Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Shitennou ❯ My Hero ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4: My Hero


AN: I really wanted to make separate chapters for each of the rest of the senshi, but came up with this solution, so please accept the song lyrics as introductions to their vignettes in the chapter. I think you can probably guess which lyrics go with which senshi. ~CB


I do not own the characters or stories of Naoko Takeuchi. They are hers. I'm just borrowing them for a story.


"You give me fever when you kiss me

Fever when you hold me tight

Fever in the morning

Fever all through the night."


-- Peggy Lee, Fever


Jadeite crept around the corner. According to Venus's directions, Mars was behind the next door. He prepared himself for an attack and went flying through the door. Nothing happened. Holding his blade in front of him, his eyes darted around the room…it was some sort of shrine. There was a large fire pit in the middle of the room. Wait, was there something in here? Jadeite crept over carefully to the far side of the room and stopped. There, slumped over the edge of the pit and breathing softly, was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen… wearing something that would be considered completely inappropriate on Earth. Jadeite admired her long legs and the red heels that set them off. He got lost for a few minutes in the long, incredibly silky mane of ebony hair. Jadeite smiled to himself, he could definitely learn to like things up here on the Moon…But, wait, was this some sort of trap? Where had Venus sent him?


Jadeite snaked his sword to her neck, "Wake up. Miss…Mars? Please wake up."


Rei came awake in an instant. Her innate warrior skills immediately took action and she got out of the way of the blade, quickly rolling off to the side. Who was this handsome blond soldier in front of her? Why was he in her shrine? What had happened to everyone else? The normally strong and stealthy Rae began to sway unsteadily in her stilettos. Jadeite rushed to her side and caught her before she completely fell, "There, there…don't rush yourself."


Rei opened her eyes slowly. Amethyst eyes met blue-grey ones. Rae intrinsically knew she could trust this man.


"Let me get you some water." Jadeite walked over and poured a glass for his fallen princess. Bringing it back to her, he slowly brought the glass to her red lips.


"I can drink it myse-- …" she was interrupted by the water glass. She had to admit, this water was among the greatest things she had ever tasted in her life. While she drank, Jadeite figured this might be the only time he could get a word in so he started rambling, "I'm from Earth. My name is General Jadeite. A senshi named Venus transported us here to defeat an enemy of yours. However, the palace appears to be deserted. Venus sent me to find you. That's all I know." Jadeite wondered where his ability to make conversation, joke, flirt, or think about more than one thing at a time went to. Ever since this girl had opened her eyes, Jadeite couldn't think about anything else than getting to know her better.


Rei swallowed, "Mars is my senshi name. You can call me Rei. Come, we have to go find Serenity." She offered her hand and the two set off in search of the throne room.


"Rain, feel it on my finger tips
Hear it on my window pane
Your love's coming down like
Rain, wash away my sorrow
Take away my pain
Your love's coming down like rain."


- Madonna, Rain


Across the palace in the library a similar scene was going on. Zoisite wondered why the senshi from Venus had sent him to the library - he was a warrior too! Distracted by the sheer volume of interesting books on the wall, Zoisite tripped over a couch and ended up on top of a petite young woman with blue hair who was wearing nothing but what on Earth would be considered a bathing suit - and a small one at that. "What delicate features," Zoisite thought to himself as his hand unconsciously reached out to smooth a stray hair back on her lovely face. Ami slowly opened her eyes. She was obviously alarmed. Zoisite backed up quickly and fell on the floor in a heap. He didn't want to disturb this angel in front of him.


Ami, blushing from the interaction with the young man in front of her, asked slowly, "Who are you?"


"My name is General Zoisite. I am from earth. Venus sent me to find you…Mercury," said Zoisite slowly, savoring her name.


Ami breathed a sigh of relief, she had nothing but trust for Venus and at the moment, she also owed the Love Senshi a favor for sending her this cute blonde boy.


"You can call me Ami. We have to see if the Princess is okay. Let's go."


Zoisite had no choice but to follow this interesting girl who had so quickly taken his heart.


"A little bit of me and a whole lot of you
Add a dash of starlight and a dozen roses, too
Then let it rise for a hundred years or two
And that's the recipe for making love."


Harry Connick Jr., Recipie for Love


Around the corner in kitchens, Nephrite began to wonder what or who Venus would think he would find there. The tall General crept around a corner, ready to be attacked at any moment. Instead of being rushed by an enemy, Nephrite found himself staring at a young woman lying on the floor by the massive stoves that occupied this part of the kitchens. She didn't look dangerous…but that didn't matter, his training had taught him to always be on guard…but there was something about this girl. She was tall…he could tell that even as she lay on the floor. Well, that was a relief, he was sick of towering over every female he met. And what was with that outfit she was wearing? Half of him wanted to cover her up, the other half wanted to just sit and stare for a while. Nephrite slowly backed up while looking around for something he could wake her up with. Before he knew what was happening he had tripped over a number of pots and pans. The ensuing racket would have woken the dead. Nephrite was glad the other generals weren't around to see his embarrassing mistake.


The girl on the floor, who had beautiful auburn like himself, got up slowly and asked him, "What exactly are you doing in my kitchens?"


"Your kitchens. Well, I had no idea. My most sincere apologies madam," said Nephrite extending a sweeping bow towards the young woman.


Mako stared up a Nephrite from her position on the floor. >>You know, if I squint my eyes like this, he reminds me of my last boyfriend.<<


Nephrite looked down at Mako's quizzical expression and felt like a piece of meat. He had to put a stop to this, "Well, if it makes any difference to you, O Goddess of the Kitchens, Venus sent me here to find you."


