Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Fairytales of the Stars ❯ The Vain Peacock ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

NQ Serenity: Welcome, friends of the moon, to Chapter Five of the Fairytale, 'The Vain Peacock'. In this chapter we meet our final inner senshi, Alex Chabek, and her senshi kouken, Sailor Venus.


"Fate has crossed our paths yet again, Miss Ayumi." a tall, hooded figure with a bloody wooden stake in one hand approached a young girl with dark strawberry blonde hair. The girl coward and held her hands over her head in defense.

"No! No!" She cried, "Please, I promise I won't tell! Just let me go!"

"Promises were broken before..." The figure gasped, "....and they can be broken again."

"Please!" The figure raised his stake hand over his head, but before the weapon struck, the girl screamed, "Cut!"

"Cut?!" cried a chubby man from behind a camera. He jumped up immediately, "Arekussu-kun! I understand that this is your first movie, but you're doing great!"

"I'm sorry." Alex, the girl, whimpered, "But I just don't feel ready for this."

"Not ready?!" Laughed the director, "You've been working with the great Aino Minako since you were able to speak!"

"Don't pressure her with my fame, Inuzai-san." A rhythmic click-clack of sunshine colored heels silenced the studio as the famous Aino Minako walked through the crew and crowd. Her flowing blonde hair shimmered even in the morbid darkness of the set, washing the crew over with awe. Alex rubbed her fog blue eyes, trying to readjust to the glow of her mentor, "Stand up."

Alex hastily stood and Mina straightened her up. After a thorough lecture, the movie went on without a hitch.


"What's up with you, Alex?" Mina asked as they drove away from the set in her gold, flame designed Pontiac Firebird, "You've been really off lately."

"I don't know what's wrong." Alex admitted, "I've been feeling... out of tune for some time. Like the stars are out of line."

"Out of line?" Mina echoed and looked up at the skies with a sort of longing look. It had been ten years since Mina had last called to or even talked about the stars. Ten years that she spent building a wall between then and now. She didn't want to go back to the way things were, although she would give anything to see her friends again. Those long battles and tough enemies were now close deadlines and picky editors for the magazines she modeled for. Their ever changing lives came to a halt and became more basic if anything. Now that the evil was sealed away from the cosmos, there was no longer any use for the Senshis. Even if the need for their powers arose, they were far too busy with their real lives to drop it all to save the world again. The thought brought tears to Mina's eyes, knowing that she may never see her friends or battle for the peace of the universe again.



"Are you okay?"




"Y ou just hit that stop sign..."
