Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Rini's Scouts ❯ Rini's first friend ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Disclaimer is on Chapter 1. I am not putting one on every chapter, people!! If you can't figure out that I don't own Sailor Moon, then I am gonna come over there and moon dust your sorry butt!! Enjoy! ^_^
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Out in the rose gardens of Jupiter stood a 6 year old girl with long red hair and freckles, staring up at the stars.
"Icall upon the power of the stars!" she shouted. "Show me the Queen of Neptune!"
A face appeared in the stars, as the girls eyes widened,"I did it! I actually did it!" she cried jumping up and down.
"Did you call for me little one?" the image in the stars asked.
The girl stopped jumping and slowly looked towards the image.
"You can see me?" she asked.
"Of course she can see you Storm. It's nice to see you Michelle." said Nephlite.
The image of the woman looked up from the little girl, "Nice to see you to Nephlite, it's been a while." she smiled.
"Daddy! I did it all by myself this time!" Storm squealed as she gave her daddy a hug.
He picked up his daughter, "I see that my little thunder bolt, but aren't you forgeting something?" he said putting her down.
Storms emerald eyes widened as she turned back towards the image, "Forgive me your majesty, my name is Princess Stormie of the House of Jupiter. Daughter of King Nephlite and Queen Lita. Pleased to meet you." she said as she curtsied.
"Nice to meet you too dear." Michelle replied.
Just then the doors that led into the gardens came open, "There you two are!" exclaimed a woman with long brown hair.
"Michelle? Nice to see you again!" said the woman as she stood by Nephlite.
"Hello Lita, nice to see you to." she replied.
"Mommy I did it! I summoned her all by myself!" Storm beamed.
Lita turned towards her daughter, "I am very proud of you, but you really shouldn't do it at night, they may have been asleep, darling."
"I am sorry, you weren't sleeping were you?" Storm asked looking back at the queen.
The queen simply smiled, "No dear we just walked through the gates as you called me. We just came from a concert. Ariel's voice get's more beautiful every time I hear it!"
"I think it's time for little thunder bolts to go to bed." said Nephlite.
"Oh daddy do I have to?" Storm whined.
"You have lessons in the morning and you don't want to make Emerald angry if you fall asleep." said her mother.
She thought about that for a moment, "No I guess not, good night your majesty. Night mommy, night daddy." she said, giving her parents a hug and going inside.
They all watched as the young girl went inside,"You have a very pretty one there." said Michelle.
"Yes we do." said Nephlite as he put an arm around Lita.
"Does she know yet?" asked Michelle.
Lita turned to her husband, "I don't believe so, does she?"
He just shook his head as he turned back to Michelle, "No, I believe not. Does yours?"
"No not yet, but I just spoke with Pluto and we will have to tell them before next week." she replied.
"Well I am going to bed now, I will see you all next week." Michelle said.
"We should be too, it's getting late, good-night Michelle." said Nephlite.
"Good-night you two." Michelle said as she vanished.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
A tall, blue haired, 6 year old girl was standing on a pillar of ice in the courtyard.
"I call upon the powers of my mother and father! Mercury Snow Storm!" she shouted. She opened her eyes but nothing happened.
The girl turned to her mother and father who were sitting under a icy blue gazebo outside.
"Wynter, you must be patient, my litte ice princess." said her father.
"Zoicite, was it ever this hard for us?" asked Ami, turning to her husband.
"Ami I really don't remember, but she will get it if she can be patient and just open her mind." he said.
They both turned back to their daughter as she raised her hands into the air as her long blue hair flew up.
"I call upon the powers of Mercury! Mercury Snow Storm!" she shouted, closing her eyes.
All of a sudden the icy blue sky was filled with millions of snowflakes! Wynters eyes snapped opened when she felt one hit her nose.
"I did it!" she yelled, turning to her mother and father who were already out from under the gazeebo rushing for their daughter.
"You did it, my little ice princess!" her father exclaimed scooping his daughter up and swinging her around.
"Mommy did you see that?" she asked.
Ami wiped a tear from her eye,"Yes I did Wynter, I am very proud of you little one. Now all we do is wait til next week." she said.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
Back on the 30th century Earth:

The king and queen were in the communications room speaking with queen Beryl, Serenitys aunt, of the North Star. Just then the moon flashed on Serenity's head. She grabbed her stomach and uttered, "Oh my!" and fell to the floor.
"Serenity?!" yelled Beryl and Darien at the same time.
"Ladies?!" shouted Darien as four ladies in dresses ran in.
They all curtsied as he said,"Please get the queen to her chambers!"
They carefully picked up their queen and vanished in a bright white light.
"What has hapened to my niece?" asked Beryl.
Darien turned back towards the monitor, "I really have no idea, but I am sending for Ami right away." he replied.
"Good, let me know of her condition as soon as possible." Beryl replied as she vanished from the screen.
