Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Planets Collide ❯ chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: uh.... none of these charaters are mine.


Within hours of Jurai and the Moon's declaration, Antar had done the same. The war was fast and furious for the first two years. Then it simply died down. It stayed calm for four years, although, techinically, there was still a war going on. Then, suddenly, it picked up again, and this time worse than the first two years. The planet that was doing the worst was Antar. It seemed that no matter what they planned, the Saya-jins knew exactically what they were going to do. Jurai, the Moon, Earth, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus (five planets who joined the war to help the Moon) were trying to protect Antar, but it was very difficult. Antar was suffering great defeats for a year before the reason was discovered. A young, high-ranking military officer was telling secrets to the Saya-jins. He was immedeatley put into jail and heavily guarded. He was to be put to death the next day. But in the morning, when the other guards came to bring him to his execution, they found the 25 night guards either dead or in such a bad condition, that they'd be better off dead. All that they could figure was that Saya-jins had let him escape.
When it was discovered that this man had leaked secrets, he was, (as you already know) stripped of his position. But he was supposed to lead an army! So they had to find a replacement. Rath ((My Mikey!! He's such a cutie!)) was given the job.

Sixteen year old Princess Lita of Jupiter decided to do something instead of just sitting around. Go for a nice walk under the war filled sky? Make pottery? ((along with the Gundam boys, right Chibi-Steph?)) No. Not today. Then it hit her. Go sneak into a military base and go into space to fight the saya-jins! Yeah, that'd cure her boredom. Everyone tried to stop the princess from going out. But they really couldn't stop her. They tried to argue: "There's no battles nearby!"
"So, I'll go to Antar. There's always a battle there." She got into a fighter ship. "I'm not letting all that training you guys gave me go to waste." ((Man, that's it. No more Gundam Wing for me.))

Rath was, for the first time, leading an army into battle. With no secrets revealed, they might be able to have a victory. Rath was determined to have that victory. And he was far from it. Suddenly, a small fighter ship appeared from almost nowhere. "Who the hell is that?" he yelled. It wasn't Saya-jin, and it wasn't Jurian, 'It doesn't look like they cut down a forest to make it,' he thought. It definately wasn't from Antar. Rath attempted to send a message to him. The stranger either didn't receive the message, or he didn't bother to answer. He had a feeling it was the latter. But he didn't know if this strange was friend or foe. He shot a warning blast at him, and the stranger easily doged it. Rath knew that if this guy was an enemy, then there would surely be returned fire; but nothing happened. So, Rath let the stranger go on with whatever he was doing there, while he, himself, returned to fighting off the Saya-jins. One of the Saya-jins must have thought the same thing about this stranger, because one also shot a blast at him. But this time, there was a response. The mysterious craft came zooming into the battle and began to shoot at the Saya-jin ships. ((ko, have you guessed who this stranger is yet?)) The ship moved effortlessly about, blowing up ememy ships as if it were nothing. Rath was shocked. But he had no time to sit and stare. There were still enemys around, still shooting at him.
Less than an hour later, the Saya-jin army, which should have won becuase they outnumbered the Antar army almost 2 to 1, retreated with less than one eight left. Rath knew it was due to the stranger. He must have taken out half the casulaties. But, Rath, being Rath, told his superiors that it was due to his expert military tactics. But, even if he only kept this knowledge to himself, he was grateful to the stranger. He might have saved his life.