Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Royal love ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

(Vejita + Serena / Usagi) _________
(future Trunks + Lita / Makoto) _couples_
(Dende + Ami / Ami)
(Goten + Raye / Rei)
“Why do you always patronize me?!” Serena said storming out of Darien's flat door and down the stairs.
“Serena comeback it's late and it's dangerous outside. There are all kinds of weirdoes outside!” Darien called from halfway down the stairs running after Serena. “See, there you go again! I can look after my self! I'm a big girl now Darien!” She paused and turned around “The only weirdo I can see is the one I'm staring at right now! YOU!” She screamed her eyes red and her cheeks discoloured by tears. “Now you don't mean that at all” Darien replied. “Yes I do mean it! Don't you understand! I am fed up of you always treating you like a kid; I am capable of looking after myself. We're finished! I'm going to find someone who appreciates me for me. Somebody who believes in me! I never, and I mean never want to see you again! Now goodbye!” Serena shrieked opening the door onto the street and slamming it shut behind her. Serena walked down the dark street, leaving everything about her behind him. “How am I going to explain this to Rini?” she mumbled to herself. “I'm sure I'll think of something…”
“Why are you so insensitive?” Bulma said sitting at the table with her arms crossed. “I'm not insensitive!” Vejita replied. “I have always loved you with all my heart and protected you!” He added sitting at the table and taking Bulma's in his own. “I love you…” she took her hands away from his and looked him sternly in the face. “You do not love me any more. We never spend any tine together. You never take me out. You are never here any more. We are always apart… I am fed up. I want a divorce.” Vejita was dazed by this hurtful news. He Stood up slowly and looked at the floor. “Why when I love someone do they tell me that I'm arrogant and insensitive? I had tried to change…” he stared up and glared at Bulma. His eyes were filled with tears. “FINE!” He growled. “Let's get divorced. At this moment in time I do not love you I loathe you! I will never return here again. I will go somewhere far away. Goodbye!” and with that he flew out of the door and into the night sky. Right then and there he vowed to never contact Bulma again.
He flew towards Tokyo in search of a new life.
Serena walked along the dark road seeing a lamppost every few yards. The flat she shared with her friends was still a few blocks away yet. She heard some footsteps behind her. She stopped and whipped around. There was nobody there. Confused, she turned back around and kept walking. She heard the footsteps again and again she turned around. Still there was nobody there. She turned back again even more frustrated than before. She jumped back. There was a strange man with greasy brown hair standing in front of her. “Who are you? What do you want?” Serena stuttered as bravely as she could manage. “Don't you meant what do we want?” said another man with a husky voice that had appeared with another two people. “FINE! What do you ALL want?” she screamed. “Mmmm… Good question…hehehe…we want you, and your money.” they all shrieked. “Leave me alone. I do not want to have to hurt you…” she groaned. “You hurt us?” asked the greasy haired man, who was obviously the leader. ”I do not think a, delicate thing like yourself could hurt us!” They all laughed at her. “Nobody laughs at me! Especially when I am in a bad mood!” she roared and put her hand in the air. “Crystal moon power!” There was a dazzling pink light and now standing in front of the men was now sailor moon. ”Moon tiara power!” she took out one of the men. All the others stood dazed and confused. They all then frowned and then advanced at her. She tried her hardest to defeat them but she was out numbered by to many people.
One of the men cut her arm with a knife. She screamed.
