Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Moving Into Your Arms ❯ Just Like Old Times ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Moving Into Your Arms

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon. If I did then I wouldn't be writing this. Naoko Takeuchi owns Sailor Moon.
Chapter 2- Just Like Old Times

Location:  Somewhere beautiful

“She took my mangas?!  That Mina!”  Rei shouted looking down at the Earth as Minako and Mamoru walked away.
“Well it’s not like you were using them love.”
“Hey I would have read them Usagi.  I was just a little bit busy….being dead and all you know.”  Rei said sarcastically.
“Yeah because being dead tends to take a lot out of you Rei.”  Usagi said just as sarcastically.
“It does when I’m with you odango.”
“HEY!  Are you calling me a burden?”
“No!  I meant that in a good way Usagi.”
“No you didn’t Rei!”
“Yes I did!”
“No you didn’t!”
“Do you want me to call you a burden?”
“No but I know that is what you think I am.  You’re a burden too you know.”
Rei’s jaw dropped.  “Fine you are a burden then.”
“See?  I KNEW you thought I was a burden!”
“I only called you a burden because you called me one Usagi.”
“It doesn’t matter!”
“Well if you think I’m a burden then I will just leave!”
Usagi gripped Rei’s arm as she attempted to walk away.
“Let go of me Usagi!  I’m leaving!”  Rei said trying to hold her laughter in but not succeeding.
“No I can’t let you go Rei.  I’m your burden remember?  You’re staying with me for an eternity.”  
Rei pretended to be sad.  “Nope.  I’m not going to weigh you down anymore Usagi.”
Usagi pulled onto Rei’s shirt bringing her to the ground.  Rei eventually found herself on top of the blonde.  Both giggled before gazing into one another’s eyes.
“But I like it when you weigh me down.” Usagi said enjoying the larger senshi on top of her.  “It wouldn’t be heaven without you.”
“And I couldn’t think of a better person to spend an eternity with that you my princess.”  Rei added.
Usagi ran her hand over Rei’s check before leaning in for a passionate kiss.  “I love you Rei.” she whispered.
“I love you too.”
“What were we fighting about again Rei?”
“I don’t know.  Something about burdens and mangas.”
“Oh yeah about how Mina took your mangas.”
Rei chuckled.  “I help save the world and she takes my mangas.  That’s Mina for you.  I can’t really hold it against her though.  I know she really did that to have something to remember me by.  I can’t believe it has already been a year either.”
“I know but I’m glad Ami and Makoto finally decided to tie the knot already.  Those two deserve happiness.”
A sad look came across Rei’s face.
“Did I say something wrong sweetheart?”
“No not at all.  I’m happy for them too.  I just feel bad.  I’m sorry that I couldn’t give you the dream wedding you desired.”
“Honey it’s okay.  Just being with you fulfills my desires.”
Rei laid her head onto Usagi’s chest.  “But I still wish we could have made our love official.”
Usagi began to tenderly stroke Rei’s temple speaking to her in a soft voice.  “I know….so do I.”  
Usagi decided to change the subject before she could make her love even sadder.  “So I wonder what is going on with Mina and Mamo-chan.  They seem to have gotten closer.  Do you think they are an item now?”
“I was wondering that too.  Maybe they are.”
“Well we should find out!”
“You want us to spy on them?”
“No Usagi!”
“Come on Rei!  Don’t think of it as spying.  Think of it as a checking up on friends.  I know you miss them.”
“I do miss them but this is crazy.”
“They are taking our deaths the hardest Rei so we should see how they are coping.  You’ve seen how many times Mina has been at our gravesite.  We owe it to her.”
“This is still insane.”
Usagi rolled Rei over so that she was on top.  “Pleaaaaase Rei?” she whined while showering Rei’s neck with kisses during each beg.
“No Usagi.”
Rei was slowly losing this battle.  “But Usagi….”
“You’re crazy!”
Usagi started to nibble on Rei’s neck.  “Please Rei?”
Rei melted under the sensations and caved in.  There was no way she could resist those big blue eyes and tender kisses from her love.  “Fine.”
“YAY!  Thank you Rei!”  Usagi kissed her forehead.  “This is going to be fun.”
“What have I gotten myself into?”  Rei asked herself.
“You will enjoy it.  You’ll see.”
“Do you want to to go pay them a visit now?”
“No let’s wait until tomorrow.”  Usagi’s voice became seductive as she ran her hand up and down Rei’s chest.  There are other things I would like to do right now.”
Rei arched an eyebrow and grinned.  “Oh really and what would that be?”
“Well….”  Usagi leaned into Rei’s ear whispering her answer.
 Rei’s face turned a light shade of red.  She faked a gasp. “Odango!  What would your mother think about you talking like this? ”
“Well thankfully she’s alive so her thoughts don’t matter.  Besides she loved us being together.”  The conversation was short-lived before the blonde continued her kisses all over Rei slipping off all garments that dare stood in the way of her desire.
“This is going to be to a long night isn’t it Usagi?”
Rei smiled as she wrapped her arms around her love.  “Well who am I to deny my princess?”  The two closed their eyes leaning in for an even deeper kiss.
It was indeed a long night.

End of chapter 2
********************************************************************* ****
Author Notes:
I was not going to write chapter 2 until next week but I could not stop thinking about it.  I even cancelled my internship today just so I could focus on writing this.  Now that’s dedication!  To all of my loyal readers of “She’s The King” you will notice that both stories will eventually have similar elements/scenes in them.  That is because I am writing this story to kind of hone my abilities in that one.  To those who aren’t reading that story then it wouldn’t apply.  I’m a huge Rei and Usagi fan if you can tell so I’m going to emphasize that in this story but I’m not going to forget about the Mina/Mamoru goodness.  They were just absent from this scene so I could “set the stage”.  I promise that they will be in the next chapter.  Anyways reviews are always appreciated whether you like the story so far or if you think it is just atrocious.  There aren’t many Mamoru/Mina fans out there that I know of so I would like to hear your input.             &nb sp;                         &nb sp;                         &nb sp;