Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Kiss From A Rose ❯ When Tomorrow Never Comes ( Chapter 1 )

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Kiss From A Rose
When Tomorrow Never Comes
A pale, blonde girl sat motionless in the padded window seat of her small bedroom, the slow rise and of her chest the only sign of life. The moonlight outlined her in an ethereal glow, creating an aura of magic that was as sorrowfully distant as it was enchantingly mystical.
The silvery moon princess stared out into the dark night sky, searching for comfort and understanding in the face of the moon, her old home. Queen Serenity would be so disappointed in her. She failed miserably as a daughter, as a warrior, as a princess. She had even lost the one thing more important to her than life: her prince and soul mate. And now she knew for certain that she'd destroyed all her mother's hopes for a perfect future, a world of peace that her daughter could live happily ever after in.
Not only would Serina, or Princess Serenity, not live happily, but she would not live.
Rubeus had told her so, that very night, at the sunset battle against all four Weird Sisters. Everyone else must have thought he was bluffing, or maybe she was the only one to hear him threaten her with the future. But the way Rini had been so frightened afterward, so afraid Sailor Moon would leave her, would die and not be there to protect her unlike the four other Sailor Scouts she knew would survive.
How could she tell them? She knew they would live on in the future, without her, to protect Rini's family. The royal family because the voice Rini had been talking to had called the kid a princess. That meant she was one of the Scouts' own daughters, or perhaps- maybe even Darien's.
Darien. He hadn't been there to hear Rubeus's stupid prediction. Would he believe it? Would he care . . ? Of course he would! No matter how much he denied it, he still had enough feelings for her, for Sailor Moon or the moon princess or their fight against evil, to take the threat seriously. He would tell her not to worry, he'd protect her, that she was just overreacting to a pointless bluff. Serina wished more than anything he would have stayed to reassure her that everything would be okay. She had pretended that Rubeus's words meant nothing, that she was strong and unfazed, acting nonchalant for her Scouts and poor Rini. But he SHOULD have sensed her turmoil, the torture her mind was in by those nine thoughtless words!
"I've seen the future and you're not in it!"
They haunted her, he should have known that. They echoed in her mind as if at any moment they would fall and pierce her spirit and the moon itself would come crashing down; her very existence winking out in a flash of lightning . . . She couldn't sleep, not tonight, not so soon- She was going to die and she knew it. And she could do nothing. No one could do anything.
"So they don't need to worry about it. This is my destiny and I won't have the others share in it. I want them to live, to protect Rini, to be happy . . . without me . . ." Serina whispered as she turned her back on the hopeful moon and faced the tiny huddled figure of a pink-haired child nestled in her bed, a black cat burrowed in beside her. Little Rini had cried herself to sleep after the battle she was so traumatized with worry for Sailor Moon. Serina had easily carried her home, escorted part of the way by the silent shadow of Tuxedo Mask and the rest by a recovering Luna.
Serina had placed Rini in her bed, gently covering her up, almost nostalgic; a feeling of deja vu stealing through her senses as if she'd done this before, or was supposed to do this. It had somehow felt right.
Serina had swiftly removed Luna from her shoulders and rested her guardian on the blankets. Both were sound asleep and didn't disturb her as the moon's angel slipped away to weep to the moon and stars. No matter how nice it felt to tuck Rini in, to kiss her forehead good-night, or brush away her bangs so like Darien's- It would never be hers. She wouldn't live long enough to have a family. She would never kiss her child goodnight or fall asleep in the arms of her husband, or even make wedding plans with her mother and friends. She knew she didn't have that long.
She was a failure. In everything, and most of all, in life. She would never begin this one before it ended. Serina shivered, her dark, cold thoughts sending goosebumps racing down her skin, as she sucked in a deep breath to contain her shuddering fear and agony. Her heart broke- no, it was all ready broken- her heart disintegrated with surrender and the loss of hope. There was nothing to look forward to anymore. Only tomorrow . . . until tomorrow didn't come.
In the middle of the night, not far from Serina's home, a pair of midnight blue eyes gazed longingly at the fragile beauty in the window. He studied her grief-stricken face, her clear azure eyes glinting with diamond tears. In his mind he sensed her hopelessness, her pain, her surrender . . .
"God, Serina, don't give up. Please, Sere, don't ever give in, what ever it is, everything will be okay. I'll watch over you always, my love, my princess, nothing will ever happen to you, just dear God, don't give in to this!" Darien held a hand to his heart, as if to keep it from crumbling away in response to the sadness Serina radiated. His head ached with the pain he sensed his dear princess felt. He desperately wished he knew what had done this to her. She was so frightened, lost, resolved to giving up- Ever since that battle- he'd come too late, she'd nearly lost it, he should have been there sooner! Whatever Rubeus did to her, he would pay with his life!
