Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Love of The Lion and The Serpent ❯ The Sorting/ More New Friends ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Love of The Lion and The Serpent

Chapter 3: The Sorting/ More New Friends

Disclaimers: I don't own HP and SM. They belong to their respective owners.


The sounds of laughter, chattering, and the clattering of forks and spoons are heard as Usagi and the rest of the first years followed Prof. McGonagall inside the Great Hall.

Usagi stared up at the hall's ceiling, enchanted to look like the vast sky outside. It was now a midnight blue-colored with several tiny stars adorning it since it was now night.

"Its amazing isn't it?" asked a voice besides the blonde-haired girl.

Usagi glanced besides her to find out that the owner of the voice was a girl with long pale blonde hair and wide blue eyes.

"Yes it is," agreed Usagi pleasantly.

"My name's Cho Chang," said the girl, smiling politely.

"My name's Usagi Serenity Cosmos," said Usagi.

"I see. Are you by any chance Japanese?" asked Cho.

"Yes I am," answered Usagi.

"I'm Japanese too!" exclaimed Cho, smiling. "Well half anyway, my mum's English,"

Usagi nodded her head in understanding, smiling at the same time. She was beginning to like Cho; the girl was nice, polite and friendly.

The two continued to chat as they and the other first years walked on the path towards the High Table, with Prof. McGonagall ahead of them.

Suddenly the Great Hall went silent as Prof. McGonagall walked up the platform and stood besides a worn, old-looking wizard hat on top of a three-legged stool. After a moment of silence, the brim of the hat zipped opened, much to the Usagi's surprise, as it straightened itself up and began to sing… (AN: I'm not good at making poems/songs so I'm going to skip the song part.)

When the Sorting Hat finished singing, it gave a short bow as everyone clapped enthusiastically.

Prof. McGonagall cleared her throat, signaling for attention. The hall then again went silent as everyone stopped clapping and paid attention.

Seeing that she had everyone's attention, Prof. McGonagall cleared her throat again and untied the scroll lying next to the Sorting Hat.

"Now, when I call your name, you are to walk up here and be sorted," she said and began to read the names:

"Bones, Jennifer,"

A pretty girl with long brown hair and blue eyes walked up the platform and sat on the stool. The Sorting Hat was placed then placed upon her head. After a while, the Hat shouted.


Those in Ravenclaw cheered and clapped as the blue-haired girl took of the Hat and approached their House Table and took a vacant seat.

After a few names, it was Cho's turn:

"Chang, Cho"

Cho approached the platform and waited nervously as the Sorting Hat was placed on her head.


Cho breathe a sigh of relief and gave Usagi a smile as she took of the Hat and took her seat besides Jennifer Bones.

"Cosmos, Usagi Serenity"

Usagi walked up the platform and waited as the Sorting Hat was placed on her head.

"Hello there Miss Cosmos," whispered a voice in her ear.

Usagi mentally jumped in surprise.

"Do not be afraid. It is only I, the Sorting Hat,"

Usagi smiled, relieved. Sensing her relief, the Hat continued.

"I sense strong powers in you my dear. Powers that even matched He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's, maybe even stronger if you trained enough. Powers that makes you worthy of being a Slytherin,"

"But I don't want power. I just want to make friends and be happy, like normal people,"

The Hat chuckled. "I doubt if you think having magical powers is normal but if its friends and happiness you wish for, I shall put you in…."


Those in Gryffindor cheered and clapped as Usagi took of the Hat and handed it to Prof. McGonagall.

"Good luck Princess…" the voice whispered in Usagi's ears as she made her way down the platform and towards the Gryffindor House Table.

'Did the Sorting Hat just called me a princess?' thought Usagi as she walked towards her table. Shaking her head, she added, 'No way. It must be my imagination,'

"Hey Percy," said Usagi politely as she took a seat besides the red-haired teen, noticing that he was also in Gryffindor.

"Hello Usagi," replied Percy. "Glad to see that the Hat chose you in Gryffindor,"

"Well," Usagi admitted. "The Sorting Hat didn't actually chose me in Gryffindor immediately. It wanted to sort me in Slytherin to be truthful,"

"Slytherin?" asked Lee as he approached their table and took a seat besides Usagi. He too was sorted in Gryffindor. He could not help but overhear the two's conversation. "Why would the Hat placed you with them?"

Usagi shrugged. "I don't know," she lied. "What's so bad about Slytherin anyway?"

