Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sing For The Moment ❯ Knocked Him Out ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Usagi watched, intrigued at Rei's movements around the room before settling on the bed, next to the younger blonde.
Rei had grown into a nicely formed young lady, although her temper was no better. Her black hair had grown out slightly, her violet eyes were slightly narrower although just as deep as ever, and her pale, milky skin was baby smooth. Usagi and Minako had been staying at the shrine for several months for commute purposes. The only college they could both attend was less than a half hour from the shrine taking the metro-bus and trains.
Rei went to the same college they went to. The only difference was in how they dressed. Usually dressed in tight, dark jeans, dark t-shirts and a black messenger bag, she certainly looked the part, especially with her headphones blaring. Usagi and Minako, however, still wore skirts and still seemed to think it best to make up excuses when the professors didn't care.
Usagi called the raven-haired girl, trying to engage in a conversation. “Rei-chan?” No such luck; when Rei was in her music it took godly interference and then some to call her out of it. Touching her was something else. She tried again a little louder, before she reached over and touched the darker girl. Rei flinched slightly at the unexpected contact, before looking up, lifting one of her headphones up. “Hn?” she mumbled, in a disinterested tone.
Usagi grinned at her, “Whatcha doin'?” Rei gave a slight chuckle before saying, “Listening to music.” Usagi's smile faded slightly, “Oh.” Then, “What kind of music are you listening to?” Rei gave her a blank look before saying, “The Classics; why?” Usagi bit her lip, Rei watched the motion, before the blonde replied, “Just wondering. When you say classics you mean Michiru's type of classics or something else?”
“I mean something else. The Classics as in all genre's of music. Beethoven, Bach, Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin, Eminem, Biggy. You get it?”
Usagi nodded. “Kind of. May I listen?” Rei beckoned her over before warning her, “Eminem's on right now. I like this song so I'll just replay it.” Usagi nodded cheerfully before one of the headphones was placed by her own ear. The loud lyrics, spoken gruffly but conveying a deeper meaning, made her cheerful look slowly disappear, even as Rei sang some of the lyrics in time with the music.
“These ideas are nightmares to white parents
Whose worst fear is a child with
Dyed hair and who likes earrings
Like whatever they say has no bearing
Its so scary in a house
That allows no swearing
To see him walking around
With his headphones blaring
Alone in his own zone,
Cold and he don't care
He's a problem child,
What bothers him all comes out
When he talks about
His fuckin' dad walkin' out
'Cause he hates him so bad
That he blocks him out
If he ever saw him again,
He'd probably knock him out
His thoughts are whacked,
He's mad so he's talkin' back
Talkin' black, brainwashed
From rock and rap
He sags his pants,
Do rags and a stocking cap
His stepfather hit him
So he socked him back
And broke his nose,
This house is a broken home
There's no control,
He just lets his emotions go

(C'mon) Sing with me,
(Sing), sing for the year
(Sing it) Sing for the laughter,
Sing for the tear (C'mon)
Sing it with me,
Just for today, maybe
Tomorrow the good
Lord will take you away...”
Rei trailed off from her singing once she saw how Usagi was looking at her and instead gave her a smile, before letting the song finish and pressing replay to listen to the song again. Now that Usagi knew what to expect perhaps she would also understand the undercurrent theme; to watch out for your kids, and to not blame people for getting them in trouble when you let them that these songs were for the kids that had nothing, not everything. Let's hope she doesn't do that to Chibi-Usa, Rei thought, She'd screw us all over doing that.
Rei watched the blonde out of the corner of her eye from staring at her ceiling. Sure she had a few posters up, but there was nothing really interesting up there. Usagi seemed to really be listening to the rather deep rap. She sighed and stared up again. This was what she lived for, this absolute peace that came from listening to someone else spout how she felt. The classics; best thing that ever happened to her. Besides Michiru she didn't listen to anybody that started out pre-1995.
Usagi bit her lip before glancing at Rei out the corner of her eye. This was rather intense for your average first-year student to be listening to. Then again Rei wasn't average. From her looks to the way she was raised she was everything but normal. Perhaps she felt a kind of kinship to these entertainers, these legends that sang about there true emotions, the way they felt. Maybe that was why she didn't listen to the radio, or watched any music videos. Perhaps she felt that those people were fakes that they were just doing what they paid to do, not out of love to what they were doing.
Rei gave a sigh. This rap often gave her feelings of melancholy for all those kids that didn't think before they acted; that didn't realize that it was circumstances that had their favorite rappers and singers doing what they did. She rather suspected that her friend, Makoto, would have been one of those kids if she hadn't have found martial arts and cooking; not to mention being a sailor senshi. Makoto would have loved the thrill and adrenaline pumping right until she got caught, trying to find something to live for.
Usagi nodded to herself. She could get a picture of where Rei came from now; the intense young woman listening to the intense lyrics and songs, trying to find her way through everything. She could understand it if Rei didn't buy Minako's newest album or the American Jonas Brothers. She didn't like them anyways. She leaned over to the brunette who looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
Giving her a bright smile, she kissed her on the lips before saying softly, “I think I get you now.” Rei, although blushing, responded, “And if you don't get me what are you going to do?”
Usagi grinned and kissed her again, her lips being pressed by another soft pair, “Then I'll have to try until I do. One day I want to be able to sing with you.”
Rei smirked before chuckling and said, “Usagi you couldn't hold a tune in a bucket if you tried and had the gods backing you up.” Usagi stuck her tongue before finding it captured. Yeah, Rei was definitely the intense type. Just the way she liked it.