Darien watched as Serina slipped away from her window, the light in his life disappeared to darkness, a feeling of comfort and warmth replaced the despair as he sensed her fall asleep. "I'm so sorry, Sere." He whispered to her and reached for a pocket in his jacket.
When he turned to leave, a thornless rose as red as fire and garnet rested on his princess's windowsill. She would probably never see it, but he felt better to leave a gift of hope for his love.
Serina turned to her window, sensing movement, understanding and concern filtering through her weary mind as she woke briefly. She knew what was there even before seeing the pure silver shine of moonlight reflecting off an object of love and magic. Using her crystal power, she silently called the rose to her, it's fresh, sweet earthy scent filled the room without hesitation and she let it fall in her hand, it's strength and assurance guiding her back to tranquil sleep.
A few hours before dawn could watercolor the dark sky, something stirred beside Serina. She unconsciously loosed her arms around the sleeping child, allowing the small body to move. Rini's head tossed and she moaned in fear, her tiny arms reaching for empty air. 'She's having a nightmare.' She immediately realized. Her distress instantly woke Serina of whom gently pulled the struggling child closer, letting one hand comfortingly stroke the little girl's back, caressing her hair and brushing away her bangs.
"Shh, little one, it's all right . . ." She whispered tenderly, hardly above a lilting sigh. Rini calmed beneath Serina's soothing touch, her breathing slowing as she unwittingly snuggled deeper into the blonde's embrace. Serina softly smiled and began to relax again, Rini's mind settling back to peaceful sleep.
"MOMMY!" Rini's eyes flew open as she shot up, pulling away from Serina's weak arms. Tears spilled over and traced silver tracks down her pink cheeks as she searched the darkness for some sign that the nightmare wasn't real, but her mother was. She gasped when felt Serina's light hand on her arm, her wide eyes whirling to confront the crystal blue with cinnamon. Finding no threat, and no mother, Rini collapsed into Serina's open arms, sobbing quietly.
Serina immediately clutched the child close, caressing her shuddering back and combing away her softly waved hair. "It's all right, sweetheart, it's just a nightmare. Don't worry, Rini, it's okay . . ." She murmured. It felt so much better to console another person than her own lost soul. Thinking of her burdened heart, Serina suddenly remembered the rose in her hand and she pulled it out from behind Rini.
"Look, little princess, everything will be fine. Tuxedo Mask and the others promised to watch over you, see? They'll always protect you from anything. All they want is for you to be happy." She offered the perfect rose to the small girl in her arms. Rini looked up, sniffling, an uncertain grin spreading on her lips. She reached for the thornless rose and took it both hands, her eyes closing reverently as she held it against her nose.
"Thank you, Rena." She whispered and let herself lay back down, the power of the rose bespelling her with sleep. She curled up next to Serina, her foggy mind let certain comments of Serina's escape its grasp. Serina didn't know Tuxedo Mask or the Scouts, but then where did she get the rose? Why was she being so nice? And when did she find out she was a princess? Did she know her parents? Could she help her or get Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon to- Rini's mind shut off her thoughts. She didn't want to think about Sailor Moon. She felt herself falling asleep, warmth surrounded her and a soft voice, so much like her mother's, spoke to her though she barely heard her.
"Now, go back to sleep, Small Lady. I'll need to talk to you tomorrow." Serina let her fingers pass over Rini's face once more before letting it fall around her, guarding her even in sleep.
Late morning found a wide-awake, meatball-headed blonde standing before her vanity mirror, slipping on her jewelry and shooing away her black cat.
"Luna, please, just go check in with Artemis or something. Go ask Rei to a fire reading of- of- of the immediate future, TRUST me." Serina pleaded with her feline guardian's reflection even as Luna shook her head in impatient confusion.
"Serina, for the first time in your life you get up early, you calmly dress and let Rini peacefully sleep in your bed to all hours of the morning, and you're completely concentrated on Scout business for once. I don't buy it. What are you up to?"
Serina's entire body sagged at Luna lack of faith. She shot a look at the cynical cat beside her and whined. "Luna, you're so MEAN! I have a feeling something's going to happen. Can't you believe me just this once? If Rei can't find anything then I promise I'll- I'll-"
"Show up early for the next five Scout meetings? Tutor with Ami? Be nice to Rini all the time? Train harder?" Luna suggested smugly, grinning slightly. Serina dragged in a deep, long-suffering breath as she rolled on her white socks and glared in submission.
"Fine. Whatever. But would you please get going?!" Serina raised her hand to knock the cat off her bureau but her guardian quickly hopped off and towards the door. Serina giggled after her and stood.
"Serina, what exactly are we looking for?" Luna asked from the door.