"Let me put it this way, you don't want to mess with them," said Percy.

The boy sitting across Percy snorted. "You made them sound like they're superior compared to us Perce," said the boy.

"Don't mind him, Usagi. He's just sour about Marcus Flint, one of the Chasers in Slytherin," whispered Percy to Usagi before he looked at the boy and said, "And don't call me Perce,"

"Sure, sure. Whatever….Perce," said the boy, his warm hazel eyes sparkling merrily.

Usagi giggled at their antics. The two boys seemed to know each other quite well.

"By the way Usagi. This is Oliver Wood, Wood this is Usagi," said Percy, introducing the two.

"And you tell me not to call you Perce," muttered Oliver jokingly at Percy who rolled his eyes before he turned to look at Usagi. "Nice to meet you Usagi," he said and smiled.

Usagi blushed a pale pink that luckily went unnoticed. "You too," she managed to say in a calmed voice. Oliver was kind of cute, with his brown hair highlighted naturally with light brown streaks ('Probably from spending time outdoors,' thought Usagi) and clear hazel eyes that seemed to radiate warmth and kindness.

'She's kind of cute,' thought Oliver as he gazed into Usagi's eyes. They were an unusual color, two twin pools of pure silver that simply gleamed with wisdom and serenity. (AN: No pun intended.) Her hair is a golden color that looks as if it was made out of pure gold, how he longed to run his fingers across it, to know if it felt as silky as it looked.

'What am I thinking?' thought Oliver as he tried to shake off the thought, blushing at the same time. 'I just met her,'

'But you felt that you've known her forever, now didn't you?'asked a voice slyly in his mind.

'Now why would I think of that?' asked the boy mentally, a surprise look on his face. 'Who are you anyway?'

Oliver could hear the same voice chuckling softly. 'Why I am you Oliver, I am a part of you, a part of your mind that hasn't done anything…..yet'

"Oliver, Oliver," said Percy, snapping the brown-haired boy out of his thoughts.

"Huh?" said Oliver, noticing that Percy was waving a hand across his eyes.

"Are you ok Wood?" asked Percy, a concerned look on his face. "You seemed kind of out of it for a minute there,"

"I'm fine Perce. Don't worry about it," said Oliver, brushing Percy's hand out of his line of vision. "Is the Sorting Ceremony over yet?"

Percy nodded his head. "Just now, Prof. Dumbledore had already begun his speech,"

"Lucky for you that you've missed the Hogwarts introduction song," said Fred Weasley. He was also sorted also with his twin, George, in Gryffindor.

Percy shot Fred a look that told him to keep quiet and surprisingly, he did.

"……Now, let's eat and be merry!" said Prof. Dumbledore, an extremely old man that still had the energy of a youth's wearing purple robes, and clapped his hands twice.

As if by magic (AN: which it is), piles of different varieties of foods appeared on their table and soon, everyone began eating.

"Potatoes Usagi?" asked Lee, handing over the plate of mashed potatoes to the blonde-haired girl.

"Sure, thanks Lee," said Usagi as she took the plate of food from Lee and began piling some mashed potatoes on her own plate.

Unbeknownst to them, a boy about the same age as Oliver and Percy with short black hair and deep blue eyes was staring at them the whole time.

Much later, after the feast, all of the students, tired and sleepy, retreated to their respective common rooms for a good night's sleep. Usagi had changed into her pajamas, a pretty blue one with smiley faces, and crawled inside the covers of her bed before putting the hangings in place for a little privacy.

Usagi sighed against the warm comfort of her pillows before she fell into a deep sleep, knowing that tomorrow's going to be a big day….

~ Sakura ~ I know, I know. Its short, yes but I was in a lot of hurry writing this chapter. I promise that I'll make the next chapter longer and more interesting. Anyway, I won't be able to write any of the next chapter of my fics this week after this one cause my family is taking a vacation at Boracay for the weekend. ^-^ Sayanora minna! Flames are most likely accepted.

The pairings are the ff:


Usagi/Marcus (Flint)

Other pairings are NOT allowed. Also some of you guys were requesting Fred/Usagi, Lee/Usagi, and George/Usagi, it was tempting but I had to put my foot down. Although I like them three, I can't paired them with Usa here in this fic because I already promised myself I'll write either a U/O fic or U/M fic. But don't worry, I'll make a F/U, L/U or an G/U fic when I finish at least one fic okay?