Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Prank War ❯ It Starts ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon. (Pout) If I did, then Usagi would definitely have been a lot less ditzy, but she's not, so…I do not own Sailor Moon.

A/N: Hi! Well, this is yet another SM fic. I can't seem to finish one before I start the next. (Sigh) But I'm trying, so I guess that makes all the difference. Or not. Anyway, I'm looking for a beta, so if anyone wants to be my beta you can email me, otherwise, here's my story and please review!

Chapter 1:

People often think that espionage is a bad thing. An evil thing. Something that mothers say is one of the ultimate sins. Now, Usagi loved her mother. Well, her mothers. She really did, but in this case, she wasn't interested in hearing about the evils of espionage. Sure, it was wrong, but in this case it was damn useful. And what could be so wrong with something useful? Especially something that lets you spy on your boyfriend?

Usagi blushed with shame and then reasoned with herself. She wasn't spying, exactly. She wasn't. She was figuring out what he was doing, so that she could plan a counterattack. What he'd done to her had been wrong and mean and…well, as Ami would say, completely despicable. And she was going to get even. And then some. So, of course, she couldn't ask him up front or he'd be suspicious. And she definitely didn't want that, cause to pull off this prank she really needed the element of surprise. So, she'd resorted to espionage. And she'd dragged Minako with her. Not the smart thing really, she thought, as Minako accidentally smacked herself in the eye with the binoculars, but she did need a backup.

Usagi sighed as she watched Mamoru buy some bread from the nearby bakery. She rolled her eyes. Usagi really couldn't see why he would buy bread when he could make some. Makoto had taught him, that much she knew for sure, since he had used his newfound cooking skills against her. Evil jerk. Usagi looked over at Minako as Mamoru began to walk down the street to his next destination. "Minako," she hissed, elbowing the now sleeping blonde. No response. "Minako!" Minako mumbled slightly and shifted her head on the bench, which had become her temporary pillow. "A penny saved is a blanket stitched, right Mak-" Her sleepy question was cut off sharply by Usagi's elbow in her side. Minako became wide awake almost instantly. "Ow! Usa-chan! What did you do that for!?"

Usa leaned over and turned Minako's head to show her Mamoru's departure. It took a moment for it to sink in, but eventually the blonde caught on. "Oh. He's leaving. Well, I guess we should follow him then, eh Usa?" And with that she bounded off after their target, remembering halfway down the street that they were supposed to keep a low profile. Usagi rolled her eyes as Minako abruptly yelped and ducked behind a street pole as Mamoru turned around briefly. After a second, he turned back around, and Usagi thanked every deity she knew that he hadn't noticed them. Within seconds she had caught up with Minako and after nearly throttling her, they both resumed their mission. And as she weaved and ducked her way down the street, Usagi recalled the evil prank that had caused this prank war in the first place.

Two Days Ago…

Life was good. Yep, life was good. And it definitely couldn't get any better. The sun was shining, she was in her brand new bathing suit, her friends were with her, as well as Mamo-chan, and they were all at the beach. Life couldn't get any better...Oh wait, yeah it could. There could be some food! But, Usagi thought as she glanced around, there wasn't. Not a single crumb anywhere. What a crime. She could have sworn that Makoto had mentioned something about food, but she'd been too busy admiring her brand new bathing suit to really listen.

The blonde beauty pouted slightly, debating her course of action, as she lay on the gigantic beach blanket that she and the others had found on a shopping trip before the beach shopping trip. Her deep blue eyes narrowed slightly in thought as she wondered if it would be worth it to venture out of her very cozy spot. It took a while, after Haruka had kicked sand on her, somebody had nearly stepped on her (resulting in Haruka's attempt to kill said somebody), and she had been sprayed repeatedly with water guns, before she decided that her stomach couldn't take it anymore. She was hungry and she would be on the warpath if she didn't get food soon. Usagi stood up with a huff, and checked to make sure that her dark blue bikini hadn't gotten damaged while she was laying on the blanket. There was a small chance of that, but with the kind of evil eye that Mamo-chan had been giving her lately, she couldn't be sure. After a very thorough examination, she smiled in satisfaction and began to make her way over to her boyfriend who was playing volleyball with Makoto and a few others.

As Usagi reached them she took the time to look at the gorgeous tanned chest (drool), the very dark soft hair, and the eyes that seemed to smile just for her. No wonder she was in love. Who wouldn't be? She watched the game for a few moments, secretly cheering Minako and Makoto on, and waited for a point to be scored so that she could address the all important issue of food. As she waited for a point, she didn't notice the stares she got from other guys, the whistles, the pick up lines that were hurled from halfway down the beach, or the predictable glare from Haruka as she silently promised death to anyone who even thought about approaching her Koneko. It took a few minutes, but finally, the point was scored, and Usagi made herself known with a very loud cough. Mamoru turned, as did the others. "Hai, Usa?" His eyes were full of curiosity as he noticed that she had actually moved from her spot.