Serina's grin faltered and a heavy weight dropped on her shoulders and chest. She refused to turn to Luna and kept staring at where Rini still serenely slept in the nest of blue covers. Barely able to draw in a breath, she tried to hold her tears back and act normal for her guardian. When she spoke, it was soft to hide the trembling though she knew her pretending like nothing was wrong was nearly hopeless against the observant cat. "Something bad, Luna. Something really bad. You'll know it if you see it." Serina didn't see Luna's worried glance and hesitation as she heard Serina's voice. Luna shook her head and left the room, leaving Serina sitting beside Rini on her bed.
When Luna had left, Serina wiped away the tickling tears that were gathered in her eyes. No one needed to know how much this depressed her, how knowing too much scared her. That was Rubeus's plan and she couldn't let him win. She settled next the dozing, pink-haired child and placed a hand on her shoulder, twisting her hair away and gently shaking her awake. "Rini, little princess, wake up . . ."
"Wha . . .? Gowayrena-" Rini muttered, rolling over and away from Serina's insistent touch. Serina smiled. 'Mom always said what goes around comes around. Little spore's just like me.'
"Rini, it's late and I need to talk to you." Serina continued, scooting closer to the stubborn little girl. She grasped a tendril of carnation pink hair and proceeded to tickle Rini's face with it until she jumped up screaming and laughing, trying to squirm away but was caught by the covers.
"Stop it, stop! Rena, no fair! Mercy!" She shrieked, squealing as she tried to protect herself from Serina's tickle attack.
"Will you get up now?" Serina asked smiling. Rini gasped for air, using her Luna Ball to keep Serina's threatening fingers away. She slowly nodded, catching her breath and calming down, a wide grin on her lips.
"What's so important you had to wake me up? And why are you up so early?" Serina stood, ignoring the questions for a moment as she walked to her door and locked it. When she turned around, Rini was surprised to see the normally bubbly, smiling teenager's face solemn and resigned. And a little scared.
"I would like to talk to you about something important, Rini. I might have to tell you some things you shouldn't know, and I know you might have to do the same. I hope you understand, Small Lady?" Serina returned to Rini's side on the bed, the child shifting away from this completely different personality Serina was showing.
'Wait, did she just call me Small Lady? How does she know my name?' Rini clutched Luna Ball closer, afraid of what was going to happen. Maybe this was a trap, maybe it wasn't even Serina! Rini frowned and studied Serina. She was different, changed. She was up and ready before noon and serious about something. This carefree, lazy, irresponsible, ditzy girl was acting like a grown-up, one with too much dangerous and important stuff on her mind. Like her parents or the Scouts. But it was Serina. Rini's frown deepened. 'I wonder what it's about. Did she find my parents? Does she know about the fight last night? About Sailor Moon-' "What is it, Rena?" She whispered uncertainly.
"It's about last night. I know about the Scouts' battle, and heard what Rubeus said about Sailor Moon dying in the future." Serina watched Rini's face carefully; if she refused to answer, her expression would likely reveal the answer she sought. Even as Serina spoke, Rini's cheeks drained of color, her mouth slowly dropping open. "Is it true?"
Rini's bottom lip shook and she bit it to make it stop. She felt her skin turn to ice, her white knuckles clamped tight around Luna Ball. She didn't want to tell, she didn't want to think about her savior, her legend, her FRIEND dying. It wasn't fair, how did Serina know? How dare she make her think about something so terrible and awful and bad! "How do you know about Sailor Moon?! You're just a normal teenager."
Serina smiled ruefully at the irony of the child's innocent statement. The only thing she'd ever wanted since she'd become Sailor Moon was to be a 'normal' teenager. It was the one thing she could never be again. "I was there, Rini, I heard him. I was looking for you and followed you into the construction site. But I need to know if he was telling the truth- he was, wasn't he? Sailor Moon doesn't exist in your time but the other four Scouts do . . . He was telling the truth." Serina sighed sadly in resignation as Rini numbly nodded. Serina couldn't cry, she was emotionless. There was no surprise, no denial, no regret. There was only patience, acceptance . . . failure.
"I'm sorry, Serina! I'm not supposed to tell the future, no one's supposed to know! I never even thought about it before that bad guy said something- Daddy always told me stories about how powerful Sailor Moon was, more than the Scouts that protect my family now but I never thought-" Rini burst into tears, sobbing on her floating Luna Ball as she tried to edge away from the source of her pain and embarrassment. "And you shouldn't have followed me- you could have been hurt too."
Quick, compassionate arms caught hold of Rini before she could scoot away. "Oh, Rini, little one, it's okay. Every time you leave me I'll follow you, I've got to keep you safe. And Sailor Moon knows. She knew when she became a Sailor Scout that there was the danger of dying, all of them did. And all of them have all ready died more than once. She's not afraid, and she doesn't want you to worry about her. As long as you are okay and the other Scouts are alive to protect you then everything will be all right."
