Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Fairytales of the Stars ❯ The Lone Wolf ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Iris's Note: Hottan Meruhen (The Beginning of the FairyTale)
Neo-Queen Serenity: Welcome, friends of the moon, to Chapter One: The Lone Wolf. Here we meet the first of Neo-Senshis, the stubborn T'eani Bevill, and her Senshi Kouken(*), Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Kamen, and Sailor Chibi Moon.

A young black girl sat up in bed, yawning. She turned to look out the window to find that the sun was barely even above the dead grass of her apartment complex. This was becoming a nuisance to her, she was waking up earlier and earlier everyday. The girl got out of bed and went to brush her teeth.
"What's with you T'eani?" she murmured to herself as she prepared for school, "I never got up this early before. Must be sick."
With that, T'eani grabbed her CD player, in which was a Three Lights CD, and left. The door man waved good-bye as the schoolgirl adjusted her blue side bag and walked out. It was a quiet walk down the street, and T'eani reveled in it. This was the only time of the morning where she'd be fully awake and able to think clearly. Because as she crossed the street and passed the old Arcade-
"T'eani, T'eani!" a messy black girl stumbled up to her, buried under a pile of books and papers and various bric-a-brac. T'eani sighed.
"What now?"
"Look at this!" a book fell out the side of the mountain. T'eani caught it, looked at the cover, and threw it back in the pile. The new girl buckled under the weight of the papers and collapsed, revealing wild black hair, a blue headband, and their school fuku, a plaid blue and green skirt with a white top and red tie, "T'eani!"
"I told you the day I met you, Riku, I don't believe in the Sailor Senshis! How many times do you have to hear it!?!?"
"B-but, T'eani... look at this!"
-after school-
"Check this out!"
"No, listen! It's Tuxedo Kamen! Alias are... Tsukikage no Knight, Prince Endimion, King Endimion.. T'eani!"
"It's all a fairytale." T'eani said, walking further ahead of Riku, "Just a bunch of hocus pocus and mushie romantic speech of love and peace. Bleh."
"But... but he even had a human name! Chiba Mamoru!" T'eani came to a dead stop. Chiba Mamoru? That was her tutor's name. Heh, Mamo-sensei being a prince, a king even! The thought made her laugh, "Why are you laughing!?!? He even had a wife, Sailor Moon, Princess Serenity, Neo-Queen Serenity, and Tsukino Usagi, and a daughter, Chibi Moon... da da daaa.... Chiba ChibiUsa!"
"Hey!" T'eani shouted, frustrated at the strange accuracy, "Stop it already!"
"And cats, Luna, Artemis, and Diana!"
"Riku!" She screamed, knocking the book out of Riku's hands, "I'm tired of your stupid fairy tale! No more!"
T'eani burst into the apartments and stomped all the way up to her room. She threw the door open, slammed it shut, and proceeded in tearing her shoes off and stuffing her bag between her nightstand and bed. It was all a coincidence that everything Riku said matched her tutor's family, his name, Usagi's name, ChibiUsa's name, even their cats!
"What am I getting wild about?" she asked, calming down, "It's just a coincidence."
She sighed and looked at the three picture frames on top of her drawer, one of her and her parents, one of her and Riku, and one of her, Mamoru, Usagi, Chibi-Usa, Luna, Artemis, and Diana, all taken in front the apartments. T'eani took the picture with her parents and glared at it. They left 10 years ago in search of the truth behind the Sailor Senshis. Sailor Senshis, guardians of the galaxy.
"Feh. Some guardians. My parents left because of them, scouring the planet for a fairytale, what a lame reason to leave everything to a five year old."
She laid the picture face down on the drawer and went on to the next two.
"But I have a new family now, Riku and Mamo-sensei's families, but even then I'm an outcast, no one wants a loner. And I'm as lonely as it gets..."
"T'eani-obasan!" T'eani jumped, the little voice surprised her. She went to the door, opened it, and was knocked down by a pink haired rabbit-girl.
"ChibiUsa-chan! How's my favorite pink bug?" she joked, standing up with the little five year old in her arms. ChibiUsa giggled as T'eani softly nuzzled her hair.
"I'm not a bug! I'm a bunny!"
"Okay, okay.... buggy!"
"T'eani-obasan!" the little girl whined.
"Haha. Konnichiwa, T'eani-chan."
"Konnichiwa, Mamo-sensei."
-a while later-
ChibiUsa sat at one end of the table and ate a bowl of strawberry ice cream while Mamoru tutored a very quiet T'eani. He inquired what was wrong and she refused to answer. She didn't even look up at him. After the hour was over, T'eani immediately stood up and opened the door for them. Mamoru and ChibiUsa left, neither parties even saying good night. T'eani slid the glass panel open and walked out to her balcony. It wasn't very late, but the stars had started to show along with the moon as the clouds drifted by in the soft wind. The leaves rustled in the trees. This was a perfect spring evening, and she was in the worst mood ever. Damn.

NQ Serenity: This is the end of Chapter One of the FairyTale.
(*)- Kouken- guardian