Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Perfect Flaw ❯ Shifts... ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I can't stop writing!! ^_^;;;; Oh well, I'm sure you guys are pleased. A few notes…

Princess of the Monkeys- um…where did I think this one up? *scratches head* Oh yeah! I was going to write a really big multi-crossover with more characters, but I dumped it cause it was hard and I wanted to focus on everyone and only one character at the same time…so it became this! Anyhoo, that's really cool you had the same idea!!! And kinda spooky…^_^;;; And yes, yes you may add me to your fav. Authors list, I would be honored *bows* ^_^

Um…okay, we're in a new anime now!! Too bad it's an anime I'm having trouble remembering and understanding at the moment…-_-;;; Okay, welcome to Akira world, some of you may be familiar with this classic from the eighties…some of you may not be (well if you aren't, you should be, it's a must-see for otaku) my baka brother has my (I mean his…I mean…how bout just the…) dvd at school with him, so I haven't seen it in a while, and all of the websites I went to sucked, so some of my info might be screwed up. (corrections are always welcome!! I admit that I'm not always right!!) …it really doesn't help that Akira's already really complicated and deep, and here I am adding more crap…-_-;;

Last note before I let you read, this is a spin-off of my one-shot Flawed (READ IT, NOW!!!) ^_^;; but the scenes from that will not be used in here, it will be different, I basically just redid the idea so that it was more drawn out and thorough. (some things will remain the same however.)

Okay, now you can read!


`Baka baka baka baka baka,' Usagi had made a song. (AN: ^_^;;;) She was in the process of unpacking her things in her hotel room. So far she was not thrilled with the place they had been dumped in. `2023, Neo-Tokyo, oh what a wonderful place,' she thought sarcastically, flinging her last shirt into a draw.

After she had put away her clothing, she pulled out the last of her belongings, the objects that she kept at the bottom of her bag, hidden beneath a fake panel. These were the items she valued.

First there was her dagger, a simple silver blade that had been a gift from Setsuna after her first successful mission, a small tattered photo of her as a child with a tall tan woman in a business suit, her long dark hair tied back in a partial bun, neither of them were smiling, oddly, and her I.D., which the information on it changed frequently.

But the one thing she truly cherished was not in the bottom of the bag. It hung around her neck on a gold chain and tucked beneath whatever shirt she was wearing. The small teardrop shaped crystal never came off.

`Puu-mama, what's this?' The six year-old dangled the chain in front of her bright red eyes, watching the crystal swing side-to-side.

`My name is Setsuna, Small Lady, not "Puu-mama"' the woman reprimanded, gently putting the necklace back around the girl's neck. `It was your mother's, keep it safe for her,'

`I will Puu-mama!'

Usagi sighed, tucking the necklace back under her shirt collar. She shoved the rest of the items under the mattress, not trusting the safes, as they were easy to break into.

"I'm going for a walk," she called to her partner as she pulled on her shoes and coat, stepping out the door.

The streets proved to be crowded with all kinds of people, some more trustworthy than others, that is, if Usagi ever trusted anyone.

"Oi, Aino, come over here and visit!" She stared in surprise at a group of teenage boys sitting on their motorcycles. The catcalls continued as her eyes narrowed in annoyance.

She was about to blow them off, when one of the boys caught her eye. He sat on his bike, behind the rude one with the flashy red jacket, looking almost out of place. His skin was paler, and there was something almost woeful about his eyes, something that made her stop. He appeared to be the kind that joined groups like this, and faded into the background, upstaged by the bigger, stronger, and bolder members. `Shima Tetsuo…'

"Kuso," she whispered, and turned, attempting to get back to the hotel.

"Oi Aino-chan where are you going?!" they shouted after her as she shoved her way through the crowds of people. Dirty, filthy diseased people. She had to get away.