"But I don't want Sailor Moon to get hurt! She's nice to me and saves me all the time. She promised to help me and protect me-" The distraught child broke off in a sob as Serina tried to comfort her. She smoothed her hair and rubbed her back, gently rocking back and forth. She should have realized Rini would react like this. She didn't realize how much she loved Sailor Moon. It was too painful but Serina HAD to know- She had to know if it was at all true.
"Don't worry about her, Rini. The only thing she wants is for you to be safe. I promise. Now, I have a favor to ask you, little princess." Serina lifted Rini's chin, looking into her cinnamon brown eyes, searching for the strength she knew was there, the understanding. Rini met her gaze and didn't flinch though more tears spilled over when she saw the unconditional surrender in Serina's eyes. It frightened her more than the possible loss of Sailor Moon. "Rini, you mustn't tell ANYONE about this. It's our secret. You can't tell Darien, or Tuxedo Mask, or even the Sailor Scouts when you see them. No one."
"Bu- but, Rena! That's not fair! They should know so they can help!" Rini's shocked expression and wide eyes revealed her horror at the thought, Sailor Moon's one chance was that Tuxedo Mask and the Sailor Scouts would guard her!
"No, Rini, they can't change the future. They would only worry themselves sick and when it happened anyway, they would blame themselves for my- accident." Serina's face softened, her resolve still intact, but she couldn't stand to see Rini so scared and confused. She really did love Sailor Moon. That was close to her actually loving her. "Sailor Moon has died before, Small Lady, defeating Metallia and Beryl the evil that destroyed the Moon Kingdom a thousand years ago. The one thing that was far worse than that was losing her friends and her protector, Tuxedo Mask. But she isn't afraid and neither should you be. She lives to fight evil and protect innocents like you, princess. She loves you and all her friends, all she cares about is them and would do anything for them, even die. That can never change. She believes it's better that she dies and not one of her friends. Do you understand that, Rini?" Serina pulled back from the little kid, hoping her tears were slowing, her fears and guilt dissolving. There was nothing anyone could do- except hope that it wouldn't happen . . . too soon. Rini shouldn't be concerned about something that couldn't be fixed.
"How do you know, Rena? How do you know Sailor Moon doesn't mind- getting hurt? How do you know that she loves me like that?" Serina had been waiting for that question. Rini's huge eyes pierced her own and she wondered briefly if she should lie to her. Rini would hate her truthful answer but, no, Serina couldn't lie to her, she'd lose faith in everything when she found out Serina was never returning after Sailor Moon died.
Serina took a slow breath, reaching a hand to Rini's round little face, brushing her bangs away and lifting her chin to show her all the emotion and truth in what she would say. "I know. I know because I am Sailor Moon, Small Lady. And I do love you."
Rini paused, not even considering that Serina was serious. She giggled up at the older girl and shook her head. "No you're not, Seri-" Rini faltered. Serina? She abruptly remembered the battle last night, when Sailor Moon had been hurt and Sailor Venus had called her name- Serina. And before that, Sailor Mars had been yelling at her, just like Rei but she called her Meatball Head- just like Serina! And the others, each of them had whispered her name or shouted it in anger or fear. Sailor Moon's real name was Serina, she was even called Meatball Head by Sailor Mars because she and Serina had the . . same . . hair . . .
Serina saw the dawning in the child's eyes and smiled wanly. "Do you understand now, Rini? You can't tell anyone about our secret. It would make my friends feel bad. They can't protect me from my destiny or I would have never become Sailor Moon." Serina noticed the dazed look on Rini's face and wondered if she finally believed her. It really didn't take much and she hadn't exploded yet-
"Serina? YOU'RE Sailor Moon?! How could you- You knew- Why did you lie? Why were you so mean and then not? SERINA! I- Rena, I don't want to lose you!" Rini threw herself into Serina arms, once again sobbing loudly and clutching at her as if she would disappear before her very eyes. Serina did her best to console her, holding her tightly and whispering. "I can't lose both of you!"
"Rini, it's all right. The others will take care of you and they love as much as I do, I promise. They'll take care of you if I can't, don't worry. We'll help you find your parents, and if we don't before I- Then you can have my Silver Crystal." Serina vowed to the little girl. Rini barely seemed to care, she continued to sniffle in Serina's arms.
"How- How can you be so calm?! Why aren't you scared?" She cried, pushing Serina away in anger but still not letting go for fear of losing her.
"Little one, I told you. I knew something like this could happen, I've had all night to think about it and it's okay. As long as I can say good-bye to my friends and family, as long as I can keep them safe, and as long as you're with me, I'll be fine." 'And if I could steal a last kiss from Darien, if he would say he loved me one more time . . .'
"Thank you, Rena." Rini whispered, still not letting go of the older blonde.
