Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Forgotten Past ❯ The Mission ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kimeno_pebols: I don't own weiss kreuz or sailormoon. If I do then Aya will be mine!

Mine I say, mine!!!!!!!!!! (out of nowhere a doctor came out)

Doctor: Yes, Aya is yours. Now let us go to your room and don't forget to drink your




Chapter 1: THE MISSION

"If you girls aren't going to buy anything, get out of the shop!" shouted an annoyed Aya. The girls, who are the receiving end of the redhead's fury, just giggled in return and continued to pest the four guys.

It would have been a usual day for the guys - girls swarming the shop trying to take a peek to the four bishounens who are working in the flower shop, Yohji flirting with most of them, enjoying the attention his getting, Omi blushing every now and then whenever some girls gives him a compliment and Ken avoiding the lot of them. Except for the fact that a fuming Aya was yelling to bunch of girls. Usually Aya would just treat them with complete indifference not even acknowledging them. But today it was different, Aya's eyes are blazing with anger and his eyes are furrowed with annoyance.

The other three boys were baffled by their friend's reaction. Even Aya is shocked from his reaction.

"C'mon Aya chill out.", said Yohji. "After all they've come all the way from school just to gaze adoringly at me." The girls in the shop just giggled some more, making Aya more annoyed.

Aya just snorted back in return. `What the hell is wrong with me?!' screamed by his mind. `The last time this happened to me was when that bastard Taketori ruined my family's life.', unconsciously Aya's grip at the rose his holding tightened, embedding thorns in his hand.

"Aya!", exclaimed Omi. "your hand, it's bleeding! What were you thinking?"

Aya was saved from answering when the bell above the door of the shop sound, making it known that a new customer just came in.

`Oh great! Another drooling female.' Aya groaned inwardly.

"Hi boys! Nice day outside isn't it?" The new customer was no else but Manx, surely bringing another mission for the Weiss Kreuz.

While Omi was bandaging Aya's hand, Ken and Yohji were bustling the girls out of the shop and flipping the sign to "CLOSE".


"So what brings you here?" drawled Yohji while lounging lazily on the couch. "You already decided to accept my invitation for a date?"

Manx chose to ignore Yohji's question and taunting. "You guys have a mission from Persian." Said Manx. She inserted a tape into the VCR and pushed the play button.

A man filled up the TV screen but his face can't be seen. "Weiss Kreuz, you have a new mission. Reports of young ladies being rape and then killed were issued this past few days. It is said that they all have needle marks found on their arms, insinuating that the killer drew blood from the victim's arms. Your mission is to kill the person responsible for these killings. Our source believed the person in question is Mamoru Chiba, a student doctor working for one of Takatori's clinics."

"Here are some pictures, physical descriptions, hangouts and his likes and dislikes.", said Manx as she handed out folders to the guys.

"Hey, who is this hot babe with Mamoru in this picture.", asked Yohji while holding a picture of Mamoru embracing a young blond girl.

"That lady in the picture is his fiancée, Usagi Tsukino.", Manx handed out another set of folders, documents about Usagi.

"Ouch, already taken?! Wow, Mamoru is one lucky devil.", exclaimed Yohji and holding his heart at the same time as if in pain.

"If you ever encountered Usagi during your mission, please keep her in your custody, our sources also believed that she is an important factor for Reiji's future plans."

"Why? What is so important `bout her?", asked Ken. "I mean I admit she is pretty but that is all I can see."

"That's all you need to know.", informed Manx. "So, mission accepted or not?"

"Mission Accepted.", replied Aya.


A man was assisting a young lady into his apartment. The man has a black hair with faint blue highlights, while the lady has hairstyles in two meatballs atop her head with streamers of blond hair up to her knees. The lady is Usagi Tsukino while the man is Mamoru Chiba.

"Mamo-chan, where are we going?" asked Usagi while walking blindly. It was already dark in Mamoru's building only the faint light of a lamp post across the road is their source of light, not to mention Usagi is also blindfolded. "Normally I would have loved surprises, Mamo-chan. But I still didn't forgive you fully for pricking me in the arm the other day.", continued Usagi while unconsciously rubbing the needle mark on her arm.

