Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Plan ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"The Plan"
By: ~Angel-Girlie~
Part 1 of 2 or 3
Rating: G-PG
Disclaimers: I don't own Sailor Moon.
Please don't sue me because I have no cash.
I only have a shiny penny, but IT IS MINE!!!!!!!
AN.- Hey Minna! This is an April Fool's fic that's been
zooming around in my head for weeks. As far as I know this is original,
so if it does seem similar to yours please let me know. I will remove
it if it is. Anyway...on with the show!
****************************************************************< br> Serena was walking through the park one sunny afternoon.
She was gazing off in space thinking about her life.
Her duties as Sailor Moon were hard, her brother treated her like dirt,
her studies at school were less then admirable, and she was a horrendous klutz.
Not to mention she was hopelessly in love with her tormentor, Darien. Serena startled out
of her daydream as she stumbled. She clinched her eyes together waiting to fall,
but instead she felt warm strong arms around her. She looks up to see mysterious
blue eyes staring at her. " I'm sorry." She managed to say after almost drowning
in those eyes. " It's alright, Meatball head, I figured you would klutz out when
I saw you a few minutes ago in front of me. Of course as soon as I saw you stumble
I thought I should catch you." Serena bolted right out of his arms as she realized
it was Darien Mr. Conceited Jerk himself. " Oh.... Darien! My name is Serena! Please
call me by my name!"
After staring at her missing her warmth Darien said, " Whatever, Meatball Head.
You could at least say thank you. I saved you from a nasty fall." Serena smiled
brightly then as she remembered her plan to shock Darien and everyone else. " Thank
you so much, Darien." She then leaned up to his face, and kissed his cheek before
spinning around. Serena left Darien to stare after her as she skipped away. > What
just happened here? Why did she kiss me? I have to find out! Hmmm....Step two in my plan. Oh. So we want to play the seductress do we. Two can play that game.
I'm going to use that mistake
to my full advantage. I wish we really were
a couple because I love you, Serena. Tomorrow I'll prove it!