"Now you can't tell the others, they'll never let me live my life like I want to. And don't say anything to Luna! She'll kill you then me!" Serina laughed, trying to stand up only to find Rini wouldn't let her go. She smiled and pulled the child up with her, carrying her to the door.
"I won't tell her, Rena." Rini promised solemnly. "And you don't have to worry about the Scouts, they're the best guardians in the world!" Serina grinned sadly at the news. At least everyone else was okay. That was all that mattered, that was all she lived for now. She watched Rini's face contort with indignation and grudging respect and love.
"Even Luna and Artemis." Rini crossed her arms in anger as best she could around Serina. Then she leaned in and whispered conspiratorially. "They're our godparents and babysitters!" Rini spat out the word "babysitter" with a proud expression. As if she needed a babysitter. Her indignant frown wavered when she saw Serina's amused expression.
Serina unlocked her door and carried Rini to her room. "I'm glad to hear everyone's happy in the future. I would have never chosen that bossy cat for MY child's godmother though!" She declared with a smile as she helped Rini pick out clothes for the day. Her teasing grin withered when she abruptly remembered she would never have kids, and deep down, she would have loved Luna to be their godmother. Aware of Serina's abrupt silence, Rini quietly got dressed, not wanting to disturb her best friend's thoughts.
Serina didn't move until Rini suddenly hopped up on her bed, dressed and ready, and crawled into Serina's lap.
"Rini, what about Tuxedo Mask?" Serina murmured. Even if he claimed not to love her, he might still be devastated when she died. She hoped Rini could tell her he was just fine in the future, happy and maybe had a family. Heck, Rini was a princess and that required royal blood, whether from the Earth or Jupiter.
Then she shook her head. Rini looked more like Mars or Venus, but mostly like Endy-
Rini grimaced. She'd discovered Tuxedo Mask's identity, and it delighted her, but she wondered if she was allowed to tell Rena. 'Well, this is why I came back- to find my mommy and daddy and get the crystal. Serina will give me the Silver Crystal and I found daddy. It can't hurt to tell.' "Rena, you know how you always get angry that I spend so much time with Darien?"
"Yes, but it's okay. You're gonna have to take care of him for me. It's quite obvious that he loves you very much." Serina confessed, her voice cracking and she sniffed slightly. Yes, Rini would take care of her dear prince from now on. And he loved her, beyond a doubt, taking care of her lost soul as if she were the incarnation of his own sad childhood. He had all the love he'd never received as a boy to give to her.
Rini looked away from Serina, her grip warm in her hand and a little nervous in her arms. Serina just nodded and smiled encouragingly. "Well, I found out that Darien is Tuxedo Mask. And, you talk in your sleep and once you called him Endymion." Serina's hand flew to her mouth and her eyes snapped wide open. She had revealed Tuxedo Mask's identity?! She really was a danger to the Scouts! She wondered briefly if Rini knew the other girls too but then Rini had continued speaking, her little voice falling to an embarrassed whisper. "But Endymion is the King of the Earth-"
"What? How do you know that, Rini? Darien was Endymion, the prince of earth, in the Silver Millennium- But not here, he's just Darien, and Tuxedo Mask-" Serina's voice faded out, her mind dazed in memories and she barely heard Rini's next words.
"I know . . . cause King Endymion's my daddy."
"King Endymion's . . ." Serina whispered, heart and mind caught between relief and disbelief. Darien was Rini's father. Darien, her prince, her soul mate and only love, lived as the king of the earth with this precious little girl. She was his daughter . . .
Serina wanted to cry. She knew she should be happy for him but- but she couldn't! He had fallen in love with another after she died! He had a family without her. He loved someone else, maybe someone he knew now, maybe even a girl she knew now! It wasn't fair! 'It is so fair. He deserves more than anyone else to be loved. More than you. I'm so selfish.' Darien Shields, her beloved Prince Endymion, Prince of the Earth and heir to the Silver Millennium when she died, deserved everything in the world and she would never once hesitate to give his heart whatever it desired. And he did not desire her.
Perhaps he really didn't love her like she loved him.
Tears stung Serina's eyes as she remained silent, her sharp breaths becoming irrational, hyperventilating sobs. Perhaps it was for the best that she died. Perhaps it was fate, Destiny's will that she die so Darien could find his true love . . .
But he had cared enough at some point to name Rini Serina after her, in honor of the princess he had once loved. And her hair was done the same way- perhaps her Scouts had insisted. She tried to regain control of herself by taking several shuddering deep breaths.
"Yeah. That's why I hogged him so much, he's my daddy, he loves me and protects me- just like you do, Serina." Rini whispered, feeling very uncomfortable at the feelings she sensed from Serina. It was like Serina's heart had been ripped out but replaced by some airy feeling of completion . . . As if she no longer had a reason to live because everything had been taken care of.
