Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Raia Returns! ❯ Illyria appears! ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
The woman stood at the fence, her hands gripping the railing as she softly watched the screaming children. The sun was at its coolest as they swung higher, not noticing the ominous feel in the air, hearing the siren of an ice cream van. The children ran past as the thought of ice cream enticed them, leaving her alone with the girl she wanted.

Her body didn't moved in the wind as her hair gently rustled. One child stood out most, an unusual girl with pink hair. She took the freshly baked cookies out of her bag and wafted them in the air to the remaining child.

The pink haired child ran towards the railing, her mouth watering at the smell of cookies.

"My name's Rini! Do you have cookies?" She asked greedily, hopping up and down.

"My name is Illyria." Illyria handed the cookies over to the girl and watched Rini eat them with delicate ease.

"It's nice to meet you Small Lady." Illyria smirked, mocking the girl with a curtsy.

"Small Lady? How did you know my name?" Rini looked shocked as she dropped the remaining cookies to the floor.

"I'm here, to help you." Illyria told the frightened girl, crouching down and touching her forehead.

"This won't take a second." Illyria gasped as Rini screamed, channelling images into her mind.

Rini's scream intensified, a crescent moon appearing upon her forehead as she blasted Illyria back into a wall.

"Rini!!" Jessica shouted, hearing her scream from her college. She dropped her books and ran towards the playground, searching for her henshin. Gripping it, she looked for a private place to transform.

"Why do I have to hurt this child? She is the daughter of Selenity, my sister." Illyria's mind told herself madly as she looked at the now quiet girl and she shook her head.

"They suffocated me. They let me die, my own mother saw me jump into that time warp. She thought I was gone forever, to let my older sister rule the throne! Ha, I'm glad Father saved me and taught me my powers." Illyria howled, scaring Rini.

Rini breathed heavily, exhausted from using her powers. She wondered about Illyria's outburst, who was her mother?

"Sleep my dear sister." Illyria calmed down, closing the child's eyes.

"Peace Star Power!" The sky slowly darkened as her body was surrounded in pink light. The breeze ruffled her fuku as she stopped at the playground. She heard the outburst, remembering Serena's confession and jumped out.

"In the name of the Moon, I will protect Rini from youma and that means you."

Illyria moaned groggily at the interruption before jumping up and grabbing Rini. Sailor Peace twirled her staff and aimed it at Illyria.

"Peace Earth Magic!" Her staff grew bright as energy built up, releasing as Sailor Peace slammed the tip into the ground. Green and golden balls of energy shot towards Illyria, hitting her hard.

Illyria stumbled weakly, still holding Rini. Looking down at the quiet child, she saw the necklace once owned by Pluto herself.

Her hand snatched Rini's time key and shouted "Time Key Open! Take me to the future."

A black light snaked its way down from the sky, encircling them. Illyria saw Sailor Peace running towards them, her staff ready.

"Dark Fire Clash!" Fire emerged from her fingertips, speeding towards Sailor Peace as thunder smashed the ground around her. Illyria made Sailor Peace dance, the fire scorching her fuku, the thunder shocking her.

"Goodbye Sailor Peace." The black light disappeared, Illyria holding Rini tight as they headed towards their destination ; The Moon Kingdom.