Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Beginning ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
She opened her eyes. Her wrists were bound to the wall. Her feet tied together by rope. The stone wall was cold against her. She was wearing a flowing black dress, the symbol of the royal guard. Trying to scream, she noticed the gag. She raised herself from a sitting position, took the pin out of her bun, and stuck it in the keyhole of the handcuffs. Her black hair fell into her clear blue eyes.
She fell to the floor, her wrists aching. She took off the gag quickly and breathed heavily. The girl untied the rope around her feet and looked around. She didn't know where she was. All she remembered was her head being banged hard against some kind of metal…then everything went black.
Now she had to find a way out of this prison. She was supposed to protect the royal family, including the Queen and Princess. Oh, Orion dear, do help them figure out I'm in trouble. I can't stand it in here. There's a mental wall… She thought sadly.
Just then the door opened and light spilled in. She quickly closed her eyes; it was bright, too bright after the blinding darkness. She felt herself being lifted. She didn't have the strength to struggle. A soft voice talked to her, but she couldn't make out the words. Then the light was all over her.
She was set down. Opening her eyes she saw she was in a coach, beautiful and white, somewhat like the coach she and her Queen rode in. On the opposite side of her sat a young man, maybe in his late teens or early twenties. She smiled at him.
"Endymion-chan, how nice to see you. And just how has the Prince of Earth found me?" she said jokingly.
"You know I must make sure the Princess is protected, and I have people of your kind on my planet too you know." The young Prince replied.
"Your highness, we will arrive at the Moon Palace in a little while." A messenger next to the Prince informed.
"Very good. Dear Tsuyoi-chan, how did you end up there anyway? I 'd think that you would at least be able to throw your abductor."
"I'm not exactly sure myself. I just remember my head being banged against something, maybe a metal, then I went unconscious." Tsuyoi sighed.
"Oh well, the important thing is that you are safe. I believe that the Queen and the Senshi still need you."
"And I believe you're right." Tsuyoi smiled slightly. The Moon Palace could be seen in the horizon.

The coach stopped, the Prince and herself got out and went to the palace.
"Tsuyoi-san! We have been hoping Endy-san would find you!" The young Princess ran up to Tsuyoi, hugged her and smiled.
"Dear Princess…I'm glad that you worried. Where is your mother?"
"Oh, she is with the Senshi in the meeting room. Waiting for word on your safety."
Tsuyoi turned to Endymion. "Thank you Prince. I must go now."
"I understand. I will stay with the Princess."
"You behave yourselves." Tsuyoi smiled and walked to the meeting room.

"Tsuyoi-chan!" The Queen exclaimed and smiled happily.
"We've been waiting." One of the Senshi stood and greeted Tsuyoi.
"I've heard." Tsuyoi said and hugged her.
"Sister…never do that to me again." The girl whispered.
"I don't wish to, Setsuna-san." Tsuyoi whispered back.
"How did you happen to get caught?" A blond Senshi asked.
"Princess Venus, Minako-chan, I am not impenetrable." Tsuyoi smiled.
"But I thought…" A brunette started.
"Princess Jupiter…" Tsuyoi began.
"Makoto-chan or Mako-chan please, Tsuyoi." She smiled.
"Makoto-chan, I have psychic powers…that is true, but they do not work without my making them. And at the moment I wasn't using them."
"That's right Mako-chan." A blue-haired girl giggled lightly.
"Oh, you are too smart for me Ami-chan." Makoto laughed.
"Isn't everyone?" Minkako joked.
"What about you Minako-chan?" A taller blond asked.
"Oh Haruka-chan…don't start." A girl smiled.
"Why, Michiru-chan…dear…" Haruka smiled back.
"Do I get to talk sometime?" A younger girl asked quietly.
Tsuyoi went over to her and picked her up and hugged her. "Oh Hotaru-chan, we all love you!" Everyone started laughing.
"Dear friend, please don't disappear on us again." A quiet girl said from her chair in the circle, she wore a long golden dress…symbol of a guard.
"Please." Another girl said.
"Kanki-chan, Shageki-chan, I would never dream of it." Tsuyoi smiled at her friend. "By the way, where are Andromeda and Rei-chan?"
"Dear Rei-chan," The Queen smiled, "is with Andromeda in the temple."
"Oh, what a surprise." Tsuyoi smiled and looked out the window. The room had a perfect view of the Earth.
"It is a beautiful thing from afar." Endymion walked in.
"That it is dear Prince." The Queen said. "Where is my daughter?"
"I'm right here mother." The Princess walked in.
"As are four others." A black cat said.
"Luna, Artemis, Bianca, and dear Orion. How nice you've finally decided to join us." Kanki smiled.
"Yes, well, cats aren't perfect you know." The gray cat said.
"I shall have to agree with him on that." The light yellow cat sighed.
"Orion and Bianca, no talking back." Tsuyoi said gently to the guardians.
"Oh Luna, where were you. I was just about to tell mother…" The Princess started.
"Young Princess, you needn't worry about you guardian. It is the opposite." Luna replied.
Shageki lifted Bianca onto her lap and stroked her head gently.
"There you are Artemis." Minako said and picked up the white cat.
"Yes here I am. What needs to be called to our attention Queen Serenity?" Artemis said.
"Tsuyoi-chan was captured, which means someone may attack soon. We must find out who." The Queen replied sighing quietly.
"I suppose I could try finding out." Tsuyoi said sitting down in her seat with Orion in her arms.
"Tsuyoi-chan, you need rest. You really should gain your strength." Endymion said solemnly as he put his arm around the Princess's shoulders.
"I must protect the palace." Tsuyoi replied.
"I will take over for Tsuyoi-san while she rests." Kanki stood up.
"And I will too." Shageki raised along side Kanki.
"No…" Tsuyoi started to say.
Yes, I will. You barely can stay standing let alone try an all out search. Everything will be fine. I can have Orion or Andy guard the priestess instead.
And I'm going with her to help. Us two can handle it. Don't worry.
Let them help sister.
All right, I trust you. But please, don't work too hard. Tsuyoi sent back telepathically. Kanki and Shageki bowed to the Queen and walked out of the door past Endymion and the Princess.