"Thank you for telling me, sweetheart. Remember that I will always love you and so will your father." Serina swept the child up in a tight, breath-taking hug, overjoyed this little princess had at last found one of her parents to love her in such a strange, dangerous world. After a few silent moments, Serina pulled slightly away, her face pale and her body suddenly feeling very weak. "Rini, does Darien know?" Rini paused sadly, shaking her head.
"No, I wasn't sure I was allowed to tell him, but I told you and Puu said I was supposed to find Mommy and Daddy." Serina squeezed Rini's little hand and the child slid off her lap. She stood and the two walked out, leaving the house in thoughtful silence.
"We can go tell him today then."
"Luna, WHAT is it I'm suppose to be looking for? I can't BELIEVE that Meatball Head actually wanted me to do a fire reading for her- and then she doesn't even bother to tell me what for!" Rei sat on her knees before her fire, sighing with exasperation and collapsing to a more relaxed position. She glared at the messenger of her 'leader's' request, and Luna merely shrugged.
"I don't know what it was about, Rei, but I do believe something is going to happen. Serina has been acting rather strangely all day." Rei rolled her eyes at that. Not only was her best friend strange to begin with, but it was still before noon! There was no way Sleep-in Serina would be up yet!
"What's new, Luna?" She dropped sarcastically. Her eyes met the black cat's and she froze with a sudden rush fear. Luna looked dead serious.
"She was up at an exceptionally early hour this morning and her first words to me were a demand that you do a fire reading of the immediate future. She said she 'had a bad feeling.' Normally, I would listen to her thoughts and they would prove to be paranoia or something to do with her relationship with Darien. However, she refused to tell me anything of it. She looked positively terrified, whatever it was, and it has me dreadfully worried. She wouldn't even look at me, and I would swear she was crying when I left. Please do the reading, Rei, see what's wrong with our princess." Luna softly entreated.
Rei was silent, her cold fear growing with every word Luna spoke. The tingling rush left her hair standing on end. She numbly nodded agreement, concerned beyond words about what Serina seemed to know was coming. It was incredibly that she would know something before the Great Fire had revealed it to her. But then, perhaps she wasn't looking in the right direction.
Rei moved her legs again, regaining her comfortable position of prayer before the warm life of her fire. Mumbling under breath and closing her eyes, she begged the spirits to reveal the future of Serina, Princess Serenity, and/or Sailor Moon.
The images were vague, something far away in the dancing orange flames. She saw four silhouettes come to life in the heart of the blaze, colors like sparks and stars shooting off them to reveal the Scouts, but only the original four- no Sailor Moon.
Rei paled at the implications- Four Scouts and no Sailor Moon could only mean there WAS no Sailor Moon! In the future, she was gone!
"No . . ." The priestess breathed, her voice a strained, desperate moan. Her white skin glowed yellow in the firelight, her raven hair a stark contrast, her wide violet eyes seemed to drain of life even as Luna watched her face in increasing terror. The colorful figures faded to reveal her friends, civilian forms of Lita, Mina, Ami and herself. But again, Serina wasn't with them! A dark splotch of red spread at their feet, solidifying into the form of a fallen figure but there were no details, no face to the body.
"Rei! Rei, what is it? Tell me!" The cat cried, pouncing on Rei's lap to tear her attention away from whatever the fire showed her. The horror on the girl's face was sending Luna closer and closer to the edge of panic.
"No . . . No! She's gone! There's no Sailor Moon in the future! Luna, she's not there! Serina . . . Oh God, no . . ." Luna nearly fainted in her lap as Rei shook her head, tears running down her face in warm golden paths. "She's not there . . . " She sobbed. "I don't know what happened!"
"Oh, Queen Serenity, your daughter . . . Please help her. Oh, Serina . . . How did you know?" She wept, collapsing in Rei's arms in grief for the princess she hadn't lost yet but all three now knew something was going to happen.
Just then, the door opened.
"Is the thirtieth century as beautiful as it is here, Rini?" Serina held the little girl's hand tightly as the walked down the sidewalk. For mid-afternoon in summer, it was particularly cool. Not that Serina minded. She could feel neither the cold nor the warmth of the air. But Rini could, she could tell by the weakness and trembling of her hand.
Silently, she paused, dropping the child's hand, to Rini's instant frown, and removed her jacket. "Come on, Rini." She held it out for her, Rini's smiling and hopping over to accept the gift. She rolled into the sleeves as Serina held them out for her.
At the same moment, both girls remembered something similar- their mothers helping them dress when they were younger, their arms in the sleeves of their shirts, reaching to grasp their hands and pull them through . . . Serina and Rini sighed. 'That was so long ago- I remember. I wish I had the opportunity too . . .'
'I wish Mommy were here now. I'm too old for that stuff but I still want Mommy to love me and take care of me.' Without thinking, Rini faced Serina and held out her arms. Serina paused, half a second, then lifted the child into her arms.
