking to stop. She wanted the pain in her head to stop. And most of all, she wanted his voice out of her head. The one that was tormenting her, making her shake in pain like she has never before. She clutched her head.

"Make it stop…" she whispered. All she heard was two words repeat over and over again. That menacing voice she hated kept saying it over again.

'One week…one week…one week…one week…'

Then, she felt someone grab her by the shoulders and shake her. Uni felt a sudden burst of energy that she couldn't control being forced out of her. Malfoy hugged her tightly and closed his eyes, trying not to let go of her. She cried out as the energy left her with a huge burst of black and white light.

He held onto her tightly, afraid that if they were to be separated, something bad would happen. And so, he didn't let go. He fought against the energy coming from her trying to fight him off. Her cries, surprisingly, hurt him that she was in so much pain.

Her eyes flashed red and went back to gray and went red again. Her body convulsed roughly and Malfoy held onto her. She gasped loudly before her body went limp in his arms.

He wasn't sure if she was still breathing but he sure was, very hard. He looked at her face and saw that she made no will to move or even make a sound. He shook her a little, to see if she would respond but no luck. "Hey…" he said, unsure if he should get help or not. "…wake up…"

She made no movement again to his call. Malfoy looked at her carefully thinking it was some trick. An idea popped up in his head.

'No way, it's ridiculous' he thought, shaking his head. 'It's stupid, so cliché, so…' He couldn't find the word, but to us, the words would be so…Fairy-taled. 'Eh, better than nothing…I guess.'

He bent his head down and looked at her closed eyes as if waiting to see if her eyes would open like magic. When nothing happened, Malfoy leaned in a little closer and kept creeping forward until his lips touched hers. After a few seconds, he pulled away and looked at her face once again, to see if that had had any effect on her. Malfoy frowned at the failed mission and was about to life her up to bring her to the infirmary when Uni's eyes snapped open and she gave out a loud gasped as if she had just come from under the water and ran out of air.

This action had surprised Malfoy, so he accidentally dropped Uni from his arms and jumped back. "Ack!" he cried.

"…Ow…" she groaned, holding her head.

"You woke up…" Malfoy said in awe.

"So I did," she sighed, "…Thanks, for whatever you did. Right now we've got bigger problems. We have one week."

I know this chapter isn't much ;~; Sorry. This time I'll try and get the chapter up much faster >.> If I get some inspiration.