Tsuyoi awoke in her room. She got up and dressed. She walked down to the meeting room. No one. Kanki-chan, where are you?
I'm in the ballroom. Preparing for the party. Why?
Just wondering. Tsuyoi walked into the ballroom to see them decorating.
"Hi Tsuyoi-chan, glad to see you're rested." Shageki said. Kanki smiled.
"Tsuyoi-san! Come help me with the glitter stars. I can't get them all up." Hotaru's face lit up happily seeing her friend.
"All right Hotaru-chan, I'm coming." Tsuyoi replied smiling. She walked over to Hotaru and lifted her up so she could hang stars on the ceiling.
"Hi Tsuyoi-san!" Rei smiled as she and Ami hung the large moon.
"Hello Rei-chan. I'm glad to see you are well." Tsuyoi said and let Hotaru down so she could get some more stars.
Haruka walked into the room. "Michi--…Michiru-chan is practicing her violin for the ball. Do you have anything for me to do?"
"You could play piano…" Kanki said setting a table.
"But you usually play it." Haruka replied.
"Oh…you can do it for once Haruka-chan. You need the practice."
"All right." Haruka sighed and left.
"Hey everyone!" Princess Serenity beamed seeing most of her friends.
"Hello Princess." Tsuyoi smiled, lifting Hotaru up again.
"The room looks lovely." The Queen said as she walked in behind her daughter. "I surely think this will be a grand ball."
"And I agree." Endymion smiled. "Once again, I'm sorry that I must leave now, I was told I am needed quite urgently." He said to the Queen.
"But Endy-san…" Serenity moaned.
"My dear, he is probably needed to discuss important matters on his planet. Now, come with me and let's make up the floral arrangement." The Queen smiled at her daughter and nodded at Endymion.
"Oh all right mother, goodbye Endy-san, I will miss you!" Endymion bowed, and exited the palace swiftly.
"All right. Where should I put this?"
"Oh, Setsuna-san, by the stage." Ami said as she and Rei got down.
Setsuna sighed and put a little statue by the stage. Tsuyoi watched her silently. Then she turned back to Hotaru.
"What flowers would look best in here?" The Queen said looking around.
"How about red roses!" Serenity said, smiling.
"Actually, I think that red doesn't fit with the silver and white that well." Rei commented as she walked over to Minako and Makoto.
"I agree, maybe white roses though." Minako smiled at Rei.
"Maybe daisies, or lilies." Michiru walked in.
"Or some pastel colors, like lilacs." Shageki said quietly.
"I think white roses would be best, don't you Ami-chan?" Mako said.
"Well, I guess so." Ami replied, sitting down at a table.
"White roses it is then! I will go gather some now." The Queen said happily and walked out of the ballroom.
"Don't feel badly Princess. They're still roses!" Hotaru said while she held Tsuyoi's hand.
"I guess you're right Hotaru-chan." Serenity sat down next to Ami. Hotaru smiled and dragged Tsuyoi over to the table too.
"Tsuyoi-chan…could you come here?" The Queen's voice came.
"Yes, my Queen." Tsuyoi said. "I'll be back shortly, Hotaru-chan."
"OK Tsuyoi-san. But hurry, I feel safer with you here." Hotaru replied quietly. Tsuyoi got up a left. She walked out to the Queen.
"What is wrong?" Tsuyoi asked. The Queen was staring at the Earth.
"I just received word from Endymion-chan. There is an evil stirring. I wanted to know if you could feel it yet." The Queen said, not turning around.
Tsuyoi closed her eyes and felt around the galaxy. "Yes…but it is quite far off. Beyond Pluto. But at the rate it is coming…" She stopped talking.
"We shouldn't talk about this to the guests…or the others. You may warn Kanki and Shageki-chan…but that is all." The Queen said and walked away.