Vejita flew constantly across the night sky. He had finally reached Tokyo. Beneath him he saw many houses and flat estates. He heard a scream below him. He saw under a street lamp a beautiful girl in a mini skirt fighting off a group of ratty looking men who looked like they were trying to molest the young woman. He glided down into the shadows and watched the fight for a few seconds. “This girl…” He said to himself “She is so exquisite. And so graceful…”
He watched her long blonde odangas swirl and wave as she struggled to fight the brutes off she was obviously out numbered. He jumped out of the shadows to help her .He hit the first man who tried to attack him. He hit him right in the face. The second was welcomed by a kick in the stomach and the last a mean energy ball. Vejita stood in the middle of all the fallen men. He looked over to the girl. She looked at him. Her sapphire eyes wide and bright. She stared at him. She watched his chest move up and down as he breathed. She watched his muscles twitch and move. Serena was fascinated by this strange gentleman. Her knees suddenly buckled and she fell to the floor. Vejita rushed over to help. “Are you alright?” he asked as he lifted her back up with his arm. Serena smiled at him and then fainted. Vejita smiled back. “The battle must have been tiring for some one as delicate as yourself…” he whispered to her. Vejita looked at what she was wearing. A small navy skirt, white top, white gloves, a navy and pink scarf fastened by a pink bow, pink boots and she had a glistening golden tiara on her fore head. An intense pink light emitted from the girl. Vejita squinted to avoid the dazzling light. He looked at the girl; she was no longer wearing the other outfit. She was now wearing a navy blue dress and a black coat. Vejita was mystified, but he had seen many stranger things in his life. Vejita looked in Serena's pockets for some form of identification. He found a black leather purse. He opened it and found her information card. Her name was Serena - she was - years old and she lived in flat 9B in moonbeam flat block. According to the street signs the flat was not far away.
Vejita picked Serena up in his arms and flew up into the night sky. He could see a few flat blocks in the right direction so he headed in that direction. He looked down at the face of the stunning young woman. He really did wonder why she was out in the dark streets at this late time. He glided down on to the pavement next to the flats. He walked along the road and saw a block of flats that seemed to be immaculately clean compared to the others around it. He looked at the red brick wall surrounding the front court. On the wall was a sign that said `Moonbeam Flats.' “This is the place I guess then…” He swiftly leapt over the wrought iron gate enclosing the front court. Vejita carrying the unconscious girl, went in the front door and walked up all the stairs. “It all looks like a type of hotel…” Vejita whispered to himself as he ascended the stairs. He came to floor 9. He went through the hall door and looked along the long hallway. He very gradually made his way down the corridor. He found flat 9B. The door was made out of a thick pine and it had golden lettering saying `9B' on it. He knocked on the door loudly. A minute passed before he was greeted by unwelcome groans behind the door. The door was opened slowly. The girl on the other side obviously wasn't awake. She hadn't even noticed the girl in his arms. Even if it was the wrong flat the person answering the door would at least of given them a funny look. The girl on the other side of the door had hazel brown hair which was mismatched and sticking out in every direction. She was wearing a skimpy emerald green silky nighty, which was slightly see-through. Vejita blushed and said “Er… this is flat 9B isn't it?”
“Yes it is” replied the girl, her voice was quite husky. “Now what do ya wa…?” The girl had finally opened her eyes. They were dazzling emerald (Like her nighty) and wide open, staring at Vejita and Serena. “Usi-Chan?” the girl mumbled. “Wha' da hell? I'm sorry to bother you, but this young lady's ID card said that she lives here is that…” Vejita was interrupted as the girl ran off into the darkness of the flat. A light was turned on and there was lots of banging and shouting. Vejita could hear what the people were shouting.
“Usi-Chan is hurt! Really bad! This strange guy has brought her back. I don't know what has happened but I am worried about Usi-Chan” There was a pause. Different voices then started to join into the shouting. There were about 3 different voices to the person that had answered the door. “What do you mean by hurt?” “Well she looks unconscious. Is that hurt enough for you?” “But what do you mean about a guy.” “Well he must of found her. He did say he looked at her ID and that's how he knew she lived here. He's carrying her in his arms.” “Right” replied the other 3. The door was flung wide open. There were 4 girls standing at the door in front of him. They were all wearing nighties like the one the original girl who answered the door. Vejita face reddened again. “Er… Hi, does this woman live here?” The group of girls all stared at the weird scene in front of them. “Er… Yes she does live here. Please come in!” said a girl with short dark blue hair. “Yes of course!” he replied. He went through the door and laid Serena down on one of the settees. He brushed the hair out her face and sat down on the stool next to the unconscious girl. “Fetch a towel and a bowl of water” Shouted the blue haired girl to a blonde haired girl. The blonde ran into the kitchen and came back with a bowl of warm water and a small white towel. “Here” said Vejita “Let me” the girl gave him the towel and the bowl and went to sit in the other settee. He folded up the towel and put it in the water. He drained it off and placed it on the girl's forehead. “So…” He said “you all live here together then?” they looked at him like he was a madman. “Right… well I'm Vejita. And when I found Serena she was in a bit of a jam. There were 4 guys trying to molest her. She was struggling to fight them off. She took one of them out, but the others were to strong. One of them had a knife and cut her arm.” he motioned to a bleeding slash on her arm. “So I took the other 3 guys out. She was breathing heavily, fainted and then I found her ID and brought her here.”
