Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Rini's Scouts ❯ A new addition to the Royal family! ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Here is the next part! ^_^! Enjoy!!


All of the adults ran out of the room and towards the scream. What they saw made them feel so much better.

"Small Lady?" asked Darien.

I stopped running, and came face to face with my papa.

"Uh oh!" I gulped.

"I am gonna catch you Rini!" yelled a voice rounding the corner, but she stopped and lost her balance and fell to the floor when she saw her parents.

"Wynter?!" asked Ami.

I quickly rushed over to help her to her feet. Then I looked back up to daddy,"Daddy this is Wynter, the Princess of Mercury."

Wynter blushed and curtsied,"Forgive me sir, I didn't know who you were." she said trying not to giggle.

"Thats quite alright little one." he replied.

"Rini, why don't you show your friend the rose garden?" Darien asked.

"You have roses?" asked Wynter.

"Oh of course, don't you have roses where you live?" I replied.

Wynter looked at the ground, "Um no, we have ice lillies and snow fronds where I come from. I have only seen roses in my school books."

I took her by the hand,"Bye!" I said, as we ran down the hall.

"Walk!" all three adults said.

"I better go check on Serena, which is hers?" asked Ami pointing at the numerous doors in the hallway.

"Ami it's the one with the moon carved on it of course." he smiled as he pointed at the door at the far end of the hall.

As Ami went into Serena's room Zoicite turned to Darien,"Come with me Darien we need to talk." he said as the two men walked into the communications room.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

"Hey Rini? What are those?" Wynter asked.

"Oh those are the roses." I replied as she reached for one.

"Wynter wait!" I started, but it was too late, she yelped and dropped the white rose to the ground. Three drops of blue liquid fell from her finger onto the rose.

"Rini, it bit me!" cried Wynter as she fell to the floor.

"Wynter!" I cried running over to her. I tried to teleport into the palace but I couldn't take her with me cause I was too small!

"Daddy!" I cried running into the palace.

I ran into the communications room, and my daddy gave that look.

"Daddy, Wynter pricked her finger on a rose and she fell to the ground, she's not moving! I tried to teleport her with me, but I am not strong enough yet!" I cried.

"What?!" Zoicite asked in alarm, as he vanished.

Daddy picked me up and we vanished into the rose gardens.

"She is over there by the white roses." I said as he put me on the ground.

Zoicite was already by his daughters side, "She will be alright, she just fainted from the sight of her own blood." he said smiling as Wynter sat up.

I reached down and picked up the rose and stared at the three drops of blue liguid on it.

"Your blood is blue?" I asked.

"Oh course it is Rini. What color did you think it was?" asked Wynter, getting to her feet.

"I thought everyone had red blood." I replied.

"Your odd." Wynter and I said at the same time.

Zoicite just looked at his daughter,"No my ice princess, the princess is different. The earthlings all have red blood and the Mercurians all have blue blood, thats the way we are made!"

"I think that you two could learn a lot from eachother." said Darien.

I looked at Wynter and said"I think your right daddy." I smiled.

"Dinner is served, your highness." said a guard as he bowed.

The king turned towards him,"Thank you Bruno. We will be there shortly."

Wynter started to cry,"What the matter little one?" my daddy asked.

"I wanted to pick the rose and keep it cause it was pretty, but it bit me and I dropped it, now it's all dirty." she sniffed.

Daddy put a hand behind his back,"What color would you like?" he asked.

"I like blue. Does earth have blue roses?" she asked.

He pulled his hand out from behind his back and presented two roses, one white and one blue.

"Thank you daddy." I giggled as I took the white one from his hands.

Wynters eyes went wide,"Be careful Rini, they will bite you!" she exclaimed.

"No they won't, these are special roses. Papas roses don't have thorns. The thorns are what bit you."

Wynter slowly reached up and plucked the rose from Dariens hand.

"Hey your right! It didn't bite me this time." she giggled.

"Daddys roses don't die either! You can keep them forever! My room is full of them! Come on I 'll show you." I exclaimed.

Daddy and Zoicite gave us that look.

"Um I meant after dinner of course!" I gulped.

Wynter turned to my daddy,"Thank you sir." she smiled.

"Your welcome, why don't you two go get ready for dinner?" he replied.

Just then there was a scream that shook the whole palace.

"What was that?" asked Wynter covering her ears.

My eyes went as wide as saucers and I stared at my daddy, "That was my mommy! No!" I yelled as I dropped the rose and vanished.

I appeared in mommys room just as Ami was telling her to push, or something like that.

"Come on Serena, just one more big push!" cried Ami.

"Waaaaaaahhhhhh!" came a cry from Ami's arms as mommy fell back into the bed.

I ran over to mommy,"Mommy are you ok?!"


The sign of Mars flared on Reis and Jedites foreheads as their daughter came bursting into the throne room.

"Mother, father! It's time! The prince has been born!" squealed Raven.

"Very well then, we must get ready." said Jedite.


The King and queen were getting ready for bed when the sign of Neptune shown on both of their heads.

"Oh I see the young prince has been born." smiled Alex.

"I guess that cancels you little race tomorrow, doesn't it?" laughed Michelle climbing into bed.

"I am going to tell Wendy I shall return." he said walking down the hall.

He knocked on his daughters door,"Wendy are you awake?"

"Yes I am papa." she replied as he opened the door.

"Wendy the race for tomorrow has been cancelled." he said.

Wendys eyes went wide and then she got an angry look on her face, "But daddy you said..." she started.

"Hush my little sky dancer, the queen of Earth has just had her son and we must go to Earth tomorrow." he replied.

"Earth? Cool. I have never been to earth. Thats ok I guess. Could we race when we come home?" she said.

"I suppose so, good-night Wendy." he said as he turned off the light and shut the door.

"Night papa." she whispered.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

The queen of Venus sat upright in her bed with her sign flaring like a lightning bug.

"Malachite! Wake up!" she whispered as she nudged her husband. He turned to face her and she noticed that his symbol was glowing too.

"I already know Mina, go back to sleep, we have a long trip in the morning." he replied as he went back to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ < p>Lita was walking down the hall from just tucking her daughter in and all of a sudden she grabbed her head.

"Are you alright your majesty?" a maid asked.

"I think so hang on." she replied as the symbol of Jupiter appeared on her head.

Lita smiled and looked back towards the maid, "Yes I am fine now thank you." she said as she walked to her room.

"I guess you already know?" her husband asked as she got into bed.

"Yes I do. Congratulations Serena, enjoy it as long as you can." she whispered as a tear rolled down her cheek.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ < p>The King of earth and the King of Mercury and his daughter Wynter were sitting at the dining room table. The symbol of Mercury flared on Zoicites forehead.

"Zoicite, what's wrong?" asked the king in alarm.

Zoicite just smiled and nodded at his daughter.

"Nothings wrong sir, Rini just got a baby brother." Wynter exclaimed getting up from the table.

Zoicite moved behind the king,"Come on Darien, now is not the time to faint, let's go see your wife." he said as he put a hand on Dariens shoulder.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

That's it for now! Enjoy!!