Later that evening. Tsuyoi, Kanki, and Shageki sat in the meeting room. "So…there is an evil coming. I knew something was going on. The Queen was acting strange." Kanki said quietly.
"Yes. The ball is starting. I must go now, I at least have to make an appearance." Shageki bowed to her friends and walked out the door.
"We should get going then too. See you in a bit Tsuyoi-san." Kanki said. She walked to the door, motioned to her bracelet, and left.
Tsuyoi got up and walked out the door. She went and stood as guard at the Palace doors. She smiled sweetly and greeted each guest as they arrived…but was thinking. Then her bracelet beeped quietly. "Yes, what is it Kanki-chan?"
"The Queen wants to know how close the evil is." Kanki's voice came.
Tsuyoi closed her eyes. "It is right near the Earth…" Tsuyoi replied worriedly. "Tell her not to worry, the Prince should take care of it."
"All right. But she won't believe it." Kanki sighed and turned off the bracelet. She walked into the ballroom. She smiled at the guests who said hello. "Queen." She said and bowed.
"Yes, Kanki-chan?"
"Information from Tsuyoi-san." Kanki and the Queen walked out to the garden. "Right near Earth. She says not to worry, the Prince probably has it under control."
The Queen looked at the stars. "I will get in contact with him…" Footsteps approached. The Queen and Kanki turned. "Prince Endymion!"
"You're highness." Kanki bowed.
"No need for formalities, Kanki-chan. The evil nears Earth. I came here to protect the Moon Kingdom." Endymion looked at the Queen.
"Yes, all right. But people will be suspicious, we must warn everyone of the evil presence at Earth." The Queen walked back to the Palace.
"How is the Princess?" Endymion asked Kanki.
"She is well. She misses you so. Would you like to see her?"
"No. She shouldn't know I'm here. Not yet anyway. Could I speak with Tsuyoi-chan?"
"She is on duty, but I think it would be all right." Kanki lead Endymion to the doors of the Palace.
"Prince." Tsuyoi said calmly, she bowed.
"Are they all right?" Endymion asked, hoping Tsuyoi knew what he was talking about. Tsuyoi's eyes were glittery. She looked at the ground silently.
"Then they will come soon. I need to see the Princess now Kanki-chan."
"Yes, of course your highness." Kanki said. She looked at Tsuyoi sadly. She took Endymion into the Palace.

Tsuyoi fell down the Palace stairs, clutching her arm. "ATTACK!" she yelled. She turned on the bracelet. "We are under attack!"
"Artemis, Luna, tell the guests we are under attack! We need all capable fighters outside…NOW!" Kanki said to the guardians. The cats ran off. "Coming Tsuyoi-san…I'll get Shageki-chan too."
"Right here. Everyone is outside now…I must go fight with my sister." Shageki said, and ran off. Kanki ran out to Tsuyoi.
"Tsuyoi-san, are you all right?" Kanki yelled, seeing Tsuyoi on the ground.
"Fine. We must go! You protect the Senshi; I'll get the Queen. Endymion-chan should be with the Princess." Tsuyoi yelled as she ran off.
"Tsuyoi-chan!" The Queen shouted, seeing the guard coming towards her.
"Queen, watch out!" Tsuyoi yelled as she pushed the Queen out of the way of a piece of the Palace that had broken off.

