Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Home Away From Home ❯ Session One ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Calmly Alena Quartz poured a few cups of tea. "I've been told these dreams of yours are getting worse?"

Damien nodded. Alena took a sip of her tea, setting the cup down. "Well, from what you've told me, these dreams could be resurfacing memories. Is there anything else you can tell me? What can you remember?"

Damien sighed, bowing his head in thought. "I remember Beryl.."

"The sorceress?"

"You know her?"

Alena nodded. "Her name has come up quite often with a few of my other clients. Continue."

Damien looked at Pheobe, finding an encouraging smile, he continued. "I'm talking to her, the room is dark, theres something behind her. Some type of energy."

"So, this is what you have planned for Earth is it?"

Beryl stared at Damien in shock, still trying to cover the dark energy behind her. "Please, this isn't what it looks like!"

"How gullible do you think I am? My family trusted you and you go and do something like this. My father will hear of this. Then we'll see if he chooses to lock you in the dungeon, or schedule an execution."

Damien turned around, preparing to leave. Beryl's eyes widened, she abandoned her guard before the energy to block the doorway. "You don't know what your doing!"

Damien scoffed. "I know exactly what I'm doing. What possesed you to call upon such things? My brother? Your dealing with Dark Magics Beryl, and you've been caught doing so. I don't need to tell you what lies ahead for traitors."

"Join me!"


Bery'l smiled. "You've always wanted to be King havn't you? the older brother? Looked over for lack of the gift? I can give you power beyond your wildest dreams! Metallia will see to that! Join me, we can rule together."

Damien narrowed his eyes, grabbing Beryl's wrist harshly. "How dare you even asume such a thing! That I would betray my own brother!"

"Don't you want to be King?"

Damien smirked. "The thought never appealed to me." He threw her against the wall. "Enjoy your last moments of freedom Beryl, they are fleeting."

Beryl narrowed her eyes. "I will not give up so easily."

Damien looked back in surprise as Beryl advanced on him, fressing her hand to his forhead.
(end flashback)

Pheobe jumped slightly as Damien sent a teacup crashing to the floor. Alena looked up in curiousity. "Why did you stop?"

"I didn't! thats as far as it goes."

"You don't want to remember."

"Would you? Damnit what do you want from me?!"

"I want you to get better, thats why your here."

"Bullshit! I'm just another headcase for your spare time!"

Alena glanged at Pheobe. "Perhaps it would be better if you waited in the other room."

Pheobe looked up at Alena nervously, but nodded, standing and slipping out the doorway. Damien immediatly faced Alena. "Why did you make her leave?"

"This is our session, not hers. Your girlfriend agrees."

"Bring her back in!"

Alena looked straight at Damien before answering. "No."

"Why the hell not?"

"Your holding back."

"I don't remember!"

"Let me finish. Your holding back, even if you don't know it. Your holding back because of her. So, what are you afraid of her knowing?"

Damien glared at her, sitting back down angrily.

"I can try to help you as much as I can, but you have to take a few steps in the right direction. What happened after Beryl touched you?"

"Look I already told you."

"No, you said she put her hand on your forhead, what happened then?"

"You know what happened!"

Alena smiled. "Enlighten me."

Damien folded his arms, looking down. "I followed her orders."

"You were brainwashed."

"Thats what I said."

"No, you said you followed her orders."

"Whats the difference?"

"Could be none. What did she tell you to do?"

"What do you think? I fought, I killed."

"Did you want to do it?"


"Did you want to kill?"

"No! Of course not."

"Did you ever suggest any ideas to Beryl?"

Damien shook his head. "No, she pretty much knew what she wanted. There was tis one time, maybe a month later. She had planned to attack the Moon. But she was also hoping to end the war before it barely began. It's known that the far planet of Clios had possesion of the Sailor Gem, rumored to contain the powers of the senshi. Of course that hasn't exactly been proven, nobody's quite sure. Well she was aware of my relationship with Pheobe, who was guarding the gem. So she sent me to Clios to try and take it."

"I see, so what happened?"

Damien shrugged. "She found out. Beryl didn't count on Pheobe being empathic."

"You never let her know?"

"It never came up. I was banished, came back 1000 years later, was healed and ended up on a couch talking to some woman I barely even know."

"It must have been a long trip, from the dge of the galaxy and back."

Damien shrugged. "I remained in stasus most of the time. Wandering the galaxy for a thousand years would get boring."

Alena nodded. "I see. Well, I suppose we're done for today. You may go."

"What thats all?"

"Unless you want to stay for my next appointment thats pretty much it."

Damien nodded, standing up and walkingf to the door.

"We'll talk again tommorow."

"Yea, sure."