Darien touched the icy blue symbol of the planet Mercury on the console, a maid appeared on the screen.
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The royal family of Mercury was out in the courtyard when a maid came running out.
"My Queen! My Queen!" the maid frantically cried.
Ami turned to see a very red faced maid,"Yes Haruna, what is it?"
"Forgive me your majestys, she said as she curtsied, but you have an urgent call from the King of Earth. The queen has collapsed and he wants you there right away!" she breathed out.
The royal family closed their eyes and vanished into the communications room.
"Darien, what happened?" Ami asked as she ran to the screen.
"Ami I have no idea, her moon flared and she grabbed her stomach and fell to the floor!" he exclaimed.
"Oh." Ami laughed.
Darien kind of looked at her like she was crazy.
"I am sorry Darien, but Serena will be fine. She is just in labor. I will be there shortly." she replied.
"Now?! Please, since it's so close to the celebration, just bring the whole family and you shall stay here until it is time, that way Rini will have some company while we deal with baby issues." he said as he fainted.
Ami could see guards pick him up and lay him on the couch as they shook their heads.
"Queen Ami, was he this bad with the princess?" asked a guard.
"He was worse I am afraid." she replied.
Zoicite stepped up to the monitor,"We will be arriving shortly, please prepare for our arrivial."
"Yes sir." the guard said as he clicked off the monitor.
"Mother? Are we really going to Earth?" asked Wynter as she lay on her bed as her mother and her maids packed for her.
"Yes dear and you are going to meet Princess Serenity." she replied.
The girl sat up,"Princess Serenity? I thought that was her mothers name? How odd."
"No it's not odd, it'a name that has been passed down from generations. The queen is originally from the moon kingdom, but it was destroyed long ago. She didn't want to go back so now it's a dead rock and she rules the earth with her husband King Darien. She is to have a baby and thats why we are going."
"What about Law of Cronos?" she asked.
Ami stopped packing and looked to her daughter, who was playing with her long blue hair,
"How did you know about that?" she asked.
The girl looked up,"Mommy I may be only 6 but you know how smart I am , I also know about my brother, Hermes."
"It seems that we have underestimated her Ami." said Zoicite coming into the room.
"Well your majesties you are both so intelligent it's no wonder she knows a lot." replied Haurna as she continued packing.
"Yes I suppose that you are right and I keep forgetting." said Ami.
The king sat beside his daughter,"Wynter, you must not tell the princess of the Law of Cronos, her parents will tell her."
"Ok daddy." she replied.
They were all in the communications room,"Are we ready?" Ami asked.
"Yep! I can't wait! I have never been to Earth before!" Wynter giggled.
They all turned into snowflakes with sapphires in the middle of them and vanished.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
Back on Earth, the guards were told to watch the sky for three snowflakes. They kind of looked at me odd but nodded their heads and did what they were ordered too.
"That must be them!" exclaimed a guard, pointing up at the sky, as three small snowflakes slowly descended.
"Oh how pretty!" I exclaimed running out of the palace, and standing by the guard.
He looked down at me,"Is that them princess?"
"I think so Bruno." I replied.
The three snowflakes touched the ground as three people appeared. One was a man with icy blue hair and blue armor with a sapphire in the middle of it. The other one was a woman with short blue hair with a blue dress with a snowflake necklace around her neck. I turned to the little girl who was dressed in a pale blue dress with her long, icy blue hair pulled into a pony tail. She had a snowflake choker around her neck.
"Hello I am Neo-Princess Serenity, you must be the rulers of Mercury." I said as I curtsied.
The man bowed and the girls curtsied, but the small one fell to the ground.
I quickly ran over to her, "Hey are you ok?" I asked helping her to her feet.
The young girl blushed,"Forgive me princess, but I am not used to the gravity." she smiled as she stood up.
"Oh thats ok! Please call me Rini, everyone else does." I replied.
"Um ok, and you can call me Wynter." she replied as we both giggled and walked into the palace.
"I am sorry your majesties, the princess tries, but she seems to be pre occupied at the moment." said Bruno.
"Thats quite alright." said Ami waving her hand.
"We brought her so she could get to know the princess anyway." Zoicite said.
Bruno snapped his fingers and their luggage vanished! "They will be in your rooms, but I thought that you may want to see the King first."
They all walked into the communications room and Ami looked down at the couch and the King was still out cold! Ami pulled out a sapphire crystal and laid it on the kings forhead, there was a faint glowing and then the King opened his eyes!
"Ami?" he asked slowly sitting up.
"You'll be alright Darien, you just fainted." smiled Zoicite.
Then they heard a high pitched scream coming from the hallway.
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Who do you think it was? Stay tuned for the next part!! Sorry to leave ya hanging but I got a couple of bugs that I need to work out! That's all for now! Enjoy! ^_^ @---->----