"Senshi!" Kanki cried, and rammed herself into Sailor Mercury, as a blast of pure evil energy headed for her.
"Kanki-san! Move out of the way!" Sailor Uranus yelled. Kanki ran over to Sailor Saturn and Sailor Asteroid.
"You must let me protect you." Kanki said to Sailor Asteroid.
"Kanki-san…" Sailor Asteroid replied. Before anyone could answer, Kanki transformed into Sailor Storm.
"Storm, Sleet Shield!" She yelled out. A golden shield appeared around the Senshi. "Now, attack!"
"Sparkling Wide Pressure!"
"Shine Aqua Illusion!"
"Burning Mandala!"
"Love-Me Chain Encircle!"
"Deep Submerge!"
"World Shaking!"
"Silence Glaive Surprise!"
"Dead Scream!"
"Ice Beam!"
"Blizzard Blast!"
The attacks headed in all directions. They destroyed some enemies, but others just reflected the energy, or absorbed it.
"I must go to the gates now!" Sailor Pluto yelled.
"Yes, all right! Go!" Sailor Storm replied over the loud thunder.

"This is no good, Queen. The attacks did almost nothing." Tsuyoi said.
"I know…you must help them."
"No…I must protect you. I'll attack from here. Super Space Power!" Sailor Space stood and looked at one of the enemies.
"That is a shadow warrior, Tsuyoi-chan." Orion came out with Bianca.
"Yes, attack it with all I've got, right?" Sailor Space replied. Orion nodded. "Space…Big…BANG!" A large energy beam hit the shadow and destroyed it.
"Good show, Sailor Space." Bianca commented.
"You two must go make preparations, just incase." The Queen said.
"Yes, right away." Orion said and ran off, Bianca followed.
The Senshi saw the shadow warrior disappear. Sailor Storm smiled. "Tsuyoi-san." She said quietly. "Look, combine attacks and maybe we can destroy those other shadows."
"Right! Deep Submerge!" Sailor Neptune yelled.
"World Shaking!" Sailor Uranus combined her attack. The two attacks hit the shadow and it disappeared.
"Love & Beauty Shock!"
"Oak Evolution!" Another one was gone.
"Aqua Rhapsody!"
"Flame Sniper!" Four down…three to go.
"Silence Glaive Surprise!"
"Cannons Fire!" Now there's only two more to go.
"Ultimate Storm!" One more…
"Space…Big…BANG!" The last one, destroyed.
"NO! She took them both!" Sailor Space heard the Queen scream. She turned and looked. The site was horrifying.
"Princess! Endymion-chan!" Sailor Space yelled practically in tears. She turned to the evil Queen. "You…you will pay!" The evil one simply laughed.
"Tsuyoi-san! Watch out!" Sailor Storm ran and pushed Sailor Space out of the way of an oncoming beam of darkness.
"Kanki-chan…not you too." The Queen cried and fell to her knees. Sailor Space stood, breathless and stunned.
"You were my best friend…you shouldn't have saved me Kanki-chan. I'm not worth living while you lay here dead." Sailor Space de-transformed. She knelt by Sailor Storm and set the head of her friend on her lap. She tried to transfer energy, but it was to late. "KANKI-CHAN!" she screamed in sadness and frustration and her eyes blazed at the evil Queen.
"Die…you cold-hearted worthless rat." She said rather calmly. Her eyes blazed and beam shot out at the evil one. A black beam struck the golden one and overpowered it. It blasted Tsuyoi up into the air.
"Tsuyoi-chan…my loyal guard. She even had to take you from me…"
Sailor Asteroid looked over at the Queen and Tsuyoi. "No...Kanki-san, Tsu--" A blast came down and knocked her and Sailor Mercury down…dead.
"Ami-chan! Shageki-san!" Sailor Mars yelled out and was blown into the wall. She jerked back, and then fell down, not breathing.
"So many will die. Haruka--." Sailor Neptune hugged Sailor Uranus as a dark beam of evil blasted them.
"Neptune…Uranus!" Sailor Venus yelled, as she fell to her knees, a beam shot straight through her chest and then into Sailor Jupiter's back.
"What's happening? Shageki-san where are you!" Sailor Saturn was practically in tears. The blast went straight through her small body.
"No!" The Queen yelled and took out a small silver crystal. It glowed and the only thing anyone could see was a bright pink light.