Usagi stood tall, well as tall as she could, and asked the all important question. "Where's lunch? It's past two, and I'm starving." Everyone sweat dropped briefly, and then regained their composure when they realized that she was right. Minako looked puzzled. Again. Mamoru could swear that if he had a dime for every time Minako looked puzzled then he would be a rich man. "Where is lunch Makoto-chan?" Makoto, in a dark green one-piece bathing suit, shrugged slightly and pointed at Mamoru. "I don't have it. Mamoru offered to make lunch, so I let him."

It took the girls a few minutes to recover from the shock. Mamoru? Cook? Makoto was their cook. She had always been. It was like an unwritten law. Mamoru? No way….Of course, Minako was the first one to speak what they all were thinking. "Mamoru? You? Cook? I didn't even think you knew how. I mean, guys don't know how to cook. Do they?" It was a unanimous sweat drop this time, as everyone fell to the ground. Mamoru shook his head slightly and blushed. "Guys can cook, Minako. They have to if they want to survive by themselves. And I've always known how to cook a little, I've just never really done it." Minako thought about it. There was a long pause. "Oh. Okay!"

Usagi looked curiously at her boyfriend. He cooked? Okay. That was a little weird. But she could deal with it as long as he produced the food and fast. "Mamo-chan?" Mamoru turned. "Hai, Usa?" Usagi took a very deep breath. Her stomach was killing her. "Where's the food?" Mamoru blinked and then blushed a rather interesting color that really looked like the sunset the night before a big storm. "Oh, it's in the bag. I'll have to get it." And with that, he rushed over and began to set out the food.

It was a short time before everyone had his or her plate, and was situated somewhat comfortably on the beach blanket. Usagi watched as the others began to dig in, showing how hungry they actually were. It's a wonder that they didn't jump him before now, and demand their food, she thought as Mamo-chan prepared her dish. She wondered why he'd done hers last. Usually, she was one of the first people who got their plates, because everyone knew what would happen if she was left hungry for too long. She wondered if this was a prank that Mamoru was trying to pull. Maybe he had messed with her food or something. She thought about that for a moment, as she watched him set down the tray and give her a disarming smile. Nah. He wouldn't. He knew better than to even think about messing with her food.

So, with a dismissive shrug, she picked up her fork and went at it. The next several minutes were filled with nothing but slurps, crunches, sighs, and then finally clattering noises, as everyone finished their meal. Usagi sighed in contentment as she finished her second helping that Mamo-chan had been nice enough to give to her. "Wow, Mamo-chan, that was great! I didn't know you were such a good cook!" Everyone nodded in agreement as the put away their dishes. As Usagi grinned in complete happiness, the others took their turn complimenting the chef. It wasn't until Rei turned to tell Usagi ask her what she thought about the dip, when she noticed something unusual. Well, not unusual really, just completely shocking. "Usa! What's…what's wrong with your hair?" Rei's voice came out more like a shriek than the normal tone she had attempted to use as she pointed at Usa's hair. Usagi blinked. Wha-? She looked at Rei as the other senshi turned to her and gasped in shock. "What's wrong with my hair?" When nobody answered she began to get worried and looked to the only one she was sure would give her an answer. Mamoru.

"Mamo-chan?" She turned to him, expecting for him to tell her that nothing was wrong, but instead….

she received a very suspicious smirk. Oh no. He didn't. He wouldn't! But…

Usa went pale as she realized that he had pulled a prank. He had to. Turning the color of off-white paint, she motioned for Minako to take out the mirror she always carried with her. With a weak nod, Minako complied and gave her the small compact mirror. Usagi closed her eyes briefly, hoping it wasn't that bad, and then with a small gulp she opened her eyes and gazed at what was once a great civilization of hair.

Her eyes went wide. He didn't! He didn't! But, he did. Usagi stared for one more moment, petrified, before she let out a very loud scream that echoed all the way down to the end of the beach.


End of Chapter 1.

Mwuahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!! I'm evil. I know it. I shouldn't leave a cliffy like that. But I guess I kinda have to. So, if you wanna find out what's going to happen review please!

If you review, I feel inspired, and if I am inspired, then you get another chapter. And if you get another chapter, you review. It's a nice circle, isn't it? Please review. I love feedback, whether it's good or bad. Thanks!!