Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Perfect Flaw ❯ Missions... ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

*Buries head in her hands and blushes as red as a tomato* I can't believe I misspelled perfect in the title!!! And it took me forever to notice it!!!! T_T Don't worry, it's all better…after I've completely embarrassed myself…"pefect flaw" ooohh, I'm soooo smart. -_-;;; Whew, I'm going fast, I've been working this idea out for awhile though, so it's not hard to write, once I get on a roll ^_^;;; As for my little mystery character…

It was Duo Maxwell from Gundam Wing!! Sensou Tenshi/Moonbeam, you won!! -_-;; but I like my cup…it has Frodo on it ^_^;; Hmm…how `bout a bag of sugar instead? Huh? Sugar's good! …No? Oh well, here's chapter 2!!

P.S.-Duo might show up more in the future, but I'm not sure…

P.P.S.-Domo arigatou to everyone who reviewed!!! *blows kisses*


The cocktail party was in full swing by the time Usagi sauntered into the hotel, wearing her same black dress and her hair twisted up in a complicated bun. She casually took a stool at the bar, ordering a drink. All she had to do was wait for the target to show up, then she'd make her move.

"Konban wa, may I buy you a drink?"

Usagi looked up to see the target sitting next to her at the bar. She glanced down at her empty glass, and a small smile tugged at her lips. "Hai," she said, turning to face him. `Make them feel comfortable,'

The man ordered her another drink. "May I ask you your name?" he said with a warm smile while they waited.

`Never tell them anything,' "Atashi wa Taikou," she said with a smile, her chin resting in her hands.

"Did your parents name you that because of your hair?" he asked, his voice teasing.

`Self-control.' "Hai, it was a bit of a family joke," she said, smiling back flirtatiously, one hand reaching up to play with a loose curl of the aforementioned hair.

"I rather like your hair, it's very unique," he said, handing her her drink.

She took a sip of it, but did not take her eyes off of him. She put down her glass and smiled at him again. "Arigatou, I'm flattered."

"Though your eyes are what caught my attention," he continued, lifting his own glass to his lips, after taking a swig of the amber liquid, he put it back down, and leaned in close to her, staring into her blood red orbs. "They are, almost hypnotizing…"

She smiled slightly again, but stayed silent, staring unblinkingly back at him. `Gain their trust…'

They continued to talk and drink for a while longer, and he continued to flatter her, leaning in close to whisper into her ear. She continued to smile coyly, listening to his every word.

"Would you like to come up to my room?" he said, finishing his third glass. "I have the finest red wine imported from Italy, waiting to be enjoyed,"

"Why not?" she replied with a smile.

He led her to the elevator, up several floors, and down a hallway filled with fine oriental carpeting. They stopped one of the many doors and waited for him to unlock the door. He held it open for her, and she walked in, taking in the room.

After shutting the door behind him, he reached over to flip the light switch, but was stopped when another hand covered his.

"Iie," she said, standing close to him, somehow managing to seem extremely intimidating, though she was nearly a foot shorter than him.

His lips curled in smile, drawing the wrong conclusions.

It was only when he noticed the metallic gleam of a dagger in her free hand that he caught on. It was her turn to smirk as she wrapped one small hand around his throat, and the other raised the weapon to his shaking neck.

"Not quite the evening you were expecting, ne?" she whispered, pressing the blade closer.

He stared at her, his eyes wide, and opened his mouth to speak. The hand that gripped his neck flew to his mouth, pushing him back against the door. He shook his head looking petrified, an emotion Usagi considered rare for a man of his stature.

"Do everything I say, and your death will be almost painless, don't and you will regret it." She continued in the same soft voice.

He managed a small nod, wanting the dagger to move away from his throat.


Several minutes later, Usagi could be found walking down one of the deserted hallways of the hotel, looking calm and composed. She was looking for the nearest elevator so that she could get out of the hotel and catch a cab back to the apartment as soon as possible. She paused for a moment, holding her right hand out in front of her. It was shaking uncontrollably. She snatched it back with her left, trying to stop the trembling.

