Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Shows Gone to Hell!...Or Sailor Moon Bloopers ❯ Raye's day in the Spotlight. There's the spot, where's the light? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
New Episode: Raye's day in the spotlight
Attempt Number One: Let's all sale some charms

Kmoney: *Takes a nice deep breath* Okay ladies and germs, listen up and listen well. You all have some serious issues and I suggest that you get help.
Everyone else: O_o.
Kmoney: In other news, were ready to begin shooting. Where are my two cool scouts?
*Lita and Mina walk in wearing shrine clothes*Kmoney: Okay posistion, action.
Lita: Here ya go have a good day. *Hands a random girl a charm* Ahh.
Mina: What?
Lita: No matter how many times I have a broken heart a new love will appear.
Serena: Considering how much you fall in love, your heart will just go out before you turn twenty.
Mina: *Snicker*
Lita: HEY!
Kmoney: Serena! Your here too early!
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Attempt Number Two:

Kmoney: Action.
*After Lita hands the young girl the charm*
Lita: Ahh
Mina: Eeeehhh
Lita: Ahhh
Mina: Oooooooohh
Lita: *Looks at her out the corner of her eye* Ahh.
Mina: Moooooooooooo!
Lita: Okay that's it what's wrong with you!?Mina: *Playing with that little toy that makes noise of the animal where the little pointer lands*
Little toy: And the pig goes....OOOOOOOOOIIIIINK!Mina: Oink!
Lita: !^_^.
Kmoney: O_o. Do I really want to know?
Amy: I sure don't that's for sure.
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Attempt Number Three:

*Lita hands girl her charm*Lita: Ahh.
Mina: What?
Lita: No matter how many times I recieve a broken heart, a new love will appear before me.
*She waits*Lita: *Speaks louder* No matter how many times I recieve a broken heart, a new love will appear before me.
*Still nothing.*Kmoney: *Whispers* Mina, that's your cue to say something.
Mina: Gee, I know, but these temple clothes give you serious weggies.
Kmoney: *Stares* Okay so, who's ready for the next part.
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Attempt Number One: Grandpa Hino, How dare you.

Kmoney: Action.
*Serena and Amy come up the temple stairs*Serena: Hey guys whatca doing?
Lita: Selling charms.
Amy: Why?
Mina: Because Mina's at school selling herself for money and her grandpa asked us to help out.
Amy, Lita, Serena: Eh!
Serena: How can you be at school if your here?
Mina: What?
Kmoney: If never fails...
______________________________________________________________ _____________Attempt Number Two:

Kmoney: Mina, you screw up and I'll shove a hammer down your thoart.
Mina: *Gulp*
Kmoney: Now that were all on the same page, action.
*Serena and Amy walk up*Serena: Hey guys whatca doing.
Lita: Selling charms.
Amy: Why?
Mina: Because Raye's at school preparing for this special festival and he needed help.
*Grandpa Hino pops up*Grandpa: You just don't know how good these two are in bed.
Lita: WHAT!?Grandpa: I said you just don't know how good she cooks a mean egg.
Lita: Oh, thank you.
Grandpa: Would you like to help.
Serena: I would, but I can't remember all the seaman words.
Amy: Sermon.
Serena: That's a digimon, right?
Amy: Probably. Let's go check.
*The two walk off*
Kmoney: What the hell was that!? Get back here and finish this up--ahh forget it maybe Raye won't screw up!
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Attempt Number One: I fear for those that are ruled under Raye

Kmoney: I wanna see action, suspense, drama--no Serena I don't want to see your underwear--and romance.
Lita: Good luck at finding all that.
Kmoney: Thank you Lita, now get me a cookie.
Lita: SURE!
Kmoney: Now for the rest of you--Serena move--get in your places. Action!
*Raye stands on the stage ordering people around*Raye: You get that over there! *Points over there* You! Move that right there *Points right there* You get me a order of sushi, and it better be the good stuff, *Points at Mina off-stage*
Mina: Okay. *Walks off*Raye: *Smiles* Works everytime.
Kmoney: *Whining* Raye....
Serena: Raid works well.
Raye: She said Raye!Serena: I know, I just feel like being an ass.
Kmoney: Of course you would feel like that on one of the most important days of taping.
Serena: What's important about today?
Kmoney: Oh I don't. Does a bird made of pure fire ring a bell.
Serena: No.
Kmoney: I figured it wouldn't.
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Attempt Number Two:

*After Raye does all the ordering around. Serena and Amy appear and Raye is singing*
Raye: ANNNNNNNNND Ooooooooooo EEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOO, I'll always love you.
Kmoney: Wrong FUCKING song!
Raye: My bad.
__________________________________________________________________ __________Attempt Number Three:

*While Raye's singing*
Raye: Oooooooooohhhhh starry niiiiiiiight!
Serena: *Falls to knees* Can't....breath...ears are bleeding! *Covers ears* Can't hear....gone deaf....
Raye: Ha ha!
Kmoney: That's the spirit don't take that crap just laugh with her. *Laughs*
Raye: Shut-up and say cut!
Kmoney: Yes ma'am. CUT! *under breath* Damn pyros.
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Attempt Number Four:

*While Raye is singing*
Raye: Oooooooooooooooooooo staaaaaaaaaarrrry niiiiiiiiiiightttt.
*Lighting flashes and it just so happens to hit Raye and her hair catches fire*Raye: OH MY GOD HELP ME! HELP ME! HELP ME!*No one helps*Raye: WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE WAITING FOR!? HELP ME!
*Nothing*Mina: Gosh Raye, you'd think you'd be use to your own power by now.
Amy: I know.
Kmoney: Say? Where's Lita?
*In the shadows Lita dressed as Jupiter sneaks off*
Amy: Who knows?
*Raye is now rolling on the floor still screaming*Kmoney: Oh will someone put her out._______________________________________________________________________ _____Attempt Number One: Steal some eneryg and make it snappy.