"Soon you'll be to old to be held like this, sweetie. You're just too heavy for me!" Rini giggled, her Mommy still said that and she never failed to pick her up every time. She rested her head on Serina shoulder as they began walking in the direction of Darien's apartment again.
"Mama . . ." Rini sighed, so softly Serina wasn't sure it was her or the wind. "Serina," She whispered, her head still buried in the older girl's neck and arms loosely ringed around her shoulders. "Can you be my Mommy for a while? Just pretend . . ?"
Serina's heart stopped. "Rini- But, you have a mom, and my mom would be a much better mom than me. You know what's going to happ-"
"Yeah, I know but I want you. You're so much like her, I can forget more easily with you around . . ."
"The more attached you get to something, sweetie, the harder it is to let go."
"I don't care. It's too late anyway. You're my bestest friend- Mama."
"Oh-" 'Rini . . .' She held the little girl tighter to her as she sighed. 'I can play Mommy but it's gonna break her heart when I have to leave her. Since Darien's her Dad, does that make us temporarily married?'
A few blocks later Rini lifted her head, smelling the sea salt on the sharpening breeze. She pulled on Serina's shirt- not that she didn't all ready have her attention- and looked at her with a question in mind. She opened her mouth but Serina beat her to it.
"To the beach?"
Rini beamed and nodded. She changed her direction, crossing the street and following the wall till a break revealed sandy beach and sea grass trying to climb the rock and cement. The wind was blowing right off the ocean, the waves were larger than usual, the navy blue blending at the gray horizon into the leaden sky. The entire area was deserted- probably because of the strange chill in the summer air. Cold spray from the crashing waves hit them even from way up near the street. Serina held tighter to Rini, keeping her warm, as she kicked off her shoes and one-handedly pulled off her socks.
"Want down?" Rini nodded slowly. 'It looks cold.' She slid down Serina's side, and took of her shoes and one sock. She yelped as her toes touched the cool sand and hopped up on Serina's feet trying to climb back into her arms. "Too cold for you, huh?" She asked smiling as she lifted her up again.
"It's freezing! How can you stand it?"
"I can't feel it. My feet are all ready numb. I'm fine." Serina looked down at the child in her arms. "Do you want to leave?" She asked as she pulled Rini's sock from the sand and helped her put it back on.
Rini bit her lip, her expression pouting, and closed her eyes as she turned her head to face the rolling, white-crested waves smashing the pale beach. Serina grinned a little and began walking closer to the water's retreating and advancing edge. "Does it sound silly, if I say the waves pull me, Rena-mama?"
Serina cocked her head, intrigued. "No. Actually, I feel that way too. All the time. Like the waves call me in and push me away, like I'm in time with them."
"Like I can control them, rising and crashing, coming closer and closer to the very edge of the beach and then make them fall back to the-"
"To the furthest low tide. The rise and fall of the tides . . . That's what calls me. I'm the Scout of the Moon. Rei know her fire, Mina knows hearts- I know the tides."
"Then why do I feel it too, Rena-mama?" Cinnamon brown eyes flashed in the gray light. Icy water rushed up her feet, smothering her toes and breaking up to her knees.
For a long moment, Serina remained silent. The water was freezing but not as cold as she expected the shock to be. It quickly retreated, as if sensing her own frosty aura and she took a few steps back. She couldn't let Rini get wet; the tiny thing would surely catch a cold!
Serina sighed, softly replying. "You are a child of this world, little Serina. This planet obeys you and your father, earth, air, fire, and water. Back in the Silver Millennium, your father used to be able to call the wind or hear the grumbling complaints of the shifting earth beneath our feet. It wasn't at all unusual to catch him talking to the trees or asking the butterflies and birds for directions." Serina giggled at the memory of one such moment lost in the woods miles from her prince's castle- if her mother ever found out they had actually been lost-
"Tell me about my daddy back when he was younger, when he was a prince." Serina kept walking down the beach, the slippery skin of lunging waves licked her feet but maintained a safe distance. She politely asked to leave the little girl dry and they complied. She continued to walk as she spoke of her dazzling, dashing prince a thousand years ago.
"Your father was the bravest and most valiant prince of earth, he was the supreme ruler of the whole little blue planet. He was the only one to defend the moon with us when the renegade Beryl and her mistress attacked. He was so handsome and loved his world so much but he was completely willing to give all that up to be with his moon princess- he died for her . . ." Serina pursed her lips and blinked rapidly and hard. "He was very courageous, and fought well for what he believed in." Serina looked down. "Hasn't anyone told you about it before? It's a part of your history, your heritage."
Rini sadly nodded, drawn into the gloom of the tale. "Yeah, the Scouts. But it makes Mommy cry, and she still has bad dreams about it and Daddy doesn't like to talk about it either when Mama's around. He tells me about Grandmama, the Scouts, the brave people of the moon. He'll answer anything I ask- I just don't like asking because of what it does to everyone." Her little mouth frowned.