"Usako, you know I'm really sorry `bout that.", said Mamoru pleadingly. "Besides were already here inside my apartment." They are really indeed inside Mamoru's apartment. Mamoru turned on the lights and help Usagi get into the living room.

"Mamo-chan, why are we inside your apartment?", she curiously asked. "You know I have that senshi meeting in about an hour. And Raye's going to kill me if I'm late again." Noises can be heard in the background.

"Mamo-chan?", asked a getting scared Usagi. "Where are you? What are you doing?"

"Just a moment.", he replied.

Then out of nowhere a rose was given to Usagi and at the same time her blindfolds were untied. Usagi, adjusting to the sudden brightness after being blindfolded, realized that they are already in the dining room and right in front of her is a romantic dinner date for two.

"Ummm, Mamo-chan what is the occasion?" questioned a still surprised Usagi.

"Usako, why what's wrong `bout preparing a perfect dinner date for my lovely fiancée.", he replied. "After all I'm trying to cheer you up, about what happened to Naru. And also don't worry about Raye and the others. I already called them up; I told them that you're having dinner with me." And with that last statement Usagi's nerves relaxed again and they started eating.

Midway to their dinner the phone rang.

"Wait a minute Usako, I'll just get that." He then went into the living room and picked up the phone.

"Moshi moshi.", he said to the person in the other line.

"Yeah she is here."

"Of course, I'm sure she's the one."

"Okay, I'm going to bring her around later. Yes with my research. Ja ne."

"Who was that?" asked Usagi. But when Mamoru came back from the living room, there is something different about him. "Mamo-chan?"

"I think it's time for you to know the truth Usako.", he drawled while walking slowly to where Usagi stand.

Usagi shivered at the way Mamoru talked. "Mamo-chan you're scaring me."

"Usako, do you remember Naru, your bestfriend?", he asked, still walking slowly to Usagi.

"What's that got to do with what is happening.", asked a now petrified Usagi. She is inching towards to the door out of the apartment.

"Everything.", he said. "She was one of best morsel I've ever tasted."

"You've ever tasted?", echoed Usagi. Fear is now very evident in her voice.

"Remember? She was raped and then murdered.", said Mamoru while smiling evilly.

Reality now dawned into Usagi. "You were the one who did that to her?! How could you do that?"

Mamoru just shrugged his shoulders. "It was needed desperately for my research."


"Okay now your echoing is annoying me.", growled Mamoru. "The research lab I'm working for are having this experiment wherein we need the blood and the body of person who has the strongest spiritual energy. Of course I have to do some searching by taking blood samples of girls."

When Usagi heard that she looked at the needle mark in her arm. "You took my blood without my knowledge?!"

"Stop interrupting me.", said a now annoyed Mamoru. "To get on about my story, yes I took your blood sample. And surprise surprise the person I was looking for was nobody else but my lovely fiancée."

"Wait a minute, if that is all you needed. Why the hell did you kill and raped all those girls.", exclaimed Usagi. She is now a meter or so away from the doorway.

"Why not? They are all beautiful and I'm a healthy man. You do the math. And as for the fact that I killed them they might tell, after all not all of them are willing you know."

Right now Usagi moaned with disgust. `This is not the Endymion I know from the Silver Millenium. Why didn't I realize that before?!, because I was so lovesick and I'm a baka. Maybe Raye is right I am an odango atama. I have to get away from here.'

"And lucky you, you're next in line in the list of my victims.", continued Mamoru. "But then your also different from the others I'm not going to kill you. You are still needed for more experiments. But I'm not going to deliver you just yet, first I'm going to taste your and you delectable body."

"Don't you dare get near me.", shouted Usagi. "Don't ever touch me again." And then she raced to the door desperately trying to get out.

Unfortunately Mamoru has quick reflexes with being Tuxedo Kamen. "You're not going to get away that fast." He brought his arms around Usagi's waist and lifted a struggling Usagi into his bedroom."

