Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Serena's Computer Blitz ❯ Confused? ( Chapter 1 )

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NK's Sailor FanFic

Serena's computer blitz

(Chap. 1)

"Hey Serena!" Serena jumped about 20 ft in the air.. "Ooooh! Do you have to do that???" she yelled..
"Pipe down. Someone will hear you." It was Rei. Raven haired big ego-ed Rei. "Oo.. what do you want Rei??"
They were near a big huge computer store.. and Rei looked at it contemplatively.. "Ya kno.." she began "Why not get a computer?? The Scouts all have one at their home.."
Serena looked at Rei. "a Computer..."she murmered.. "Well yeah! Lets get one!" " They ambled to the stores's main door.. and then
all of a sudden, the front door blasted open.. a girl zoomed out.. "HEY! Come back here!" A clerk was following her. "She just stole over $100 worth of computer parts!! Stop her!!"
Serena looked at her.. and transformed.. into SAILOR MOON!
