Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Raia Returns! ❯ Raia's Happy Ending ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Banners filled the nursery as everyone celebrated Raia's baby shower.

"She's adorable, Usagi. I so want to take her home." Jessica said broodily, her hand feeling her own stomach as Usagi blushed.

Diamond stood close to them, taking photos of his daughter and felt Selenity's eyes on him. He smiled at her softly and looked away, remembering what he did. She had forgiven Diamond for what he had done which had resulted in a beautiful daughter.

Endymion held the champagne bottle and popped the cork open, hitting Usagi in the forehead.

She looked angrily at Endyimon and sweatdropped as everyone laughed at her. Raia stirred quietly in her crib as Rini tickled her feet, feeling her mother brush past.

Neo-Queen Selenity glided over to them, taking Usagi's and Jessica's hand in her own.

"It is time you go back to the past my children. Raia is now safe and Illyria will not be appearing anytime soon." She told them, feeling Endymion's arms slide around her waist.

"How will Raia be conceived in the future if Diamond has turned good?" Jessica asked quietly, feeling Usagi glare at her angrily. Selenity felt him stiffen and thought for a while before saying something.

"I don't know my dear Jessica, only Sailor Pluto knows and she's very good at keeping it shut!" Neo-Queen Selenity told them with a slight laugh, earning a scowl from Sailor Pluto.

"It is time to go, the door is open." Sailor Pluto said to them, Usagi and Jessica following her to the door in the passage. Raia let out a cute hiccup as Diamond rocked her, watching the doorway with careful eyes.

They gave one look behind them at the glorious future before walking into the darkness they called the past.