"Get your hands off of me you baka!", she shouted. "Somebody help me!!! Help!!!!"

"Nobody is going to hear you.", informed Mamoru. "This apartment is sound proof you know. Now let's get down to business." He tosses her on top of the bed and started getting his clothes off. He was only naked waist up when Usagi attempted again to get out of the apartment. But she was again caught and Mamoru using his body weight for preventing her to escape, started kissing her neck.

"Mamoru!!! Stop it!!!! Get off …", she was suddenly interrupted because now Mamoru was kissing her brutally on the mouth. Mamoru moaned enjoying the moment; he didn't realize that tears are now running from Usagi's face.

`This is not happening to me. This is just a dream a nightmare. Any moment now, my Mom is going to wake me up.' But it was not a dream and Mamoru's hand is slowly creeping up to her thigh towards her crotch. "Stop it!!!!!" Suddenly a blinding light covered Usagi's body throwing Mamoru off of her and launching him across the room.


"Yohji are you sure this is the right place?" asked Ken. "It sure is pretty dark here."

"I'm sure.", Yohji replied. "I use to date someone from here. I think it was… I forgot her name." Ken only sweatdropped.

"This is not the time for reminiscing.", informed Aya. "We have a mission to complete. Now Omi, what is Mamoru Chiba's apartment number?"

"Aya's right you guys.", agreed Omi. "Anyway according to the reports it's number 6, the one in front of that black car."

"Hmmm. It means our target is at home.", observed Yohji. "I wonder if that hot babe is with him." No sooner that the words were out that they heard a shout.

"STOP IT!!!!!!!" And then a flash of light can be seen from Mamoru's apartment. The Weiss Kreuz hurriedly barged in the apartment and went straight into the bedroom. The sight that welcomed them left them stunned. Usagi, clothes disarray, is sitting upright from the bed and Mamoru, from across the room, is struggling to get up. Only Usagi noticed the strangers that barged into the apartment.

It was like in slow motion for Usagi. The blood-red redhead, seizing the moment, stabbed Mamoru in the chest. And then she screamed and fainted.

________________________________________________________________ ________

"Gee could this girl scream.", said Yohji while lifting the unconscious blond inside the flower shop. "And why am I the one lifting her?"

"You're the one who volunteered, remember?", said Ken.

"How was I to know that she will be this heavy.", said Yohji while desperately trying to balance Usagi's weight. "I mean she looks not that heavy."

"Ahh, but then looks can be deceiving.", mocked Ken.

"Hey, Omi where will I put her."asked Yohji.

"I think it will be better if we put her in the guest room.", replied Omi. He then opened the door of the guest room for Yohji to enter. Yohji carefully placed Usagi onto the bed. "I think it will be best if we just asked her tomorrow morning."

________________________________________________________________ ________

Usagi was awakened in the middle of the night. Memories from last hours suddenly appeared in her head. `I can't believe that really occurred. How could this happen to me. I mean I just saved the worlds many times, and this is what the gods paid me in return?! I don't want to remember anymore. This pain in my heart is slowly killing me. I know now what to do.'

"Holy Ginzuishou, hear my plea. The princess of the moon summons you." Suddenly a crystal came from Usagi's chest, it is glowing brightly. "Grant my wish oh Holy Ginzuishou. Please erase my memories. Erase the pain. Free me from my sufferings. And let me live normal again." The crystal glowed more as if understanding her mistress' plea. A bright white light enveloped the room, and then suddenly disappeared as if it never even happened.

Not far away in Juuban, seven people bolted awake from their slumber with one thing on their mind.


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kimeno_pebols: Hi guys! Sorry about that earlier. I forgot to take my medications

again. Didn't mean to scare you guys. Don't worry it will never happen again, that is if you guys REVIEW!!!!!!!


Doctor: kimeno where are you? It's time for your nap.

Kimeno_pebols: Eeeep!!!! Guys I have to go now!!!! Ja ne!!!!!!!