She was about to turn the corner when she felt a strong body ram into her with such force she was knocked into one of the walls, pinned against it by a long silver blade. `A katana,' she thought vaguely, raising her face to meet a pair of fierce ebony eyes.

"Baka onna," the man hissed. "How could you get caught off guard so easily? Aren't you trained to be invincible?"

She smirked. "What makes you think you caught me off guard?" she asked, and in one swift movement, their positions were reversed, the man now pressed against the wall by his own sword, held by the woman. "And yes, I am invincible, all of the Kuroi are,"

"I should have known you'd be here," he growled, furious at the position he was in. "You will not get away with this,"

Her smirk grew. "Calm down China doll, you're just pissed because I killed him before you could," she pulled away, dropping the sword at his feet. She turned to leave.

"I've seen you onna, and I will kill you, you took what was mine,"

"Treize Kushrenada killed himself, go look out the window for yourself, he got drunk and fell off of a balcony, how could I have anything to do with that?" she asked innocently, gesturing to a nearby window.

The dark-haired man made no move towards the window.

"What, scared you'll end up like him?" her smirk faded. "You can't kill me Chang Wufei, I don't exist." Leaving the man dumbstruck, she exited the building, her right hand in her coat pocket.


Usagi awoke a few days later to the sound of a telephone ringing. With a groan she rolled over and glanced at the clock. `Eight thirty, wonderful,' The phone continued to ring, not seeming to care that she was barely awake.

"Baka answer the phone!" she yelled, wishing her partner wasn't such a pain in the ass.

There was no response, aside from the phone continuing to ring. She had almost forgotten, he was usually gone by six in the morning, off doing Kami-sama knows what. She was just the opposite, working all night, and sleeping all day. Their schedules made it so they rarely saw one another, a good thing in Usagi's opinion.

With another loud groan, she pulled herself out of bed and down the hall to the kitchen, finally answering the early caller.

"Nande," she croaked, not caring about manners at this time of day. Only one person called anyway, and she never cared about what kind of greeting Usagi used.

"Moshi moshi," a woman's voice elegant voice replied. "Did I catch you at a bad time?"

"I've had three hours of sleep Setsuna-san, give me information so that I can go back to bed," Usagi said impatiently, leaning against the countertop.

"Hai, I see that you have taken care of the targets, no casualties, no damage of public or personal property, this is a nice change of pace," Setsuna said, the sound of papers rustling in the background. "You and your partner seem to be working well together,"

"Whatever," She replied indifferently. She didn't know him, and didn't care to know him, just so long as they got the work done so that Usagi could go back to working alone.

"I'm sending you a new mission, you are to leave tomorrow morning, through the West Tunnel,"

"Huh?" Usagi's head wasn't doing a very good job processing information right then. "You mean I'm going to keep working with him?" she asked in confusion.

"Hai, you two did an excellent job on the last mission, and finished well ahead of schedule, I think you two make a good pair,"

"Setsuna-san, I work alone." Usagi said stubbornly. "I don't need a partner!"

"You have not proved to be consistent, or reliable enough to be given solo missions anymore,"

"Demo-!" she protested.

"Small Lady, are you questioning my decisions?" Setsuna's tone had suddenly changed, seeming like a different voice all together.

"Iie," Usagi said, backing off.

"Good," Setsuna's tone became normal once more. "After this next mission I will expect you to come back with a full report,"


"Ja ne,"

"Ja," Usagi hung up the phone, staring at it for a moment. Why was Setsuna doing this to her? Hadn't she been the one to train her to be the perfect assassin? But now she was stuck with some muscle head guy with a goofy name for a partner. With sigh, she went back into her bedroom, digging out her laptop to open the documents Setsuna had sent her. She read them hastily, memorizing the information with ease.

After she had gone through the files, she deleted them, and opened up her search program. "If I'm going to be stuck working with him, I might as well find out who this baka really is," she murmured to herself, typing away. After typing in `Year 784' and hitting `enter', she found multiple files relating to it. "Now to find the right timeline," she flipped through the files, sifting out the useful ones and deleting the ones that led nowhere. One in particular caught her interest, titled `Jinozingen,'

"Hmm…so they have androids where he comes from,"


Trunks reappeared at around three that afternoon. He was surprised to find Usagi awake and at the kitchen table, typing away on her laptop.