Mako scrambled to her feet. Shook her head and took off in the direction of the throne room yelling over her shoulder, "Aren't you coming too?!"


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~


The couples all arrived in the throne room at about the same time. For the senshi it was a tearful reunion. For the generals, it was still a confusing adventure. There had been no enemy, but the entire palace had an uncomfortable air. Something was lurking there, but no one could tell what or where it was. Venus decided it was time to start taking action. Twirling her Love Chain in the air, she got everyone's attention, "Right, so a number of things need to happen. First we need to get the Prince and Princess somewhere safe."


Kunzite, used to giving instructions and not actually taking them, spoke up, "I nominate that we transport them to the Earth until we find out what exactly is going on up here on the Moon. I will accompany them."


>>That's not a bad idea actually.<< "And separate myself from the Princess? I think not," retorted Mina.


"Mina…it's quite alright. We can trust these men," said Serenity softly, stealing a glance at Endymion.


"It's your decision, Princess. I will come to check on your periodically. The rest of us will stay here and begin to repair the palace and get to the bottom of what exactly happened here, including the current location of the Outer Scouts, the Queen, and the population of the Moon" said Venus. She paused for a moment, lost in thought.


"Venus?" asked Mars.




"I can't seem to de-transform," said Mars.


Jupiter and Mercury nodded in agreement. Venus concentrated a moment and found that she too, could not go back to her regular self.


"I think it is a defense mechanism," said Mercury, "Our bodies were put in a stressful situation, as was our Princess. I believe it is a reaction to that. Apparently that threat is still with us, hence why we cannot de-transform."


The generals shared a glance with each other; they had no problem if the girls had to stay in their revealing fuku.


"Good observation, Mercury. Well, we've had years to get used to our fuku, so maybe it's best this way. Right, then, Kunzite, I will show you, Endymion, and the Princess to the transporter. Rei, I leave you in charge of the clean up crew until I return. Use your communicators and check in with each other frequently. If anything happens, contact me immediately. I'll be back in an hour or so."


The senshi saluted Venus, knelt before Serenity, kissing her hand and walked off towards the outside. Rae called out to the remaining, somewhat stunned generals, "Well come on then - we have a lot of work to do!"


The generals looked at Kunzite for an answer - communicating telepathically. >>Who did these girls think they are?<<


>> We made a promise. Be gentleman. Besides it can't be any worse than that time we were trapped in the desert. << Kunzite said smiling.


>>Yes, sir.<<


>> Protect these girls. Find out what you can. You are representatives of Earth now. Jadeite, I leave you in charge until either myself or Endymion returns.<<


>> What about the prophecy?<< Zoisite's soft voice rang through everyone's minds.


>> Just concentrate at the task at hand. << Kunzite said, although the prophecy tugged at the back of his mind.


>> Yes, sir. << They broke communication and followed the girls outside.


Venus motioned for Kunzite, Endymion, and Serenity to follow her. They walked silently until they arrived at the transport machine. "This machine can only take two people at a time. Endymion, you will have to envision a place on Earth to transport. Think hard about it. You are powerful enough to project this image for both you and the Princess. Kunzite, you will follow." Mina walked over to the Princess, "Please be safe - and do NOT make yourself known. We need you to stay as below the radar as possible."


Serenity nodded. She was still shaken by the events of her kingdom. Mina wished she could go with her Princess. Mina leaned down and whispered to Serenity, "I will meet you in 2 days time…be strong Princess. I know you can be." She looked up at the two men, "If anything should happen to her, I will hold you both personally accountable. My senshi and I have been well trained in the art of torture…my lord?"


Serenity and Endymion flickered out of the transport, leaving Mina and Kunzite alone. Mina closed her eyes as the events of the past week came crashing into her, and a single tear slid down her cheek >>Damn. I am not weak<< Kunzite didn't know what to do with a crying female. Who was he kidding? He didn't know what to do with any female. What had he seen other men do? Kunzite walked over to Mina, who still had her eyes closed and put his arms around her. Just like he thought…fits right under my chin.


Mina was surprised, but infinitely relieved by Kunzite's actions and returned his hug. Without thinking she retrieved the bit of material from her ball gown and dried her eyes. Kunzite looked down and saw senshi wipe her eyes with a very familiar piece of fabric.




>>Crap. Guess I was an idiot trying to keep that charade going. << Mina looked at the floor, her eyes tearing, and mumbled, "We are the same person." Kunzite put his finger under her chin and lifted up so that Mina's cerulean eyes were looking into his silver ones, "You knew?!! You knew who I was that night and you didn't mention anything about the Moon Kingdom…or who you really were? Did you do it just have a good laugh at my expense?" He exploded.


"I didn't even mean to go to the ball! I just wanted a bath, and suddenly I'm wearing a dress and a mask and someone asked me to dance. Do you know what it's like to be able to forget your real life for one night?" Mina said, her unwanted tears spilling over.


"Forget it. Forget that night ever happened. Now, Sailor Venus, get me back to Earth!" barked Kunzite.


"Whatever you say General Kunzite. I'd be happy to get you out of my presence! I can't stand the sight of you for one more second!" yelled Mina.






Kunzite stepped onto the transport. After a moment the fog cleared and he was back in the palace. He strode off angrily in the direction of Endymion's chambers.


Mina watched his image go. She burst into tears. Some day this was shaping up to be.