Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Phoenix ❯ How it Began ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon, or anything Sailor Moon related. I am also not familiar with the Japanese names of the Sailor Scouts. So if you don't mind I'm using the American names, except for Haruka, I have forgotten her American name. Oh well.

` ' thought

* * flashback

( ) author's note

Chapter 1: How it Began


"I told you never to use your power unless it was unavoidable," Queen Serenity said to her son. "You know you're too powerful for it to be fully controlled."

"It was unavoidable," Phoenix retorted, "The people were being slaughtered. The eight scouts couldn't handle it, and that prince wasn't helping much." He stood in front of his mother, his gold wings retracted into his back. His green eyes were blazing slits in his face. "You always use the same excuse."

"Don't interrupt me. If you use your power without my consent again, I will be forced to banish you until you can control it," she said with tears in her eyes. "Please Phoenix, I'm only doing this for your safety. If you exert too much power you it will destroy you."

Phoenix just pushed his gold hair behind his ears and agreed with his mother. If he actually had a choice he still would have agreed with her. The entire Moon Kingdom knew his power rivaled even that of the Imperium Silver Crystal. He sighed and hugged his mother.

"I should listen more often, you know more about this than I do," he said as his hair fell from where it was held.

"Let me get that for you," she said turning him around. She pulled his hair back and tied it with a small silver cord.

"Thank you," he said smiling and left the large hall of the throne room. When he reached the doors he was greeted by Luna. He leaned down, picked her up, and put her on his shoulder.

"How did it go?" she asked curiously, but with a hint of sternness in her voice.

"Same old, same old," he said scratching her under her chin. Her eyes closed in a dreamy sort of way. "That spot never fails, does it?" he smiled as she batted his left earring with her paw, like a little kitten.

"Stop playing around, and tell me what happened," she said snapping out of her dazed state when he stopped scratching. "Your sister and friends are worried about you."

"I'm fine, Luna, stop worrying," he said, his mouth changing from a smile to a straight line. "Where are they now?"

"Follow me," she hopped off his shoulder and ran down the hall with him in pursuit. "They're in the courtyard waiting for us."

He ran after her, his wings slowly materializing at his shoulder blades. These had been here for as long as he could remember; which was from birth. They were partly what earned him his name. The other thing was that when he died he would rise from where he died, fully healed. He figured that as long as it wasn't a natural death, then he would keep coming back.

When they reached the courtyard the wings were at their full length, ten feet on either side. He was greeted by a hug from Ami, AKA Sailor Mercury. His sister stood there next to the person he despised. There was no reason, he simply didn't like the prince of Earth.

"Why are you all looking so shocked that I'm alive?" he asked with a smile, they all smiled back. "I don't plan on dying for a long time." Then he noticed the girl in his arms was crying. "Ami what's wrong?" he asked in a soothing voice.

"You know how much I worry, Phoenix," she said sobbing. "Please don't do that again." She hugged tighter, never wanting to let go.

"I promise that I won't," he said placing a hand on her head, "Mother and I have agreed that I will only use my power with her permission." He looked up at the Earth in the sky, and wondered what they thought about the people on the Moon. He kissed Ami on the forehead and she let go of his waist.

"What will happen if you don't ask the queen?" Lita asked from behind Ami. Her eyes seemed to holding back tears of either sadness, or joy.

"Banishment, to the fifth planet," he said. In those days there was a planet between Mars and Jupiter. It was a gray planet, almost completely void of life. There was an oasis on it though, it spanned the entire equator and surrounding areas for 100 miles.

(You can probably guess what happens to this `fifth planet'.)

"There's something else, isn't there?" Serena asked her arm looped in Darien's. She had here deep blue eyes locked on his pale green.

"Yes," he looked at Ami, then to each of them in turn, "all memory of me will be erased from your thoughts. Not one person will remember, until this time of peace ends. Believe me, it will end soon. Saturn's power will not be here to help you, and neither will mine."

"Well I don't that's fair," Rei said with a note of frustration. "They can't just send you away for being too powerful."

"Actually they can," Darien said, "they're afraid. Phoenix you might become to powerful and destroy yourself and all of us."

"I wouldn't mind killing you," Phoenix muttered, then louder, "Mother told me the same thing, it's getting old."

