Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Raia Returns! ❯ Battle Of The Moons ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Sailor Moon looked at Illyria, feeling her anger.

"Why are you angry Illyria? Is it because your finally learning the truth?" Sailor Moon asked the young confused girl, feeling a cold hand upon her shoulder.

"No my dear, it's because she gets to finally defeat Sailor Moon. Do you think you could defeat her with your measly powers of the Moon? She has Moon and Negamoon energy in her veins my sweet princess." He whispered softly into her delicate ears, watching Illyria over her shoulder.

"Get off me Diamond!" Sailor Moon jerked her shoulder away and stepped backwards. Sailor Peace finally broke her chains and gave a thumbs up to Sailor Moon. She stepped behind Diamond, getting her staff ready.

Sailor Moon spun on her heels and gripped Illyria's chin.

"You are Raia, daughter of Neo-Queen Selenity." Sailor Moon told her firmly, gripping her moon wand.

"I have to do this for your sake!" Sailor Peace shouted, holding her staff at Diamond's back.

He turned as she commanded "Peace Justice Magic!" The staff hovered slightly in her hands, pink arrows hitting Diamond hard.

Illyria screamed, running towards her father. She ignored the pink arrows hitting her as she held him close. "Father, wake up."

Neo-Queen Selenity looked weakly at them and whispered two words "heal them."

Sailor Moon looked at the Queen and nodded, holding her moon wand at the pair.

"Moon Crystal Healing!" The wand shot out gold dust, covering Illyria and Diamond as a blue light surrounded them. Illyria cried softly, holding Diamond close as she felt the dark energy leave their bodies.

Neo-Queen Selenity smiled and let Sailor Pluto help stand her up.

"Thank you Sailor Moon."