Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Whirlwind of Fate ❯ Whirlwind of Fate ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Title: Whirlwind of fate
By: Silver sun
Genre: Alternate Reality
Rate: PG
Disclaimer: all the characters belong to...ME! I'm just kidding,
Gee, don't put me in jail just yet, Fine I'll say it, they
belong to..M.....No, not the nose, fine, They belong to the
goddess Naoko Takechi..There, ya happy?
AN: This is the result of my very badly running nose, and puffed
throat, so don't sue me, if it's bad.....

In Chapter 1...
4 years later, I graduated.
I became a writer.
I got rid of my glasses, not because his opinions mattered.
Because I was convinced that I have beautiful eyes.
Raye, Amy and Lita were still my best friends. Lita got a job at
a restaurant, Amy became a doctor, being the smartest of us all,
and Raye, who would have thought became a singer.
But there was someone else in my life who made me happy.
Seiya is his name. My boyfriend.
I met him at a book signing session. It was my first publish so
not many people came, he was one of the few people. Then he
asked me out, and now we live a happy life.
I gave up my wondrous love silly dream. Seiya was the kind of
boyfriend who made me happy, who helped me through my toughest
This is what I've always dreamt about when I was little.
Life was good.
Until' someone else had to come back and enter the picture.
Darien Chiba
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< br> Whirlwind of Fate
Chapter 2
By: Silver Sun
E-mail: (I think I'm trying to hint
Four years of working had been finally paid off. I wasn't just
any writer any more, I was a script writer for a Hollywoods
movie. Romeo and Juliet. The name of the famous Shakespears'
play brought a strange tingling feeling to my ears.
I couldn't believe it, I'd made it. No, we'd made it, Raye,
Lita, Amie, Seiya and I, we'd made it to Hollywoods.
Everything around me was just some blurry dots, with colours. My
stomach had turned into some slimy liquid, and my knees were
shaking madly.
The man standing before me was no more than thirty, standing
straight up, he shook my hand, his sandy blond hair fell into
his face. His eyes were grey and welcome. I felt certain warmth
through his gaze, and to think that my future depended in this
man's hands. My stomach gave a little squeeze. 'It's no time to
back out now, you can do it' I told myself firmly.
"Nice to meet you, Miss Tsukino, I'm Andrew Furuta. Please sit
down" He said, his voice was incredibly friendly.
"Nice to meet you too, Mr. Furuta"
"About the rules and regulations...-He paused. I concentrated on
his face - OK, I don't want to bore you with all this rules and
regulations stuff. Why don't you just tell me what you want to
tell me?"
I was startled, the man had certainly surprised me.
"Um...I have no questions..."
"None at all?"
"um...Maybe one, who's the director?"
He laughed and I failed to see what was so funny.
"It's a funny thing you ask, because the man himself asked me
who the script writer was"
"He did?" I asked.
"He did. He said he'd never ever read such a damned brilliant
I blushed, my face shaded a little.
"He's a friend of yours?"
"He's a friend alright, but he is a puzzle, I tell you, can
never figure him out. Wait 'till you meet him yourself, and then
I'll let you judge"
I heard a light knock on the door. Turning around I saw a
familiar pair of blue eyes. The mesmerising blue, the deep and
mysterious blue, as blue as the depth of the sea.
"Speak of the devil, Ms.Tsukino, I'd like you to meet Darien
Chiba, Romeo and Juliet's director."
"Hello, Serena, long time no see" His voice, My God, his voice,
the voice that been haunting me for years. My God, the voice,
and the smile, and the eyes.
Two words slowly formed in my head.
Darien Chiba.
After four years....
I went numb. My mind, my heart, my eyes, my ears had altogether
stopped working.
Everything was dissolving. I saw blobs of green and red.
I couldn't see, couldn't hear. The last thing I could make out
was Andrew's voice fading in the background.
I had fainted.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
I opened my eyes and found myself staring straight into two
pools of blue. I felt dizzy, and then like pieces of a puzzle,
everything came back to me.
Darien Chiba was back into my life.
Even worse, he was the director of the movie, my movie.
We'd be working together for nine months.
Then I remembered that he was looking at me intensely. He was
holding me, a worried expression held in his dark blue eyes.
His eyes. They somehow looked different to what I'd remembered.
Then I realised how close we were. I could smell his brilliant
cologne, surprisingly he still wore the same cologne. He sure
must have had a thing for roses.
I sat up, angry at myself for remembering what kind of cologne
he used.
That was when I gave myself a chance to look at him.
He'd changed.
He wasn't just a good-looking guy any more, he was a handsome
man now. Times had done a lot to him. He was wearing a businiess
suit, that was so well-made for him, his hair was messily
tousled, may be he hadn't changed that much.
He smiled at me, and I smiled back.
Funny, I could just imagine Raye and Lita swooning all over him
"Klutz-attack again, Meat Ball head?" He said. After all those
years, he still had that mockery in his voice, but it was
somehow different, almost like sincerity wwas hidden in his
I looked at him, wide-eye. I felt awkward. How was I to act now?
What was I to do?
May be, just may be, we could start all over again. May be, just
may be, we could really be good friends this time.
Yes, we would be friends.
I'd never felt such strong confidence in my voice. I spoke
clearly, and firmly.
"Hello Darien, long time no see"
To be continued...
A.N: I'm very sorry to say that....there will be no chapter 3,
if I don't at least get 1 e-mail!!
*Wails*, send me e-mails, would u?