"You're a very sensitive and considerate young lady, my little bunny." Rini smiled brightly.
"Thank you." She tilted her head from side to side, being cute then returned to the conversation. "Can you tell me about my mommy back then too?"
"Your mother was in the Silver Millennium too? Then I MUST know her. Who was she back then that she would have nightmares about the night of the attack?" 'I knew everyone once- and most likely she's someone close to me now . . .'
"She was the m-"
"Mantara!! Mantara, Mantara! Give me the rabbit!"
"Rei? Rei, Luna, what's wrong? Oh, God- Rei, what IS it!" Mina took one look at her pale face and rushed to her friend's side.
Lita rushed in, fists clenched and ready to beat the first thing she saw and Ami knelt beside Luna, picking her up and cuddling her tight as Artemis looked worriedly on. "Luna, please. What's happened?"
Rei collapsed to broken tears on Mina's shoulder, brushing away the gold hair that stuck to her tears. Luna gasped, trying to catch her breath and sanity. "Serina asked me this morning to have Rei do a fire reading. She said she had a bad feeling about something- I- I didn't believe her, I thought she just wanted me out of the house so she could tease Rini or something- but she was acting so strangely . . . She was so sad and up early, being nice to Rini and planning things to do for the Scouts-"
Lita's eyes lit with fire and she abruptly twisted towards the door. "Has something happened to Serina?" She demanded. Luna shook her head.
"Not yet . . ." Mina and Ami's eyes widened in shock, their mouths dropping open to ask the obvious question.
"But it will." Rei hadn't spoken yet, she was to stunned and grieved for the life of a girl that was just fine right now. "I saw in the fire a glimpse of the future. Serina's not in it like we are . . ."
"What do you mean?!"
"I saw the future- in- in the fire- and she's not there! Serina nor Sailor Moon . . . We've failed . . ."
"But Serina knew this before you? How . . ?" Ami asked incredulously.
Mina quietly moaned, her head falling, her shoulders visibly sagging with the weight of last night- She looked up, meeting the eyes of her companions with a hard, hurt expression. "Remember the battle? When Rubeus fought Sailor Moon while she protected Rini- and we were too busy with those wicked Sisters to help? Rubeus said- he said he was from the future-" She bit her lip but forced herself to continue, dropping he gaze to the top of Rei's raven-haired head. "He said Sailor Moon didn't exist in the future."
"Then . . . it's true. And Serina took him seriously. She's known all night, since the battle that she wasn't going to live- that she'd die before us-"
"That's why she was so quiet and took care of Rini- Rini must have known too! She's from the future! Why didn't that brat tell us!"
"Lita! She couldn't- Can you even imagine the pressure she's been under? You saw last night how much she loves Sailor Moon and trusts her with her life- knowing each time Sailor Moon goes into battle, each time she transforms to protect her, each and every time- could be the one where she dies."
"I'm so glad she doesn't know it's Serina. She'd be heart-broken. Rini and Serina love each other so much and they try so hard to make sure no one else sees it . . ."
"What are we going to do?"
Rini shrieked as Serina grabbed her 'round the waist, throwing both of them to the sand to avoid the attack. A row of shiny, needling black spikes punctured the white cold sand where the two had stood half a second before. Serina rolled, still holding Rini tight to her chest, keeping herself between the child and the fishy droid. She twisted her head, searching for the next attack as she stood and reached for her brooch.
"Moon Crysahhh!" She was abruptly cut off by her own scream as two slick, cold spears sliced through her side, one dangerously close to grazing Rini's leg. She gave a choked gasp and collapsed numbly to her knees. Serina dropped her locket and clutched painfully at her side, trying to stand again and run. She let go of the pink-haired child in her arms, physically urging her to run ahead of her as she whirled to fight. "Run, Rini-"
Serina stared the droid down, dropping her gaze only half a second to make sure Rini was still scurrying away. Serina cried out as she dodged another barrage of sharp spears, falling to the ground beside her crystal's brooch. She quickly snatched it and transformed instantly. She reached for her scepter, glancing away for a moment too long- she didn't have time to breathe again the lightning quick droid fired more spears at her.
Sailor Moon dropped, another of the many stakes pierced her right side, two more cut thin gashes in her arm and shoulder forcing her to drop her scepter- She screamed and pressed her palm to the worse of her wounds, her gloved hand adding pressure to her shoulder. Her head ached with a sudden light-headedness and she blinked rapidly to dispel the cloudy blackness that swam before her eyes. Before she could open her eyes and clear her dizzy mind, she pitched forward into the sand.
Sailor Moon dimly heard the black-gray droid laugh then further off, Rini screamed.