"Can we please stop talking about this," Mina said with tears in her eyes. She didn't want to die, just the thought of it scared her.

"Sure, but what else is there to do at a time like this?" he asked her with a strange smile on his face. One of his favorite pastimes was teasing the venusian princess.

(Venusian is a word I made up, it has to do with the planet Venus.)

"Well…um?" she scratched her head. "We could…um? I got it, we could go ice skating."

"I could use some target practice," he said turning to leave. Ami grabbed his arm.

"Why not come with us?"

"Can the little prince not ice skate?" Darien asked in a mocking tone.

"I can skate very well actually, it's just that I'd melt the ice," he said over his shoulder. With that he left; Ami looked at them and then followed.

"I'm not sure he likes me," Darien said to Serena.

"Nonsense, he's just very…secret with his feelings," she said taking time to find a fitting word.

Behind the palace, ten minutes later

"Pull!" Phoenix yelled and the small clay disc was shot into the air. His eyes followed it while his body made no sign of moving. It was about to hit the ground, an inch away, when his hand snapped up from his side and the disc was blasted to pieces. "It's just too easy when it's in the air."

"Pull!" Ami yelled standing next to him. A second disc flew through the air. She followed it with her eyes. When it was about to hit the ground she fired at it, missed. It was a millimeter away when Phoenix blasted it.

"You've got to keep a better eye on it," he said, "You're glancing at me every few seconds."

"Look who's talking, you're not supposed to be using your powers," she retorted in a playful way.

"Correction, I'm not supposed to be overly releasing my power," he countered. She though he wasn't taking her bait, until he spun around, pulled her into hug, and kissed her. "Ever wonder what life would be like if didn't have this `gift'?" he asked after letter her go.


"You didn't believe me when I said that the peace will end soon, did you?"

"No," she looked down.

"Or when I said I wouldn't be here for it?"


"I'm glad you're being optimistic," he said, "but this is not time for that."

As he held her, a black portal opened a few yards away. Through it stepped something out of your worst nightmares. I can't describe it, so just imagine something so hideous, so foul that it make an onion cry. It slithered up behind them and yanked Ami out of his arms.

"You truly are a weakling, so much power, yet you are so pathetic," it hissed.

"What!?" his eyes narrowed and the tips of his wings turned crimson. Looking up he saw Ami held over one of its mouths. It had three, one was talking, another was occupied with Ami, and the third was on its back. Phoenix put his hands forward, wrists together, and palms up. "Weak?!" he asked again.

The thing simply laughed its hissing laugh. Ami was trying to free her self from the tentacle, which held her, but wasn't exactly gaining ground.

"SUNFIRE'S INFERNO!" he yelled and a yellow/red blast erupted from his hands. It burned a hole through the mouth that was laughing. A tentacle whipped out and tried to push his arms away, but was incinerated before it got within ten feet of him. The beam was burning straight through the monster's insides, until, finally, it erupted through the other side.

He cut off the beam by pulling his hands away from the target. The tentacle holding Ami left go of her waist and she fell. He ran to the spot under her and caught her. He looked into her blue eyes and saw she was crying.

"Why are you crying?" he asked rather stupidly.

"You don't get it, do you?" she said to him when he put her down. "You're going to be banished for doing that." She cried into his chest for a few minutes before recollecting herself.

"Yes, I'm going into exile, but it won't be forever," he said trying to make her feel better. "Don't worry, please."

"PHOENIX!" he heard someone calling from the distance. Turning he saw his mother standing at the top of the stairs leading to the terrace. She had a very hurt and disapproving look on her face. "What have I told you?"

"Not to use my power unless unavoidable," he yelled back. "And it was unavoidable, so don't think about doing something you'll regret." He pushed his hair back, it had fallen loose in the blast. He hugged Ami tightly and pressed his hands in hers. He kissed her on the forehead and turned, spreading his wings he flew off.

Ami looked down at her palm. In it was the earring from his right ear. It was a small golden pearl, set at the end of a silver chain. When she looked at it more closely, it had some sort of writing on it. it said: `As long as you have this, you will always be able to find me'. She quickly removed her right earring and replaced it with his. In her mind was a sudden picture of what he was seeing. It was only a flash, but it was all she needed.

"Ami, do you know where he went?" the queen asked when she reached the bottom of the stairs. Ami turned to face her, keeping only her left side showing.