"Setsuna-san called," was all she said, not looking up from her work.

"What did she say?" he asked.

"New mission, check your e-mail," Usagi answered, looking slightly irritated as she impatiently brushed her bangs away from her eyes.

"Hai, arigatou," he said, leaving the room. Whenever he spoke to Usagi, he got the feeling he was talking to a wall. He had long since given up trying to find out anything about, as she seemed only inclined to give her name, and nothing more.

He sighed and opened his laptop, it wasn't healthy to dwell on things that didn't concern him. It wasn't like he had told her anything about himself. But she had never asked, and he had his reasons for not wanting to say anything. `She must have hers as well.'


The next day everything had been packed up. Usagi sighed as she pulled on a gray hooded sweatshirt and tied her hair back in a ponytail. `One more mission with this baka, then I can pull some strings and get back to working alone.' With that happy thought in her mind, she picked up her one duffel bag of belongings and the local newspaper and headed downstairs to where the car was parked.

As she walked she read the front page, a small smirk playing at her lips. It was an article about the mysterious deaths of several very important political figures, some concluded to be suicide, some homicide, but with absolutely no leads, and several still that were completely unknown, men and women that were in fine health that had seemingly dropped dead in the middle of daily activities. They seemed to be connected, yet couldn't be proven.

`Someone knows the truth,' she thought, tossing the paper in the trash.


"I'm telling you, I know who killed all these people!" Wufei shouted, rapidly losing his patience with is friends. "At least I know who killed Treize!"

"Wufei, Treize killed himself, he threw himself off of a hotel balcony," Quatre said quietly, hoping the Chinese man would calm down.

"He didn't commit suicide! I met the onna who killed him! She admitted to it!" Wufei yelled.

"You think a girl killed Treize Kushrenada?" Hiiro asked, his blank expression holding some disbelief.

"Hai! She had pink hair, and red eyes, she was wearing a black dress, I saw her come out of Treize's hotel room!"

"Wufei, she might have just been in the wrong place at the wrong time," Quatre said, trying to find an explanation.

"The police said there were no signs of a struggle," Trowa spoke up.

Duo was oddly silent during the argument.

"Even if this girl did kill Treize, she couldn't have killed the others, they're all too different to be done by one person, and the timing is too close, she could not have traveled the distances in such short amounts of time." Said Hiiro.

"I think this whole `weak onna' deal has gone to your head Wu-man, why else would you be going so nuts about this," Duo finally said, a grin upon his face. "I think you asked the girl out and she turned you down,"

"Maxwell I will kill you, you bakayarou!" Wufei shouted, drawing his katana.

"Calm down you two!" Quatre cried out, trying to prevent the war that was about to begin. "Please!"

"Nobody at the hotel ever saw a girl that matches your description that night Wufei." Hiiro said.

"I know what I saw!" Wufei shouted. "That onna killed Treize, Ririna, Zechs, and all of the others, I know she did!"


Usagi frowned as she drove towards the West Tunnel, trying to fight the urge to sneeze. Trunks sat in the passenger seat, staring out the window in silence. Usagi went faster, wanting to get out of the time period as quickly as possible.

She hated the After Colony years; she could smell the blood that lay embedded in the ground from years upon years of war. It sickened her, the idea that so many could die for something so worthless.

They entered the tunnel, and she closed her eyes for a moment, letting the strange sensation of shifting come over her as the car, her clothing, and the entire world changed completely.


Yay!! Chapter two is over!! Now, sorry if this chapter had a lot to do with Gundam Wing, but that's just the way things go. And if you wanted more Gundam, gomen, but they're all going bye-bye. *points to computer screen* this is a *DBZ*/BSSM crossover, so the Gundam guys only got a little cameo. Wave bye-bye to Wu-man, bye-bye, Hiiro! Bye-bye Shinigami! Bye-bye minna-chan!! ^_^;;;;;;;;

As for where they go next, and when the romance starts….

Wait and see!!…and review!!!