They girl in green smiled. “Thank you. Let me introduce us to you. I'm Lita.” She smiled sweetly. “That is Ami” Lita pointed to the blue haired girl. “Hello!” Ami smiled at him. “That is Mina” she motioned towards a blonde haired girl. “…Hi…” Mina said with a yawn scratching her head. “Right… And over there is Raye. “hello Vejita” she said with a smile. “And obviously” she motioned to the unconscious girl. “That is Serena.” Vejita smiled at them all. “I have one question I would like to ask. When Serena was fighting she was wearing a different outfit and was doing something that looked like magic. When I lifted her up her outfit changed to what she is wearing now. What's the deal?” he asked watching the girls faces get whiter and whiter. “OK… who wants to explain this?” Raye whispered. Lita and Ami shouted in unison “We don't!” Vejita looked at them curiously. They smiled and looked away. The girls all looked at Mina, who was still half asleep and unaware of the situation. The other girls smirked. Lita shook Mina by the shoulders and told her what she had to try and explain to Vejita. “Mina, you have to explain to Vejita about…er… you know…us…and our special ness…” Mina looked blankly at them “Who's Vejita?” The other 3 girls were furious. Lita lost her temper and slapped her round the face. A fight broke out between Lita and Mina. Vejita watched still bewildered by the bizarre group of girls. Raye dived into the fight and broke it apart. “STOP RIGHT NOW!” Raye screamed. “Stop fighting. This isn't the best impression to making after only just met Vejita.” Raye motioned to Vejita. Who was now focusing on the unconscious girl rather than the group of fighting ones. They watched him for a minute. They watched him concentrate so hard on Making sure that Serena is comfortable. “SO… he's Vejita… Awww…” said Mina “You know, he's actually kinda cute.” she added with a giggle. Lita, Raye and Ami all sighed. “Yes well it's your job to tell him about…” Lita spoke in such a whisper that Mina could barely hear her. “WHAT!” She squealed. “WHY ME?” Lita covered Mina's mouth with her hand and said slyly to her “Coz, somebody couldn't be bothered to wake up with the rest of us.” Mina pulled away her hand and screamed “WELL WHAT DO YOU EXPECT! IT'S 3:00 IN THE MORNING!” she sighed “Alrite… I'll do it…” Lita grinned at her and watched her walk slowly over to Vejita with the biggest pout she had ever seen. “No use sulking!” Raye sniggered. Mina turned and stuck her tongue out at the other girls. They also ambled over to the settee opposite the others and sat down. Vejita looked at them and inquired “So are you going to tell me? Or not?” “Well, our team of people are…er… Special, individuals if you will” She smiled sweetly at him. Before she could speak again Vejita had already started to speak again. “So…your different to other people… Very different… Are…Are you like me?” They all looked at him intriguingly. “What do you mean like you?” “Well can you transform?” “Er…Yes, we can.” “And can you do things other people cannot?” “ Well, Yes” “And can you control powers from different planets?” “Er…Yes” “I have one final question… Are you human?” “Well…er…er…” “Coz I'm not” the group of girls all gasped. “Well” said Ami “Neither are we!” The other girls all looked at Ami. Raye lost her temper “You are not supposed to tell him that! We are not supposed to reveal who we are!” She grabbed the collar of her translucent blue nighty. “You are the smartest of us all! You should know more than all of us. You have put our identities into jeopardy!” “I know that we are not allowed to say who we are, but he is like us, can you not see? He may not be exactly like us, yet I believe every word that he is saying to us!” Ami turned her head away “so do I but we need to find out what the deal with him is first!” “If we SHOW him what we are he will understand better! Then maybe he will transform into whatever he is!” “Alright…” Raye turned around and stared at Lita and Mina “Who agrees with Ami on what we should do?” Lita and Mina whispered about it. “We both agree” Stated Lita. “Fine…” answered Raye. Ami grinned to herself at her brilliance. “Vejita, we are ready to show you who we really are!” shouted Ami. Vejita watched them with interest. The Four girls stood in a line. In unison they cried “Mercury Power, Mars