Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Untiled ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
An: Hey everybody!!!! Sorry this took so long to get out but school was being a pain (stupid math teacher...calling home telling my mom I'm in danger of failing the class. Which I didn't fail!) and I didn't have time to write this out... Sorry!!! Please forgive me!!!! Ok so the vote are in and no one can change them. No recounts!
LiL Chika: And the winner is... Wait!!!
Herro(omg..he's a hottie with da body!! lol!!): What's wrong?
LiL Chika: *sniff sniff* I need a drum roll.
Wufei: Weak onna(is that how you spell it?? if not I'm trying to write woman in Japanese).
LiL Chika: *rolls her eyes* ummm yea ok...I'm still waiting for my drum roll.
Wufei: ....Fine!!
::Wufei goes behind the drums and makes a drum roll:::
*Drum roll sound*
LiL Chika: And the winner is.......GOHAN!!!!!!!!!!!
LiL Chika: The votes look like this.....
First Place was Gohan with: 8 votes
Second place was Vegeta with: 5 votes
Third place was Trunks with: 4 votes
Fourth place was Goten with: 3 votes
Tied in last place was Goku and Piccolo with: 1 vote.
LiL Chika: I'm sorry to say..I'm not a piccolo fan..not at all..if I would ever write a fic with him as the main character paired with would be a very very bad fic. and I might try to write a Goku and Serena fic later on in the future.
Herro: On with the fic.
P.S The character that died wasn't Gohan Callsito Star. But in this chapter the character that died will be told. I would made it Vegeta since he came in second place..but it wouldn't be right due to the fact if Serena was going to marry Vegeta she would have to be a lot older that Gohan. And due to age it wouldn't be right it have Serena go with Gohan. So Vegeta still alive and someone else will take his place.

I don't own anyone in this fic expect me and the storyline.

Serena: 20
Trunks: 20
Gohan: 20
Goten: 19 (Had to change his age by a lot. Sorry)
Inner Scouts: 20
Outer Scouts: 24 (not sure yet if there going to be in the fic)
Darien: 23 (Not sure if he might be in the story either)

Untittled*still need a name*

*Last time*
It's was the last picture of us. I stop looking at the picture and took off my shirt and took off my pants until I was in my boxer. I feel on my bed and went to sleep until....

Serena's point of view

I could believe it wasn't that I couldn't believe it. It was because I wouldn't believe it. We were so happy together.
How many days,minutes, hours has it been since he....died?
All I remember was coming home after he died and lock my self in my room. I haven't came out of my room for anything. I'm so glad that I had a built in bathroom made when I was 17. I got up from my bed and looked at the calendar. A week..a whole week I been up here. Hear my mom on the other side of the door begging me to come and eat something. Any minute my friends should be coming to ask me to eat something like the always have for the past week. I look my desk is a picture of us...Trunks and me. We were so happy. But that happiness was ruin by one girl with a gun. Her name was Brittany. Trunks ex-girlfriend. Trunks broke up with her because she cheated on him. That's when Trunks and I got together. Brittany never forgave him for going out with me. She wanted him back. She always threaten us. But we never give it much thought all her threats. We thought she wouldn't do anything. After a year she stop with the threats saying she'll have her way one day. Two years later Trunks ask me to marry him. Brittany found out and was mad. Really mad. I didn't think she would do anything stupid...but she proved me wrong. Gohan and Trunks were at the movie store returning some movies before Trunks had his party. All the sudden she comes in and says hi to him. It was a normal chat. Then when Gohan and Trunks were leaving she followed them to Trunks car to say bye. That's when it happen. Brittany pulls out a gun and points it to Trunks head. She said for him to get into the car or she would shot him, Gohan and anyone else around. Trunks didn't want anyone hurt. So he got in the car. Brittany took the keys and drove off with him. You would think she take him to some kind of hide out and kidnap him or something like that but, no she took him to the highest cliff in Tokyo. She parked there. Trunks probably tried talking to her. Try to make her believe what she was doing was wrong and that she should stop it at once. She didn't listen. She just laugh like crazy and took out her gun and shot him six times in different spots. But Trunks being a not totally human lived thought it. So that when she drove it over the cliff and shot the engine. The car went on fire. Killing Trunks and Brittany. The Bitch. Shbicthe had to have Trunks and if she couldn't have one could. I remember Gohan telling me this...he tried following them but was to late because Brittany friends kept trying to shot him. Gohan...he probably blames himself for all this. He should know it not his falut..but that would never stop him from blaming himself.
*Knock knock*
Serena: Who's there?
Person outside of serena's door: Serena, it's Gohan. Please open the room.
Serena: No...just leave me alone.
Gohan: You have to get out of that room. Even if I have to rip your door open.(Serena knows about them sayins. Is that spelt wrong?)
Serena: Your not going to rip down my door.
Gohan: You bet I will. I even have your dad word saying that I can rip down this door.
Serena: That's never good. Ok...I'll open the door.
*unlocks the door*
Gohan: See it's not that hard.
*Serena smiles weakly*
Gohan: Come on there food downstairs with your name on it.
Serena: Ok...
*All the sudden Serena runs in the bathroom*
Gohan: Are you ok Serena?
*Serena doesn't answer*
Gohan: Serena??
*Gohan walks over to the bathroom*

Gohan point of view
After Serena didn't answer me when I called out to her form her room. I walk over to the bathroom to see what was wrong. As I walked in all I was Serena leading over the toilet like she just threw up or something.
Gohan: Serena are you ok?
She looked up at me with her eyes and I could she she was scared to tell me. But why..we never kept anything from each other..we been best friends ever since we were five years old. 15 years of friendship and no matter what she would tell me everything that was happening to her. Even after all that happen to her in the past week. You think she wouldn't keep anything from her best friend. But she looked so scared to tell me like I would just leave her and never come back. Just like what her ex-boyfriend..Darien(ew ew ew...I made him know in my fic...ew...sorry to all Darien lovers reading this but Darien is just an eww..ok he beyond ew but I'm trying to be nice.) The jerk left her with no reason of braking up...comes back months later wanting to come back to Serena..claiming that he had a dream that told him to stay away from Serena. That no reason to brake up with someone.
Gohan: Serena are you sick?
*Serena shakes her head no*
*Gohan thinks for a moment*
Gohan: OH MY GOD SERENA!!! Don't tell me your pregnant!?!?!?!

An: MUHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!! You'll never know the answer until I write out my next chapter!! Please review!!! E-mail me a review anything...just review. Happy Hanukkah to everyone who's jewish..Happy Hanukkah to you even if your not Jewish. Happy Hanukkah to me (because I'm Jewish!!) Later.
LiL Chika