"No, I don't know," she quickly lied. "Queen Serenity, you aren't really going to banish him, are you?" she asked her queen.

"The law says that I must," Queen Serenity said, "He used his power without permission."

"But he saved my life," Ami retorted, "it was an unavoidable situation."

"I'm going to have to submit it to the council. They will decide, okay?"


"Did he tell you anything about his banishment?"

"He told us that he would be sent to the fifth planet, and all memory of him would be erased."

"Anything else?"

"That it would be erased until the time of peace ended, and we reached a certain age on earth."

"That's all I needed to know, thank you Ami," she said turning to leave. "Oh, by the way, could I have that earring he gave you?"


"Oh, I see, you want something to remember him by," the queen smiled and turned to leave. "If it was my decision, and not the council's, I would let him stay."

Three days later, main council room

The room is set like a giant courtroom, or the room in the House of Representatives. Phoenix stood in the middle of the large, round room. He had shackles on his wrists and ankles. He could have easily broke them, but decided not to.

"Phoenix," the judge said, "You are charged with violating your mother's orders of asking permission to use your power." The judge was an old man, around maybe eighty or so. He wore a long, silver cloak, and his silver hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail. His thin face was lined with innumerable wrinkles and scars, from battle.

"Yes," he answered calmly.

"Good, now that we understand the case it is time to bring forth the only witness, Princess Ami of the planet Mercury. Please come forward and tell us what you saw," the judge's firm voice was enough to keep the courtroom quiet. He motioned for Ami to stand and take a seat in a booth next to his large, stone spire.

Ami gave an accurate account of what happened, right down to the way his feathers changed color. She kept glancing at him, always getting the same reassuring nod. The judge saw this and was getting suspicious.

"Are you letting your personal relationship with the person in question interfere with your testimony?" he asked so suddenly that it caught everyone off guard. Ami cringed ever so slightly but answered the question nonetheless.

"No, I am not. What I tell you is the truth," she said in a shaky voice.

"Then why, might I ask, do you keep looking at him, instead of at the jury?"

"For support and reassurance."

"Then please, go on."

So she did, it didn't take long to explain the rest. The whole incident went so fast that people were surprised she got it all. The sentence would immediately follow her account of three days ago. When it ended, the jury left and went to a small room to deliberate her story.

Phoenix was allowed to sit, but only until the jury came back with its decision. Which it did less than five minutes later.

"How do you find the accused?" the judge asked in a low, menacing whisper. By now you should be able to tell that he doesn't like Phoenix. In his mind, anything with more power then the Imperium Silver Crystal should not exist. The jury was hesitant in giving its answer. They looked at the judge, then to the queen, and then to Phoenix. "Well?"

"We find him guilty of disobeying his mother's order," the person appointed to speak said. He looked to Phoenix with an apologetic look on his face.

He simply looked down with a smile on his face and said, "Well, a millenium isn't that long." He looked up with a single tear running down his cheek.

The judge had a sneer across his face. He couldn't help being joyful, even though he knew this would happen sooner or later.

Later, in the courtyard

A small round platform had been setup in center of the courtyard. Phoenix stood upon it, his hands and feet still shackled together. The judge walked up to him with a wide smirk on his face.

"What?" Phoenix asked in a voice that seethed with pure hatred.

"She won't remember you," he answered, his sneer widening.

"In time, she will," Phoenix smiled, when he did a small fang overlapped his lip.

"How do you know?"

"I've made arrangements, like you, I also knew this day would come," his smiled widened. "You're going to die, and no one can bring you back."

The judge stepped back, his smirked was gone, replaced with a look of pure loathing.

"Fire it!" he yelled to the knight behind him.

Phoenix was still smiling when the platform began to glow, bright silver. He looked up at the stars, and saw Mars, Earth, and Venus, all in one line across the sky. `It's coming,' he said to himself.

"NOW!" the platform was launched into the sky, speeding towards its destination.


I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. It shouldn't surprise you that I'm writing this. I'm an anime freak. Every anime show I can get my hands on, I watch. Review so I know how you like Phoenix. Just so you know why I paired him with Ami. Ami is, in my opinion, the coolest. She's smart, strong, and very, very sexy. Anyway, I hope to get at least 3 reviews by next week or you won't know what happens. Bye now.