Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Love ❯ Chapter 02 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Unexpected Love

Title: Unexpected love 02

Author: Nouchi

Rating: PG for now

Feedback: Yes, please! Send it to

Disclaimer: Don't own SM, too bad ne?


Serena moaned as the man placed long, wet kisses across her face. She didn't know exactly how it had started but she knew one thing for sure; she wanted this moment to last forever. Darien smiled between the kisses as he heard Serena moan and encourage him to go further.

He moved from her face to her neck, sucking the flesh there soflty. He was satisfied when he heard a purr come from the girl. Feeling a bit more sure of himself, he worked his hands down her body, feeling her perfect curves.. Serena inched herself closer to Darien, wanting to feel his body against hers.

She then lifted his head and pressed her lips against his, enjoying the taste of his mouth. Darien pulled Serena to his lap, never ending the passionate kiss. His hands moved to her thighs and…

"Serena! Serena, wake up!" Luna yelled at the top of her lungs trying to wake Serena up. She had been calling her for a minute now and there were no signs of the girl waking up. Seeing it as a hopeless situation, Luna sighed again. Serena is too much. Damn girl, it's like she has cotton wool stuffed in her ears! If she doesn't wake up now she is going to be late for school… again.

The cat jumped on Serena's bed from her table and leaned near her ear. If this doesn't wake her up, I don't know what else willr. Coughing a little, she took a deep breath and screamed at the top of her lungs at the sleeping girl.

"AAAH! Somebody help me!" Serena sat up immidietely, startled by the scream. She scanned the room quickly to look if there was someone inside, but only saw the cat that lay on the floor with it's eyes wide. "Luna! What are you doing?! I nearly got a heart attack!" She yelled as she got out of the bed rubbing her eyes.

The cat scowled and looked at Serena with an annoyed look on her face. "You didn't want to wake up, so that was the only thing that could wake you up! Besides, school is starting in less than ten minutes and you're still here, Serena!"

Serena's eyes nearly popped out when she heard that. Oh my God, ten minutes! I'm never gonna make it on time! Suddenly wide awake she quickly pulled her uniform out of her closet and dashed to the bathroom to prepare. Two minutes later she runned out of the bathroom and took her schoolbag before saying a quick 'goodbye' to Luna and stumbled down the stairs.

Her parents blinked several times when they saw her coming down the stairs, and the next second she was out of the door, not even noticing that they were there. Her mother sighed and shook her head. "That girl will never change." All her father could do was nod in surprise.

Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God! Serena reapeted the words in her head as she runned with unreal speed down the street. I'm in deep trouble. Miss Haruna is gonna be so mad at me! She was too busy mentally yelling at herself that she didn't notice the figure walking in front of her. THUG!

"Ah!" Serena fell on the ground, spinning cirkels appearing in her eyes. She rubbed her head furiously as she got up cursing at the person who bumped against her. "Can't you watch where you're going, you jerk!" She cried loudly as she cleaned the dust off her clothes.

"You…" She didn't finish her sentence as she saw who she had bumped against. Darien.. Suddenly images of her dream appeared in her mind and her face went pale. She looked at her feet, suddenly feeling slightly uncomfortable.

Get real, Serena, it was just a dream! She scowled at herself and looked up at him again, trying to sound and look normal. Her voice came out as a squeek as she coughed but she quickly got a hold of herself and put her normal voice back on, and an annoyed face.

"I'm sorry, Serena" Darien mumbled and walked past her. She wanted to yell at him again but stopped when she heard what he said. She looked at him confused for a few seconds before she snapped out of her shocked state. Whoa! What the hell what that?!

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?!" she blurted out before she realised and Darien stopped and looked at her with a puzzled look on his face. Apparently he didn't understand what she meant and waited for her to continue, still not saying a word.

"What's wrong with you all of a sudden?" she asked as she crossed her arms and at the same time trying to read something in his syes. Darien just stared at her blankly for a few seconds and turned again to leave. All Serena could do was stare at his back with her jaw dropped. She runned after him and stood in front of him, a determined look glued on her face. "School" Darien said and Serena looked at him quizically. "School, Serena. You're going to be late for school"

For the second time that morning, Serena's eyes looked as if they were about to pop out of their lockets. Less than a second after that she running down the street with more speed than a few minutes ago. That jerk! Why did he have to get in my way! She turned pale as she thought of all the homework she would get as a punishment.

"Serena, you are late, again!" Serena winced. She had expected her teacher to say that. Of course she was used to the words after all those times she had been late. She sighed and said the normal, "I'm sorry, Miss Haruna," and she walked to her seat. By the look of her teachers face, she knew she wasn't going to get out of the house after school. Serena growled as she sat on her chair.

During the lessons Serena couldn't help but think of her dream. Why did she suddenly dream of Darien, she had never dreamt of him before. Her eyes glazed over as she remembered the gentle carresses he had given her, the passionate kisses.. Her eyes slowly closed as she allowed herself to get a clearer image of the moment.

Wait a minute.. She opened her eyes quickly. Why am I thinking about that? Out of all the people, Darien! Why couldn't it be someone like Andrew? He's kind, caring and also very cute! She smiled as she remembered Andrew and tried to replace Darien's face with his but failed. She growled and noticed that everyone in the class was already packing their things.

Wow, the time went fast! She stood and packed her own things and she silently slipped out of the classroom before Miss Haruna noticed her. She grinned as she walked to her locker quickly, hoping that her teacher wouldn't notice she was gone. No detention!

"You're lucky Miss Haruna didn't see you, Serena," she heard a voice say behind her, "or you would have detention again plus a lot of homework." Serena turned around to see Molly grinning at her with Ami next to her. "Yeah," she replied happily as they walked out of the school. On their way home they talked about their usual stuff and laughed together. Molly and Ami shook their heads at Serena, that girl was just too weird. Serena suddenly felt as if someone was watching her. She quickly turned around and looked around for a moment but she didn't see anyone.

"What's wrong?" Molly asked, turning to see what Serena was looking at. Serena shook her head. "Nothing, I just thought I heard something." Molly shrugged and they continued with their walk back home.

Darien shot upright on his bed, suddenly awoken by his dream. Damn it, he cursed. That was the third time had dreamt of Serena. He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. But he knew that the dreams disturbed him. And they weren't the most innocent dreams he was having.


Was he starting to have feelings for the blond girl? Impossible, I can't be falling for that annoying meatball head. He used her nickname on purpose.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair a few times before falling back on the bed.

This morning he had tried to avoid her, but failed when she bumped against him. He hadn't yelled at her like he normally would, he just walked on. He could see that his actions had surprised Serena but he was too busy with his thoughts to worry about that.

Then he had seen her after school. He couldn't help but look at her longer than he normally would. Who was he kidding, normally he wouldn't even waste his time to look at her. The way she talked, laughed. Everything about her was so.. So what, Darien?

Frustrated, he went to the kitchen and prepared coffee for himself. They were just dreams, he assured himself. He wasn't going to let his day get spoiled by a couple of dreams. Tomorrow, things will be back to normal, he told himself again, this time feeling more sure of himself.
