Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Moon Senshi ❯ Only A Matter Of Time ( Chapter 5 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Sorry I haven't made fics in a long while.
1. was down [i cried]
3. I had a lot of ideas for fics

You guys should be looking forward to these songfics:

I Do [Sequel to Always Be My Baby]
Halfway 'Round The World [SailorMoon]
We're A Miracle [Harry Potter]
Symptoms of being a Sailor Moon FREAK!!! [chapters 1-2, SM]

TTFN! Ta Ta For Now lol!
-reads chapter four and snickers-

------Moon Senshi: Chapter 5------

The next day, the entire day was pretty normal. Usagi & Mamoru were among the many people in the park making out on the benches, groans and all [A.N. -hair sticking up in different places and dark circles under eyes- I'VE SEEN THE FUTURE!!! I AM SCARRED FOR LIFE!! THE MOVIES NEVER LIE!!!-runs around room in circles and falls flat on face- ouchies...-passes out-],all the inners and their protectors hid behind a bush behind them and watched the show [A.N. I couldn't resist!!!], while the outers and their protectors did their own thing.
But then, all of their communicators sounded. Usagi & Mamoru stopped making out, and the inners and the rest of them came out of the bush, and opened their communicators. It was Luna. "The Dark Tower is shining a radiant red, and earthquakes are occuring everywhere in Tokyo!" she cried. "I think that it's a good time to head over to the Tower. Queen Sniarre is preparing for our arrival," Deimos said. "Not yet; it's too early," Usagi said. "Great idea, Usagi! We shall go to the Dark Tower at 11 pm," Luna said, as she closed her connection. Usagi & Mamoru went off into their house and continued where they took off [A.N. -reads past sentence, shrieks and passes out again], and the rest went to Rei's temple, knowing that Usagi & Mamoru will return shortly. They did 5 hours after, and listened to the plan.
------The Meeting Before The Journey To The Dark Tower-------
They did all their henshin and hid in an alleyway. "Our tactics need to be planned out very carefully. We need two seperate groups of senshi, and the most powerful senshi must be with Usagi and Mamoru; they are what Queen Sniarre is after. The outer senshi, and 1 of their protectors each will go with Usagi and Mamoru, and the rest of you will go in seperate groups. If something comes up, then we all won't be too far, since the Dark Tower is very cluttered [A.N. I know, I didn't understand that either.]." They talked it over, and they agreed. The first group will be Sailor Mars and her protectors with Sailor Mercury and Sailor Cordelia, and the Second group will be Sailor Jupiter and her protectors with Sailor Venus and Sailors Pandora and Nereid. They would go at 11 o' clock, but now they would have to tell their families about the mission [in my fanfic, the families know about the fact that they are senshi], and that they might not come back. They all hung out, because this might be the last moments of life.

Ooh!! I can't wait to write the next chapter!!