Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The pain in my life ❯ Prologue: My life ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The pain in my life

By NeoangelSerene

This story is like a drama and romance… Serena's step-dad hits her everyday when she is alone with him and he done this since she was 11 years old. I don't own Sailor Moon… Naoko Takeuchi does…

The pain in my life

Prologue: My Life

My life has been painful since after my father death and my mother remarriage. Who am I? I'm Serena Serenity Tsukino, daughter of Kenji and Ikuko, sister of Sammy. It happen when I turned 10 years old. My father got in a car crash and was killed instantly, after that my mother got remarried to a guy named Michael Taiyo. As I got older Michael abused me, I told my mom about him, but she didn't believed me.

When I turned 12, we moved to Kyoto. I met a guy there who was about my age; he had blond hair and was a comic freak. My step-dad found out and slapped me and gave me bruises, then we moved to Tokyo, even since then he abused me. One day Sammy went to spend the night at a friend's and my mom went to Kyoto to help my aunt, leaving me alone with my step-dad. I ate dinner before him and went to my room and locked the door.

But somehow he managed to get in and he punched me, cut me, and kicked me. Days later I had nightmares, one him abusing and another of a death of a prince who called me Serenity. He put me in a rehab without my mom knowing, and I stayed there till I was 13. I was happy there and met friends till he took me out. When I got back home from the rehab, I dyed my hair totally black except for the ends and my hair went to my feet.

My mom had to leave again but this time I packed all my stuff I wanted to keep and ran off into the moonless night and since then I been happy. I moved into an apartment ten blocks away from my old home and hoped that my step-dad won't find me and come after me. I started to go to Juuban Junior High, after I turned 14.

And my life since I started school…

Serena seems happy now, but what if that ends soon? Find out in the next chapter!!!