Kmoney: *Looks at watch* Okay...action.
Allan: Pick a cardian Ann.
Ann: Okay Allan.
*Ann picks a card*Allan: Now don't tell me what it is, just put it back in the deck.
*Does so*Allan: *Pulls out her card* Is this your card?
Ann: Yes! That was my card! Your so good at those card tricks Allan, it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside playing with you.
Kmoney: *Stares in total shock along with many others* What the hell was that?
Amy: Something tells me we don't really want to know.
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Attempt Number Two:

*The two aliens pick their cardian and the crowd is being attacked*
Cardian: Yeah, take that, and that, and that, finally someone will notice my talents and I will be the star of the show.
Serena: *Under her chair* HEY!
Cardian: From now on the show is called Pretty Cardian, Cardian Mermaid.
Lita: That's got a nice ring to it.
Serena: Hey!Kmoney: FOR CRYING OUT LOUD PEOPLE! ITS GOING ON 1:00 in the morning. I want to go home! Were almost done just get this right!
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Attempt Number Three:

Kmoney: That's it, I'm a very lazy person, and if I'm not in the bed by three, all of your 'Sailor' powers will be revoked and you damn aliens will be banned from playing cards EVER again.Everyone: YOU WOULDN'T
Kmoney: I can and I will. Now get it right or suffer!
*Everyone in the adience energy gets suck and the scouts excluding Raye, who was being attack transform.*Jupiter: Supreme Thunder!Mercury: Mercury Bubbles!
*They free Raye*Jupiter: Man Raye you'd be dead without us.
Raye: *Mumbles* Yeah, yeah, don't get cocky.
Sailor Moon: I hate to interuppt.
Venus: Yeah me too, but
Moon and Venus: Watch out!Jupiter and Mercury: Oh yeah! SHIT!
*Get caught by cardian*
Raye: Who needs help now!?
Jupiter: I could have left you there to die and now your picking on me. Wait 'til I get free, just wait. I'm gonna kick your pyro ass from here to San Fransico!
*Behind them Venus and Moon poke at Raye then get caught as well*Raye: *Ignoring the threats from Lita* I'll get you stupid cardian.
Cardian: I'd like to see you try.
Jupiter: You wait 'til I get free. Your ass is mine. I'm gonna smear your heart all over this stage.
Moon, Mercury, and Venus: Ewe!
Raye: *Ignoring Jupiter* Mars Power! *Suits up*
Jupiter: *Continues evil threats*Mars: SHUT-UP! I can't work under these conditions I'm going to my room. *walks off set*Jupiter: Run! Run, you piece of shit! Run and spend what time you have left smartly 'cause when I get free, I'm comin' for ya Raye Hino, I'm comin' for ya!
Kmoney: Wow, Lita, your a very deadly person.
Jupiter: I am?
Kmoney: You need angry management, and fast. You all could use it. Except you two. *Points at Mercury and Moon*Venus: *Very sad like* I need help?
Kmoney: Mina, you've always needed help.
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Attempt Number Four:*All that good stuff happens were up to the part where Mars and the cardian face off*
Mars: Mars Fire Ignite!Cardian: I'm rubber your glue whatever you say bounces off me-IIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY!*The blast causes the other scouts to get free. The cardian stands*Cardian: OW!
*Cardian charges at Mars 'til the moonlight knight comes and tosses a rose and all that good stuff*MLK: Listen to me Raye.
Mars: How do you know my identiy.MLK: Not really a big secret or anything...I mean I said Mars...listen to me Mars, I want you and I want you now!
Mars: Really!?*They make-out*
Venus: Hmm?
Mercury: What?
Venus: This is an instresting scene that has unfold.
Kmoney: Instresting! No this is just sick! I mean that's Darien for crying out loud.
Moon: Darien....
MLK: Oh shit! *Runs off* Remember believe in yourself.
Mars: Right, my place tommorrow!
Kmoney: *Jumps out chair. Walks off*Jupiter: Where ya goin'?
Kmoney: I'm going home where sanity does still exist! *Leaves* You people can finish this up yourself.
Venus: *Jumps in chair* All right people your wasting my time chop chop. *Claps**Everyone gets up and leaves*
Jupiter: If she's leaving then I'm killing. *Looks evilly at Raye*
Mars: You remember.
Jupiter: If only happen ten minutes ago.
Mars: Look Amy's doing the moonwalk! *Points*Jupiter: *Turns around* What?
*Mars runs off*Mars: Sucker!Jupiter: Hey she played me for a fool. *Chases after her yelling threating things*
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