Power, Jupiter Power, Venus Power.” Vejita watched as blue light surrounded Ami, Red light surrounded Raye, Green light surrounded Lita and Orange light enveloped Mina. When the light had subsided standing in front of Vejita were Sailor Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Venus. They were all outfits just like the one Vejita had seen Serena in but the skirt, scarf and bow were in different colours. Also they each had shoes or boots that were not like the other scouts shoes. “Well, Here we are!” Said Lita. “This is us. The sailor inner scouts. Quite amazing but we are still the protectors of the Moon scout.” She lifted up her arm and pointed to Serena “Serena is the most important of us all. She also has the most to cope with and has the biggest struggle out of all of us. Even though we are very important in our selves, she is our leader and there is a good reason for that…” She drew her hand back and put both of her hands on her chest. She closed her eyes and a single tear ran down her cheek. “Our past was… sorta complicated…” Vejita smiled at Lita “So was mine, you are not alone. Well what you have transformed into was a bit of a surprise. Nothing like what I was expecting, but hey, you cannot win every time.. Now…” Vejita bowed low down “Will you allow me to show you what I can do?” “Yes of course we do” said Raye and Ami. “Well I cannot do it here. Please let me take you to a place were everyone will be safe.” he rose from his bow. “You cannot do it here? Well, OK. But how far away is it? And how will we all get there and especially with Serena still unconscious?” asked Ami. “Leave that to me. We will all walk. I think it is quite a way away but I think you guys can handle it. And I will carry Serena. But if you guys get tired I have a special weapon up my sleeve. Or rather not…” he smirked “Shall we go then?” It was now 4:00 in the morning. They were now walking down a dusty dirt road. They were surrounded by dusty waste land. Every now and then they would see a house. They had already walked, at the least 5 miles. “OK!” gasped Mina “I'm absolutely friggin' knackered.” she fell to the floor. “I agree with that totally…” sighed Lita and she sat on the floor too. “We also agree!” groaned Ami and Raye as they too fell to the ground. “OK then, time for the secret plan. Now what you are about to see may freak you out but please refrain from screaming. The girls stared up at him from the floor. There was a loud tearing noise. Vejita's tail had shown it's self. He waved his tail around, the light from the stars reflected off of his silky tail. The group of girls were bewildered. “That right there, that is not human!” Shouted Mina with huge grin on her face. She crawled across to where Vejita stood and sat, watching his tail move and twirl. She stretched out her slender hand and softly touched Vejita's tail. The delicate touch from Mina sent a shiver up Vejita's spine. “Now you definitely know that I am not human.” he smiled. The girls smiled back at him. “OK, so you have a tail. It still doesn't explain how we are going to get to where-ever we are going!” said Raye. “well” said Vejita with a smirk “If everyone comes over here I will show you.” The five girls all stood around him and he told them what to do. “I REALLY do NOT see the point in this!” Raye said gripping onto Vejita's muscly leg. “Your just annoyed coz' you gotta hold his leg.” Lita said being gripped by Vejita's strong arm. She grinned at Raye and Mina who were the unfortunate people that were having to hold themselves around Vejita's legs. Ami was also gripped by the other of his arms. She just stood confused.
However unlike the rest Serena was cradled in Vejita's tail.
“How is this really helpinggggggggggggg!“ Raye screamed. Vejita was now flying. Flying through the evening sky, accompanied by the many stars and the bright crescent moon. “YOU CAN FLY!” screeched Mina! “Yep” replied Vejita. “But that is physically impossible…” said Ami “Not if your me it's not.” replied Vejita. “That is well dudey! It must be great to fly…” said Lita. “Yeh, it does come in handy I could teach you if you want later.” “Really?” inquired Lita. “Really” answered Vejita. “Will it hurt us to fly?” asked Raye curiously. “Not unless you fall out of the sky, but I will make sure that won't happen to you. !” he answered.