The crowds only seem to thicken, and her vision began to blur. She continued to push past them, only thinking of finding a place with fresh air, somewhere that didn't smell like the sickening mixture gasoline, cigarettes and alcohol. Hard bodies pressed against, her suffocating her, and hands reached out to pull at her, voices, shouting at her. She lifted her right hand up to brush her bangs away from her face, hoping it would improve her rapidly failing sight, but it shook so hard she gave up.

She found herself completely surrounded, engulfed in a mass of people, unable to free herself from their choking stench. With a cry of desperation, she threw herself against one wall, willing it to give. It fell away, sending her stumbling forward into beautiful emptiness. She fell to her knees on wet cold pavement, her hands supporting her upper body by pressing against the grimy ground.

A flash of lights. Screams. Shouts.

Usagi raised her head to see through her panic-wrought vision a car come speeding towards her. She only stared, not realizing her fate.

`You can't kill me…I don't exist…'

Warm hands. Rough, calloused, but warm, and gentle.

`Puu-mama?' the eight year-old hadn't given up the nickname no matter how many times her mentor corrected her.

`What is it Small Lady?'

`What's a war?'

`When people get into an argument, and it gets blown out of proportion.'

`What does pro-propo-` she struggled cutely with the word.

`Proportion, blown out of proportion means that something that is really very small, gets turned into something very big.'


`Men do not think Small Lady, they only want to destroy what they create, and they must always prove themselves right in a fight. That's why there are wars, that's why so many die.'

`Then isn't it wrong that we kill too?' she asked in confusion.

`Iie.' Her guardian said firmly. `We do not kill to prove our point, we kill to make the worlds better,'

`Oh,' She still had many more questions, and was still confused, but knew she had already asked too much.

She could hear a voice, and footsteps, but could barely distinguish the words. She slowly opened her eyes, squinting as her eyes adjusted to the light. Her vision slowly cleared as she sat up, ignoring the dull headache that came with it. A damp washcloth slipped off of her forehead and landed in her lap. She looked around, noticing she was back in her hotel room.

At first she couldn't remember what had happened, but slowly it came back to her. She had been walking around, getting to know the area, when she had run into one of her targets. And then…she closed her eyes for a moment, steadying her nerves. She didn't remember what she had done, but she knew what had happened.

`Hopefully no one got hurt,' then something dawned on her. `If…if I spaced out, how did I end up back here?' she checked herself over, and the scanned the room, trying to find any clues as to what had happened after she had zoned out.

The voice she had heard had been Trunks, talking on the phone in the other room. `Probably Setsuna…' she got out of bed and quietly opened the door, entering the room just in time to see Trunks hang up the phone.

He looked up at her in surprise. "O-ohayo, daijoubu ka?" he asked.

"Daijoubu," she said, looking away, and heading to the small kitchenette, looking for the kettle so that she could make some tea.

He stared after her in disbelief. He had watched her fling herself in front of a speeding car, and then fall unconscious, shaking a sweating, screaming about things he couldn't understand in Japanese, English, Chinese, even some French, before he could get her back to the hotel. But now, a few hours later, she was fine.


`Ninmu ryoukai,' she thought with satisfaction as she stepped over the small body that lay on the ground, dozens of little white capsules scattered around it. He had been easy to kill, already dependent on his heart medicine. All she had had to do was make him a little angry, make him nervous about some documents he was keeping, and he had immediately reached for the bottle. With more provoking, she had sent his poor little heart into overdrive, working too hard to keep going.

Three days after Usagi's incident, things had gone back to normal. Usagi worked nights, Trunks worked days. They rarely saw each other, and almost never spoke to one another. She had steered clear of the final target on her list, something in the pit of her stomach made her dread having to kill him.

She ran her left hand through her hair, her other hidden in her jacket pocket. She walked past the guards, who didn't seem to notice her, and out the front door to the streets of Neo-Tokyo, intent on finding a good bar to get drunk in.


Heh, funfunfun, ne? -_-;; review please…