An Hour had past all the girls had fallen asleep and so he clung to them gently with his strong muscles. He saw a barren wasteland with now 300 miles of wasteland around. He slowly made his descent to the dusty floor. Vejita softly lay the girls on the dusty floor. He sat down next to Serena. He placed his hand on her forehead. In a flash of white light, in front of him was a sort of hologram. Vejita just sat and watched. The hologram was of Serena and a strange black haired guy, who was calling after her. Vejita saw the hologram Serena turn around. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were discoloured. He then saw her storm out of the door and into the dark night street. Vejita then saw the whole fight from the beginning all up until she collapsed. The white light reappeared and the hologram vanished. Vejita sat confused. Suddenly Serena woke up and she hugged him. Vejita did the only thing he could do, he hugged her back. She relaxed slightly and pushed herself away from Vejita. She saw who she had just hugged and stood up dazed. Serena then went into a trance. She clutched her head and paced around in a circle.
“What am I going to do? What am I going to tell Rini? What will become of her? What will happen to me? What will happen to Darien? Who is this guy and why do I feel connected to him? What will I do? What is my daughter and my future's outcome?” Serena said pacing.
“ Er… Serena?” uttered Vejita.
“Huh? Oh… Vejita.” she muttered.
“Er… yeah… how do'ou kno…” Vejita was stopped in mid sentence because Serena had flung her arm around him and they were both sprawled on the dusty floor. Serena's head was on Vejita's chest. Serena slowly whispered to him “We were destined to meet can you not feel it. I know you…” Vejita lay there blushing in thought about what she had just said. “I can feel it too. A force…” he replied. “ you should live with us for a while we can get to know each other…” she said falling asleep in his arms.
“Yeah…” Vejita whispered as he to fell asleep in Serena's embrace.
The rising sun cascaded across the plains. Raye stirred at the light. She opened her eyes and looked across. She saw her fellow scouts lying on the dust ridden floor near her. Slowly she crawled over to her friends. She shook Ami and Lita awake. They both gradually awakened. As Lita was closest to Mina she attempted to wake her. Lita shook her shoulders, but nothing happened. Lita not in the mood to fool around, stuck out her index finger and stabbed Mina harshly in the ribs. Mina screamed out in Rage.
“What did you do that for?” Mina mumbled massaging her ribs.
“If you don't wake up the first time, you get a sharp poke in the ribs. No fooling around for me!”
Mina just grunted in response.
The 4 girls stood up and looked around for the mysterious man and there faithful friend. The girls walked around. Eventually they found Vejita and Serena. They were embraced in each others arms lying an the floor, Serena's head on Vejita's chest. All the girls stifled there mixed feelings. Whether it be an aww, sigh, snicker or full blown laugh.
Mina said giggling “Who wants to wake them up then? Hehehe…”
Lita and Raye both said at the same time “I will” they both had massive smirks on their faces.
“1, 2, 3... USSSIIII-CHAAANNN!” They both shouted at the top of their voices.
Serena jumped and then saw herself sitting on the floor next to Vejita. She blushed and looked at Vejita's face. She watched his chest move up and down as he breathed.
“Comfy are we Usi-Chan?” Raye stuttered as she tried as hard as she could not to burst out into laughter.
“Yes… I am” Serena replied quietly, sitting in a trance as she watched Vejita.
“Er… Nothing”
“No I know you said something.”
“No it was nothing. Really!”
“Yeah right…”
“Well who's gonna wake him up then?” Mina asked.
“I will.” Serena answered.
“Alrighty then.” said Lita “We'll be going…”
Serena nodded in recognition.
Then group of 4 girls ran off and all stood behind a large rock formation less than 6 foot away from Serena and Vejita.
“This is wrong!” Ami stated “We shouldn't be doing this.”
“Awww, I think it's really sweet” Mina sighed
“Yeah it is, but it's not fair that she gets him…” Raye said.
“Ow Shut Up. You know… He reminds me of my old boyfriend!” Lita said with a smile.
“Now who should Shut up?” Raye said hitting Lita around the back of the head.
“Why you little bitch!”
“Yeah? What you gonna do about it?”
“You want some of me then do ya?”
“Yeah, bring, it, on!”
Raye and Lita both lunged forward for each other only to be grabbed by Ami and Mina.
“NOW! YOU TWO STOP IT RIGHT NOW!” Ami yelled at the top of the voice.
“Ok, Ok…” Lita and Raye mumbled, sitting down and then peering around the edge of the rock.
“Ya know, she's quite scary when she's angry.” Raye whispered to Lita. Lita nodded in agreement.